# Intelligent Engine Release Notes This page lists the Release Notes for Intelligent Engine of each version, so that you can understand the evolution path and feature changes of each version. ## 2024-04-30 ### v0.4.0 #### Features - **Added** **`Notebook` now supports local SSH access, compatible with various development tools such as `Pycharm`, `VS Code`, etc.** 🔥🔥🔥 - **Added** **Upgrade `Notebook` image to support the built-in `CLI` tool `baizectl`, for command-line task submission and management.** 🔥🔥🔥 - **Added** `Notebook` adds affinity scheduling strategy configuration. - **Added** Distributed training tasks can now configure `SHM size` through the UI. - **Added** One-click restart function for training tasks. - **Added** **Model training tasks support custom cluster scheduler specification.** 🔥🔥🔥 - **Added** **Training task analysis tool `Tensorboard` support, can be launched with one click in `Notebook` and training tasks.** 🔥🔥🔥 - **Added** When editing queue quotas, hints are provided for the shared resource configuration of the current workspace. - **Added** Upgrade and adapt Kueue version `v0.6.2`. #### Fixes - **Fixed** Occasional sync anomaly issue with `Notebook` `CRD`. - **Fixed** The query interface for `Notebook` affinity configuration parameters did not return. ## 2024-04-01 ### v0.3.0 #### Features - **Added** the Notebooks module, supporting development tools like `Jupyter Notebook`. - **Added** the Job Center module, supporting the training of jobs with various mainstream development frameworks such as `Pytorch`, `Tensorflow`, and `Paddle`. - **Added** the Model Inference module, supporting rapid deployment of `Model Serving`, compatible with any model algorithm and large language models. - **Added** the Data Management module, supporting the integration of mainstream data sources such as `S3`, `NFS`, `HTTP`, and `Git`, with support for automatic data preheating.