--- MTPE: FanLin Date: 2024-01-18 --- # Integrate Harbor to Scan Image Security This page will introduce how to integrate Harbor in the pipeline and implement image security scanning. ## Enable automatic image scanning in Harbor 1. Log in to Harbor and click a specific project. ![Choose Project](../images/harbor01.png) 2. Choose the __Configuration__ tab, and check __Automatically scan images on push__ . ![Automatically Scan](../images/harbor02.png) ## Configure the pipeline in Workbench 1. In Workbench, create a pipeline, refer to [Quickly create a pipeline](deploy-pipeline.md), and click __Run Now__ after the configuration is complete. ![Run Now](../images/harbor03.png) 1. In the pop-up dialog box, enter the address of the mirror warehouse in the above Harbor configuration project. 1. Wait for the pipeline to run successfully. ## View image security scanning in Harbor Visit __Project__ -> __Image Repository__ in turn in Harbor to view the vulnerability information of the mirror. ![harbor](../images/harbor04.png)