--- MTPE: FanLin Date: 2024-01-19 --- # Pipeline Issues This page provides solutions to some common issues you may encounter when using the pipeline feature. ## Error when running a pipeline High network communication delay can lead to pipeline running errors, if Jenkins and the application are deployed in different data centers. The error message is similar to: ```console E0113 01:47:27.690555 50 request.go:1058] Unexpected error when reading response body: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout or context cancellation while reading body) error: unexpected error when reading response body. Please retry. Original error: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout or context cancellation while reading body) ``` __Solution__ : In the pipeline's Jenkinsfile, change the deployment command from __kubectl apply -f__ to __kubectl apply -f. --request-timeout=30m__ . ## Update __podTemplate__ image of built-in Labels The Workbench declares 7 labels through podTemplate: __base__ , __maven__ , __mavenjdk11__ , __go__ , __go16__ , __node.js__ , and __python__ . You can specify a specific Agent label to use the corresponding podTemplate. If the image in the built-in podTemplate does not meet your needs, you can replace or add the container image in the following ways: 1. Go to the __Container Management__ module and click the name of the cluster where the Jenkins component is running. 2. In the left navigation bar, click __ConfigMaps & Secrets__ -> __ConfigMaps__ . 3. Search for __jenkins-casc-config__ and click __Edit YAML__ in the Actions column. ![screen](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/amamba/images/faq01.png) 4. Under __data__ -> __jenkins.yaml__ -> __jenkins.clouds.kubernetes.templates__ , select the podTemplate whose image you want to change. ![screen](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/amamba/images/faq02.png) 5. Once you have made the necessary updates, go to __Workloads__ section and restart Jenkins deployment. ## Modify dependency source in __settings.xml__ in Maven? When use Maven as the pipeline build environment, most users need to modify __settings.xml__ file to change the dependency source. You can follow these steps: 1. Go to the Container Management module and click the name of the cluster where the Jenkins component is running. 2. In the left navigation bar, click __ConfigMaps & Secrets__ -> __ConfigMaps__ . 3. Search for __amamba-devops-agent__ and click __Edit YAML__ in the Actions column. 4. Modify the __MavenSetting__ under the __data__ section as per your requirement. ![screen](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/amamba/images/faq03.png) 5. Once you have made the necessary updates, go to __Workloads__ and restart Jenkins. ## Unable to access private image repositories when building images through Jenkins ### Podman runtime 1. Go to the Container Management module and click the name of the cluster where the Jenkins component is running. 2. Click __ConfigMaps & Secrets__ -> __ConfigMaps__ in the left navigation bar in order. 3. Search for __insecure-registries__ and click __Edit YAML__ in the Actions column. 4. Configure under the __registries.conf__ file in the __data__ section. Pay attention to the formatting and indentation when making modifications. Each registry should have a separate __[[registry]]__ section, as shown in the image below: ![faq-ci1](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/amamba/images/faq04.png) !!! note The value of the __registries__ keyword should be the complete domain name or IP address of the container registry, without adding the __http__ or __https__ prefix. If the container registry uses a non-standard port number, you can add a colon __:__ followed by the port number after the address. ```toml [registries] location = "registry.example.com:5000" insecure=true [registries] location = "" insecure=true ``` Refer to [Podman documentation](https://podman-desktop.io/docs/containers/registries/insecure-registry). ### Cluster runtime is Docker 1. Open the Docker configuration file. On most Linux distributions, the configuration file is located at __/etc/docker/daemon.json__ . If it doesn't exist, please create this configuration file. 2. Add the repository address to the __insecure-registries__ field. ```json { "insecure-registries": [""] } ``` 3. After saving, restart Docker by executing the following commands: ```bash sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart docker ``` !!! note Refer to [Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/dockerd/#configuration-reload-behavior). ## How to modify the number of concurrent running of Jenkins pipelines Currently, the number of concurrent running of Jenkins pipelines after DCE 5.0 deployment is 2. The following will describe how to change the number of concurrent running: 1. Go to the Container Management module, find the cluster where the Jenkins component is located, and click the cluster name. 2. Click __ConfigMaps & Secrets__ -> __ConfigMaps__ in the left navigation bar in order. 3. Search for __jenkins-casc-config__, and click __Edit YAML__ in the operation column. 4. Modify the value under the __data__ -> __jenkins.yaml__ -> __jenkins.clouds.kubernetes.containerCapStr__ field. ![jenkins001](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/zh/docs/amamba/images/jenkinsadd.png) 5. After the update is completed, go to __Workloads__ to restart Jenkins. ## Unable to update pipeline running status in time In the pod of Jenkins, there will be a sidecar container named `event-proxy`, which sends Jenkins events to the workbench through this container. Currently, Jenkins installed by dce5-installer will enable this container by default. Of course, you can also choose to create Jenkins yourself in the Addon module of the Container Management Platform (this is usually used when Jenkins is deployed in the working cluster). When creating, you can also choose whether to enable this container. Based on whether this container is enabled or not, please check whether the different configmaps are correct: ### The event-proxy container is enabled 1. Go to the Container Management module, find the cluster where the Jenkins component is located, and click the cluster name. 2. Click __ConfigMaps & Secrets__ -> __ConfigMaps__ in the left navigation bar in order. 3. Search for __jenkins-casc-config__, and click __Edit YAML__ in the operation column. 4. Search for `eventDispatcher.receiver` in __data__ -> __jenkins.yaml__, its value should be `http://localhost:9090/event`. If Jenkins is deployed in the working cluster (need to penetrate the gateway of DCE 5.0), you also need to check the following configmaps. 5. Query the configmap named __event-proxy-config__ again, check YAML, and the configmap description: ```yaml eventProxy: host: amamba-devops-server.amamba-system:80 # This is the gateway address of dce5. If it is Jenkins installed by dce5-installer, this does not need to be modified proto: http # This is the gateway protocol of dce5 (http or https) ``` 6. In the cluster where Jenkins is located, search for the secret __amamba-jenkins__ in __ConfigMaps & Secrets__ -> __ConfigMaps__. 7. Check whether the __event-proxy-token__ in the secret is correct. This Token is used for the gateway authentication of DCE 5.0. If it is incorrect, Jenkins will not be able to send events to the workbench. For how to generate this Token, you can check [Access Key](../../ghippo/user-guide/personal-center/accesstoken.md). If all the above configmaps are correct, but the status of Jenkins pipeline still cannot be updated, please first check the container log of __event-proxy__ in Jenkins. ### The event-proxy container is not enabled 1. Go to the Container Management module, find the cluster where the Jenkins component is located, and click the cluster name. 2. Click __ConfigMaps & Secrets__ -> __ConfigMaps__ in the left navigation bar in order. 3. Search for __jenkins-casc-config__, and click __Edit YAML__ in the operation column. 4. Search for `eventDispatcher.receiver` in __data__ -> __jenkins.yaml__, its value should be `http://amamba-devops-server.amamba-system:80/apis/internel.amamba.io/devops/pipeline/v1alpha1/webhooks/jenkins` where `amamba-system` is the namespace where the workbench is deployed.