--- MTPE: windsonsea date: 2024-02-19 --- # 20231130 DCE 5.0 Enterprise Released This page explains the latest features, improvements and bug fixes, included in 20231130 DCE 5.0 Enterprise. DCE 5.0 modularizes each product module, and the versions included in this release are the default versions in the DCE 5.0 installer. If you need to independently upgrade or replace each module, please contact Daocloud's support team to download the corresponding versions and upgrade. Please also refer to [DCE 5.0 Enterprise Deployment Requirements](../../install/commercial/deploy-requirements.md). **Modules Versions** | Category | Module | Version | Compatible K8s Versions | | :------- | :---------- | :------ | :---------------------- | | Installation | Installer | [v0.13.0](../../install/release-notes.md#v0130) | K8s 1.24 - 1.27 | | | Kubean | [v0.9.3](https://github.com/kubean-io/kubean/releases) | K8s 1.18 - 1.27 | | Workbench| Workbench | [v0.22.0](../../amamba/intro/release-notes.md#v0220) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | Container| Container Management | [v0.23.0](../../kpanda/intro/release-notes.md#v0230) | K8s 1.18 - 1.27 | | | MultiCloud Management| [v0.14.0](../../kairship/intro/release-notes.md#v0140) | K8s 1.18 - 1.27 | | | Container Registry | [v0.13.0](../../kangaroo/intro/release-notes.md#v0130) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | | Cloud Native Network | [v0.11.1](../../network/intro/releasenotes.md#v0111) | K8s 1.18 - 1.27 | | | HwameiStor Storage | [v0.13.3](../../storage/hwameistor/releasenotes.md#v0133) | K8s 1.18 - 1.27 | | | Virtual Machine | [v0.4.0](../../virtnest/intro/release-notes.md#v040) | K8s 1.18 - 1.27 | | Observability | Insight | [v0.22.0](../../insight/intro/releasenote.md#v0220) | K8s 1.19 - 1.27 | | Microservices | Microservice Engine | [v0.30.0](../../skoala/intro/release-notes.md#v0300) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | | Service Mesh | [v0.21.0](../../mspider/intro/release-notes.md#v0210) | K8s 1.21 - 1.27 | |Middleware| RabbitMQ | [v0.15.0](../../middleware/rabbitmq/release-notes.md#v0150) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | | MySQL | [v0.13.0](../../middleware/mysql/release-notes.md#v0130) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | | ElasticSearch | [v0.12.0](../../middleware/elasticsearch/release-notes.md#v0120) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | | Redis | [v0.13.0](../../middleware/redis/release-notes.md#v0130) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | | MinIO | [v0.10.0](../../middleware/minio/release-notes.md#v0100) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | | PostgreSQL | [v0.7.0](../../middleware/postgresql/release-notes.md#v070) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | | MongoDB | [v0.5.0](../../middleware/mongodb/release-notes.md#v050) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | | Kafka | [v0.10.0](../../middleware/kafka/release-notes.md#v0100) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | Edge Computing | Cloud Edge Collaboration | [v0.6.0](../../kant/intro/release-notes.md#v060) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | |Management| Global Management | [v0.22.0](../../ghippo/intro/release-notes.md#v0220) | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | | | Operations Management| v0.4.3 | K8s 1.23 - 1.27 | !!! Note Requirements for some container modules: - GPU ≥ 3.10.1160 - Cilium ≥ 5.12 - HwameiStor DRDB Requirement: 3.10.0-957, 3.10.0-1062, 3.10.0-1060, 5.4.0-150-generic, 5.15.0-50-generic - KubeVirt ≥ 4.x ## New Features and Improvements Below are some of the new features and improvements included in the latest release: ### Installer v0.13.0 - **Added** support for separately deploying etcd node - **Added** support for external Kafka component - **Improved** the certificate validity period for the bootstrap Container Registry: setting to 10 years ### Kubean v0.10.0 - **Improved** changed image to OCI artifacts - **Improved** allowed etcd in playbook - **Improved** allowed pkgs deletion by etcd in playbook - **Fixed** allowed uploading github release larger than 2 GiB ### Workbench v0.22.0 - **Added** addition of sensitive operations to audit log - **Added** pipeline graphical editing supports adding environment variables - **Added** pipeline steps support deploying and updating applications - **Added** support for offline deployment of SonarQube ### Container Management v0.23.0 - **Added** audit log supports for key features with no manual activation. Audited cluster creation, deletion, access, removing, upgrading, node access, removing, (stateless, stateful, daemon, task, scheduled task) creation/deletion and Helm application deployment/removal - **Added** integration with ghippo ldap for users with usernames exceeding K8s range - **Added** support for lifecycle management of large charts like insight-agent - **Added** configmap/secret supports hot reload - **Added** support for subPathExpr fir data storage ### MultiCloud Management v0.14.0 - **Added** support for audit log - **Added** support Workload by YAML and batch creation of multiple resources - **Added** addition for differentiated