# Customize DCE 5.0 Reverse Proxy Server Address The specific setup steps are as follows: 1. Check if the global management Helm repository exists. ```shell helm repo list | grep ghippo ``` If the result is empty or shows the following error, proceed to the next step; otherwise, skip the next step. ```none Error: no repositories to show ``` 2. Add and update the global management Helm repository. ```shell helm repo add ghippo http://{harbor url}/chartrepo/{project} helm repo update ghippo ``` 3. Set environment variables for easier use in the following steps. ```shell # Your reverse proxy address, for example `export DCE_PROXY="https://demo-alpha.daocloud.io"` export DCE_PROXY="https://domain:port" # Helm --set parameter backup file export GHIPPO_VALUES_BAK="ghippo-values-bak.yaml" # Get the current version of ghippo export GHIPPO_HELM_VERSION=$(helm get notes ghippo -n ghippo-system | grep "Chart Version" | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2 }') ``` 4. Backup the --set parameters. ```shell helm get values ghippo -n ghippo-system -o yaml > ${GHIPPO_VALUES_BAK} ``` 5. Add your reverse proxy address. !!! note - If possible, you can use the __yq__ command: ```shell yq -i ".global.reverseProxy = \"${DCE_PROXY}\"" ${GHIPPO_VALUES_BAK} ``` - Or you can use the __vim__ command to edit and save: ```shell vim ${GHIPPO_VALUES_BAK} USER-SUPPLIED VALUES: ... global: ... reverseProxy: ${DCE_PROXY} # Only need to modify this line ``` 6. Run `helm upgrade` to apply the configuration. ```shell helm upgrade ghippo ghippo/ghippo \ -n ghippo-system \ -f ${GHIPPO_VALUES_BAK} \ --version ${GHIPPO_HELM_VERSION} ``` 7. Use __kubectl__ to restart the global management Pod to apply the configuration. ```shell kubectl rollout restart deploy/ghippo-apiserver -n ghippo-system kubectl rollout restart statefulset/ghippo-keycloakx -n ghippo-system ```