--- MTPE: FanLin Date: 2024-01-15 --- # Create a Pipeline This section will provide a step-by-step guide to create a pipeline through editing, building, and deploying, enabling you to quickly set up a pipeline. ## Prerequisites - You need to create a workspace and a user. This user should join the workspace and be assigned the __Workspace Editor__ role. Refer to [Creating Workspace](../../ghippo/user-guide/workspace/workspace.md) and [Users](../../ghippo/user-guide/access-control/user.md). - Create two credentials that can access the container registry and the cluster, named: __registry__ and __kubeconfig__ respectively. For more information on creating credentials, refer to [Credential Management](../user-guide/pipeline/credential.md). - Prepare a GitHub repository and a DockerHub repository. ## Create credentials 1. Create two credentials on the __Credentials__ page: - docker-credential: Username and password for accessing the container registry. - demo-dev-kubeconfig: To access the Kubernetes cluster using this kubeconfig. 2. After creation, you can see the credential information on the credential list page. ## Create a custom pipeline 1. Click __Create Pipeline__ on the pipeline list page. ![Create Pipeline](../../amamba/images/pipelin01.png) 2. In the pop-up dialog box, select __Create a custom pipeline__ , then click __OK__ . ![Custom Pipeline](../../amamba/images/pipelin02.png) 3. Enter __test-demo__ as the pipeline name on the __Create a custom pipeline__ page. ![Basic Info](../../amamba/images/pipelin03.png) 4. Add three string parameters in __Build Parameters__ , these parameters will be used in the image build command. - registry: Container Registry address. Example value: __release.daocloud.io__ . - project: The project name in the container registry. Example value: __demo__ . - name: The name of the image. Example value: __http-hello__ . ![Build Parameters](../../amamba/images/pipelin04.png) 5. After adding, click __OK__ . ## Edit pipeline 1. Click a pipeline's name on the pipeline list page. ![Pipeline List](../../amamba/images/editpipe01.png) 2. Click __Edit Pipeline__ in the upper right corner. ![pipelisetting](../../amamba/images/editpipe02.png) 3. Click __Global Settings__ in the upper right corner. ![pipelisetting](../../amamba/images/editpipe03.png) 4. Set the type to __node__ , and label to __go__ , then click __OK__ . ![pipelisetting](../../amamba/images/editpipe04.png) 5. Add stage -> Pull Source Code. - Click __Add Stage__ on the canvas. Set the name in the stage settings on the right to: git clone. - Click __Add Step__ , select git clone under step type in the pop-up dialog box, and configure the relevant parameters: - Repo URL: Enter the GitLab repository address. - Branch: If not filled in, the default is the master branch. - Credential: If it is a private repository, you need to provide a credential. ![Add Stage](../../amamba/images/quickstart01.png) 6. Add stage -> Build and Push Image. - Click __Add Stage__ on the canvas. Set the name in the stage settings on the right to: build & push. - In the step module, select to enable __Specify Container__ , fill in the container name __go__ in the pop-up dialog box, then click __OK__ . ![Specify Container01](../../amamba/images/quickstart02.png) - In the step module, select to enable __Use Credential__, fill in the relevant parameters in the pop-up dialog box, then click __OK__ . - Credentials: Select the Docker hub credentials you created for accessing the container registry. - Password Variable: PASS - Username Variable: USER ![Use Credential01](../../amamba/images/quickstart03.png) - Click __Add Step__ to build the code, select __shell__ under step type in the pop-up dialog box, and enter the following command in the command line, then click __OK__ . ```go go build -o simple-http-server main.go ``` - Click __Add Step__ to build a Docker image according to the Dockerfile in the source code, select __shell__ under step type in the pop-up dialog box, and enter the following command in the command line, then click __OK__ . ```docker docker build -f Dockerfile . -t $registry/$project/$name:latest ``` - Click __Add Step__ to log in to the container registry, select __shell__ under step type in the pop-up dialog box, and enter the following command in the command line, then click __OK__ . ```docker docker login $registry -u $USER -p $PASS ``` - Click __Add Step__ to push the image to the container registry, select __shell__ under step type in the pop-up dialog box, and enter the following command in the command line, then click __OK__ . ```docker docker push $registry/$project/$name:latest ``` 7. Add stage -> Deploy to Cluster. - Click __Add Stage__ on the canvas. Set the name in the stage settings on the right to: deploy. - In the step module, select to enable __Specify Container__ , fill in the container name __go__ in the pop-up dialog box, then click __OK__ . ![Specify Container02](../../amamba/images/quickstart04.png) - In the step module, select to enable __Use Credential__ , fill in the relevant parameters in the pop-up dialog box, then click __OK__ . - Credentials: Choose the kubeconfig type credential. - kubeconfig Variable: If you are using the kubectl apply deployment method, the variable value must be KUBECONFIG. ![Use Credential02](../../amamba/images/quickstart05.png) - Click __Add Step__ to deploy to the cluster, select shell under step type in the pop-up dialog box, and enter the following command in the command line, then click __OK__. ```shell kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml ``` ## Save and run pipeline 1. After completing the previous step, click __Save and Run__ . ![Save and Run](../../amamba/images/quickstart06.png) 2. In the pop-up dialog box, input the example parameters from step two. Click __OK__ to successfully run the pipeline. ![Run Successfully](../../amamba/images/quickstart07.png)