configuration display of workload - **Fixed** the validation of replica numbers filled in the workload topology constraints ### Container Registry v0.13.0 - **Fixed** the failure of image space binding workspace - **Fixed** the issue of authorizing all public image spaces when generating login commands ### Container Network v0.11.1 - **Added** support querying spiderpool and egressgateway installation queries - **Added** support for Multus CR using RDMA through SR-IOV CNI - **Added** support for automatic selection of network resource parameters such as RDMA, SR-IOV and hugepages when creating a load ### Container Storage v0.13.3 - **Added** support for volume cloning - **Improved** delay volume deletion when snapshot is detected - **Improved** filter nodes based on accessibility according to the source volume ### Virtual Machine v0.4.0 - **Improved** virtual machine details and add information of username, password, CPU and memory - **Fixed** the issue of occasionally not seeing virtual machine monitoring data on the dashboard ### Insight v0.21.0 - Insight Server v0.22.0 - **Added** support for network connectivity probe function - **Added** alert policies through YAML - **Added** support for audit records operation - Insight Agent v0.22.0 - **Fixed** incompatible with DCE 4.0 of fluentbit collection directory ### Microservice Engine v0.30.0 - **Added** visualization of the traffic swim lane graying process, directly displaying the internal gray lane division and data flow in the cluster through the view - **Added** support for API document management and query - **Added** Saga State Machine Designer - **Improved** loading speed of the gateway resource list ### Service Mesh v0.21.0 - **Added** dedicated mesh supports MultiCloud interconnection - **Added** support Traffic swim lane API through Annotations - **Added** support health check and fault self-recovery of Istio processes for VM Agent - **Added** support for selecting and upgrading versions of Istio (1.19.3, 1.18.5, 1.17.6) to deploy mesh instances. ### Middleware - **Added** support for recording operation audit logs for Mcamel-Kafka, Mcamel-Elasticsraech, Mcamel-MinIO, Mcamel-MySQL, Mcamel-PostgreDB, Mcamel-Redis, Mcamel-RocketMQ - **Added** support for accessing whitelist settings for Mcamel-RabbitMQ, Mcamel-PostgreDB - **Added** support for Mcamel-MangoDB to console MongoDB Express ### Cloud Edge Collaboration v0.6.0 - **Added** support for customized terminal device access and being compatible with various device protocols - **Added** support for viewing container logs - **Added** support edge-to-edge communication - **Fixed** abnormal judgment of edge unit status due to the increase of edge components ### Global Management v0.22.0 - **Added** solution planning and validation for migrating DCE4 to DCE5 - **Improved** added precision search in report list - **Fixed** the failure to add user groups for synchronized ldap users - **Fixed** the incomplete display of workspace reports ## Cautions - **Container Management**: When upgrading from v0.21.x to v0.22.0 and higher, if the Global Cluster uses Redis in sentinel mode, you need to change __--set global.db.redis.url__ . - **Global Management**: When upgrading from v0.15.x (or lower) to v0.21.0 (or higher), the database connection Helm parameter format needs to be modified. Please refer to [Offline Upgrade Global Management](../../ghippo/install/offline-install.md) for details. - **Insight**: For Insight Agent versions 0.20.0 and below, there is the problem of collecting multiple copies of JVM metrics data with PodMonitor, requiring modification of the corresponding configuration. Please refer to [PodMonitor collects multiple copies of JVM metrics data](../../insight/quickstart/install/knownissues.md#podmonitor-jvm) for details. - **Workbench**: When upgrading from versions before v0.21.0 to this version, gitops applications may disappear. It is recommended not to upgrade to this version directly, but to upgrade to v0.22.0 and above. ## Compatibility !!! Note Global Management: Once Global Management is upgraded to v0.21.0 and above, other modules should be upgraded to the corresponding versions; otherwise, the interface cannot be accessed normally! Global Management v0.21.0 supports the following module versions: - Container Management v0.18.1 and above - Insight v0.17.2 and above - Workbenche v0.17.3 and above - MultiCloud Management v0.9.1 and above - Microservice Engine v0.22.0 and above - Service Mesh v0.16.2 and above - Middleware mcamel-rabbitmq v0.11.0 and above - Middleware mcamel-mysql v0.9.0 and above - Middleware mcamel-elasticsearch v0.8.0 and above - Middleware mcamel-redis v0.8.0 and above - Middleware mcamel-MinIO v0.6.0 and above - Middleware mcamel-Kafka v0.6.0 and above - Middleware mcamel-PostgreSQL v0.2.0 and above - Container Registry v0.8.0 and above ## Known Issues Known issues for Installer v0.13.0, see [Installation Troubleshooting](../../install/faq.md). ## Installation - [DCE 5.0 Enterprise Installation](../../install/commercial/deploy-arch.md) - [DCE Community Installation](../../install/community/resources.md) ## Download Center - [DCE 5.0 Download Center](../../download/index.md)