# Reset Password If you forget your password, you can reset it by following the instructions on this page. ## Reset password steps When an administrator initially creates a user, it sets a username and password for it. After the user logs in, fill in the email address and change the password in __Personal Center__ . If the user has not set an email address, he can only contact the administrator to reset the password. 1. If you have forgotten your password, you can click __Forgot password?__ on the login screen. 1. Enter your username and click __Submit__ . To prevent spam, after clicking 'Submit', the button will be grayed out and a 1-minute countdown will be displayed. If you haven't received the email after 1 minute, please click this button again. 1. Find the password reset email in the mailbox, and click the link in your email. 1. Follow the screen prompts to set a new password and click __Submit__ . The requirements for setting a new password are consistent with the password rules when creating a user. 1. The screen prompts that the password has been changed successfully or directly log in to the DCE main screen. ## Reset password process The flow of the password reset process is as follows. ```mermaid graph TB pass[Forgot password] --> usern[Enter username] --> button[Click button to send a mail] --> judge1[Check your username is correct or not] judge1 -.Correct.-> judge2[Check if you have bounded a mail] judge1 -.Wrong.-> tip1[Error of incorrect username] judge2 -.A mail has been bounded.-> send[Send a reset mail] judge2 -.No any mail bounded.-> tip2[No any mail bounded
Contact admin to reset password] send --> click[Click the mail link] --> reset[Reset password] --> success[Successfully reset] classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000; classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff; classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:1px,color:#326ce5; class pass,usern,button,tip1,send,tip2,send,click,reset,success plain; class judge1,judge2 k8s ```