--- MTPE: windsonsea Date: 2024-07-16 --- # System Built-in Environment Variables During the execution of a pipeline, you might need some system-built environment variables to use while the pipeline is running. The table below lists the currently default environment variables provided by the system. For more details, refer to the [Environment Variable Reference Documentation](./pipeline-syntax/#environment). | Variable Name | Default Value | Description | | ------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | NODE_NAME | `base-1rcgq` | The name of the pod currently executing the build | | POD_CONTAINER | `{container_name}` | The name of the container currently used for the build | | NODE_LABELS | `base base-1rcgq` | List of labels assigned to the build node | | WORKSPACE | `/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/{workspace_id}/{pipeline_name}` | The absolute path of the directory allocated as a workspace for the build | | JENKINS_URL | `http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/` | The URL of Jenkins | | BUILD_URL | `http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/{workspace_id}/job/{pipeline_name}/{build_id}/` | The URL of this pipeline build record | | JOB_URL | `http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/{workspace_id}/job/{pipeline_name}` | The URL of this pipeline | | RUN_CHANGES_DISPLAY_URL | `http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/{workspace_id}/job/{pipeline_name}/{build_id}/display/redirect?page` | | | RUN_ARTIFACTS_DISPLAY_URL | `http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/{workspace_id}/job/{pipeline_name}/{build_id}/display/redirect?page` | | | RUN_TESTS_DISPLAY_URL | `http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/2/job/loooooong-log/12/display/redirect?page` | | | JOB_DISPLAY_URL | `http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/2/job/loooooong-log/display/redirect` | | | RUN_DISPLAY_URL | `http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/{workspace_id}/job/{pipeline_name}/{build_id}/display/redirect` | | | HUDSON_URL | `http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/` | | | JENKINS_HOME | `/var/jenkins_home` | The absolute path of the directory where Jenkins stores data | | JOB_NAME | `{workspace_id}/{pipeline_name}` | The name of the pipeline | | JOB_BASE_NAME | `{pipeline_name}` | The short name of the pipeline, omitting the workspace ID | | BUILD_ID | `{build_id}` | The current build record ID | | BUILD_NUMBER | `{build_number}` | The current build record version | | BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME | `#{build_id}` | The display name of the current build record | | CI | TRUE | | | SONAR_SCANNER_VERSION | | | | GIT_BRANCH | | Present when the pipeline is created based on a repository Jenkinsfile or multi-branch | | GIT_URL | | Present when the pipeline is created based on a repository Jenkinsfile or multi-branch | | GIT_COMMIT | | Present when the pipeline is created based on a repository Jenkinsfile or multi-branch | | BRANCH_NAME | | Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch | | GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT | | Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch | | TAG_TIMESTAMP | | Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch | | TAG_UNIXTIME | | Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch | | TAG_DATE | | Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch | | TAG_NAME | | Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch |