--- MTPE: windsonsea hide: - toc --- # DaoCloud Ecosystem !!! info DaoCloud ecosystem is growing up!
- :fontawesome-solid-tty:{ .lg .middle } __CloudTTY__ :simple-cncf: Listed in CNCF Landscape --- So far, the community's first open-source Kubernetes web-based console is very easy to use 👍 [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./cloudtty.md) - :simple-wikipedia:{ .lg .middle } __Clusterpedia__ :simple-cncf: Listed in CNCF Sandbox --- Kubernetes multi-cluster resource one-stop encyclopedia, deployed in production by **China Mobile** and others [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./clusterpedia.md) - :simple-amazonapigateway:{ .lg .middle } __egressgateway__ --- A gateway that provides network egress capability for Kubernetes clusters. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./egress-gw.md) - :material-run-fast:{ .lg .middle } __Fast__ --- Fast is a Kubernetes CNI based on [eBPF](https://ebpf.io) implementation. At present, the following two capabilities have been realized - Network basic connectivity based on eBPF - Manage cluster containers' IP address [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./fast.md) - :fontawesome-brands-trade-federation:{ .lg .middle } __FedState__ --- Empowering automatic operation and maintenance under multi-cloud, multi-cluster, and multi-data center scenarios. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./fedstate.md) - :material-ferry:{ .lg .middle } __Ferry__ --- Kubernetes multi-cluster communication component that eliminates multi-cluster complexity and allows you to manage it like a single cluster. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./ferry.md) - :material-storage-tank:{ .lg .middle } __HwameiStor__ :simple-cncf: Listed in CNCF Sandbox --- Highly available local storage solution that is faster, stronger, and more reliable. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./hwameistor.md) - :simple-kasasmart:{ .lg .middle } __KasmCloud__ --- Managing and Running Actors, Providers, and Links in Kubernetes. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./kasmcloud.md) - :material-doctor:{ .lg .middle } __kdoctor__ --- Actively inspect the function and performance of clusters through pressure injection. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./kdoctor.md) - :simple-kubernetes:{ .lg .middle } __KLTS__ --- Continuous maintenance of more than 10 versions such as k8s (latest version - 0.03). [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./klts.md) - :material-tune:{ .lg .middle } __kube-node-tuning__ --- kube-node-tuning is aimed at kernel tuning by kubernetes. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./kube-node-tuning.md) - :peanuts:{ .lg .middle } __Kubean__ :simple-cncf: Listed in CNCF Landscape --- A full life cycle management tool for containerized clusters that is applying for Sandbox. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./kubean.md) - :material-forest:{ .lg .middle } __KWOK__ :simple-cncf: One of the K8s-sigs projects --- Simulating thousands of kubelets with minimal resources has been used by OpenAI, Apple, IBM, Alibaba Cloud, and others for testing environments. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./kwok.md) - :fontawesome-solid-bridge:{ .lg .middle } __Merbridge__ :simple-cncf: Listed in CNCF Sandbox --- Use eBPF to accelerate your service mesh, just like using a wormhole to shuttle in the network world. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./merbridge.md) - :material-debug-step-over:{ .lg .middle } __miragedebug__ --- MirageDebug currently requires the GO runtime environment for installation [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./miragedebug.md) - :material-tape-drive:{ .lg .middle } __Piraeus__ :simple-cncf: Listed in CNCF Sandbox --- a high performance, highly-available, simple, secure, and cloud agnostic storage solution for Kubernetes. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./piraeus.md) - :speedboat:{ .lg .middle } __Public Mirror Acceleration__ --- Many mirrors are overseas, such as gcr. Downloading in China is very slow and requires acceleration. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./mirror.md) - :spider:{ .lg .middle } __Spiderpool__ :simple-cncf: Listed in CNCF Sandbox --- An underlay and RDMA network solution for Kubernetes with bare metal, virtual machines, and public clouds. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn more](./spiderpool.md) - :simple-iconify:{ .lg .middle } __DaoCloud Icons Library__ --- Here is a collection of commonly used open source icons from DaoCloud company. [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Learn More](./icons/index.md)
*[DCE]: An abbreviation for DaoCloud Enterprise, a next-generation AI computing platform *[Landscape]: A comprehensive map that showcases various projects and tools in the cloud native ecosystem *[Sandbox]: An incubation platform for cloud native projects provided by CNCF !!! success The above projects are just a part of DaoCloud Ecosystem. More projects will come soon to share with you all. Watch out, there is a share technology about. **Think Different, Think Open Source!** ![cncf logo](./images/cncf.png)

Clusterpedia, HwameiStor, Merbridge, and Spiderpool have been selected for the CNCF Sandbox.

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