
Managing and Running Actors, Providers, and Links in Kubernetes
## :warning:Warning **This is a contributor-led experimental project and is not recommended to run in production at this time.** With each tag, it works fine, but there may be incompatible changes between tags. ## Design [Combining WasmCloud with Kubernetes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16p-9czZ6GT_layiabGE6HTyVpbYSALjoyxXhgIfYW0s/edit#heading=h.ymjg4q1g3smk)
## Quick Start 1. Deploy Nats ```bash helm repo add nats https://nats-io.github.io/k8s/helm/charts/ helm repo update helm upgrade --install kasmcloud-nats nats/nats ``` 2. Deploy KasmCloud CRDs and Webhook Server ```bash kubectl apply -f ./deploy/crds kubectl apply -f ./deploy/webhook ``` 3. Deploy KasmCloud Host ```bash kubectl apply -f ./deploy/kasmcloud_host_rbac.yaml # Deploy Default KasmCloud Host kubectl apply -f ./deploy/kasmcloud_host_default.yaml # [Optional] You can also deploy KasmCloud Host in each Kubernetes node. kubectl apply -f ./deploy/kasmcloud_host_daemonset.yaml # [Optional] You can also deploy as many temporary hosts as you want # and change the number of temporary hosts by scaling the Deployment kubectl apply -f ./deploy/kasmcloud_host_deployment.yaml ``` 4. Deploy Actor, Link and Provider Sample ```bash kubectl apply -f ./sample.yaml kubectl get kasmcloud ``` Output is similar to: ```console NAME DESC PUBLICKEY REPLICAS AVAILABLEREPLICAS CAPS IMAGE actor.kasmcloud.io/echo-default Echo MBCFOPM6JW2APJLXJD3Z5O4CN7CPYJ2B4FTKLJUR5YR5MITIU7HD3WD5 10 10 ["wasmcloud:httpserver","wasmcloud:builtin:logging"] wasmcloud.azurecr.io/echo:0.3.8 NAME CONTRACTID LINK ACTORYKEY PROVIDERKEY link.kasmcloud.io/httpserver-echo wasmcloud:httpserver test MBCFOPM6JW2APJLXJD3Z5O4CN7CPYJ2B4FTKLJUR5YR5MITIU7HD3WD5 VAG3QITQQ2ODAOWB5TTQSDJ53XK3SHBEIFNK4AYJ5RKAX2UNSCAPHA5M NAME DESC PUBLICKEY LINK CONTRACTID IMAGE provider.kasmcloud.io/httpserver-default HTTP Server VAG3QITQQ2ODAOWB5TTQSDJ53XK3SHBEIFNK4AYJ5RKAX2UNSCAPHA5M test wasmcloud:httpserver ghcr.io/iceber/wasmcloud/httpserver:0.17.0-index ``` 5. curl echo server ```bash # other terminal kubectl port-forward pod/kasmcloud-host-default 8080:8080 curl {"body":[],"method":"GET","path":"/","query_string":""} ``` ## RoadMap * Add KasmCloudHost resource * Add status information for the resource * Add Kasmcloud Repeater module * Add rolling updates for Actor * Add DaemonSet deployment for Actor * Blue/Green Deployment for Actors and Providers ## Reference - [kasmcloud repo](https://github.com/wasmCloud/kasmcloud)