--- hide: - toc --- # Unable to start istio-ingressgateway when restarting the cluster (virtual machine)? The error message is as shown in the following image: ![](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/reference/images/bug01.png) Possible cause: The jwtsUri address of the RequestAuthentication CR cannot be accessed, causing istiod to be unable to push the configuration to istio-ingressgateway (This bug can be avoided in Istio 1.15: [https://github.com/istio/istio/pull/39341/](https://github.com/istio/istio/pull/39341/files)). Solution: 1. Backup the RequestAuthentication ghippo CR. ```shell kubectl get RequestAuthentication ghippo -n istio-system -o yaml > ghippo-ra.yaml ``` 2. Delete the RequestAuthentication ghippo CR. ```shell kubectl delete RequestAuthentication ghippo -n istio-system ``` 3. Restart Istio. ```shell kubectl rollout restart deploy/istiod -n istio-system kubectl rollout restart deploy/istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system ``` 4. Reapply the RequestAuthentication ghippo CR. ```sh kubectl apply -f ghippo-ra.yaml ``` !!! note Before applying the RequestAuthentication ghippo CR, make sure that ghippo-apiserver and ghippo-keycloak are started correctly.