# Start Observing DCE 5.0 platform enables the management and creation of multi-cloud and multi-cluster environments. Building upon this capability, Observability Insight serves as a unified observability solution for multiple clusters. It collects observability data from multiple clusters by deploying the insight-agent plugin and allows querying of metrics, logs, and trace data through the DCE 5.0 observability products. __insight-agent__ is a tool that facilitates the collection of observability data from multiple clusters. Once installed without any modifications, it automatically collects metrics, logs, and trace data. Clusters created through __Container Management__ come pre-installed with insight-agent. Hence, this guide specifically provides instructions on enabling observability for connected clusters. - [Install insight-agent online](install-agent.md) As a unified observability platform for multiple clusters, Observability Insight's resource consumption of certain components is closely related to cluster creation and the number of connected clusters. When installing insight-agent, it is necessary to adjust the resources of the corresponding components based on the cluster size. 1. Adjust the CPU and memory resources of the __Prometheus__ collection component in insight-agent according to the cluster or connected cluster size. Please refer to [Prometheus resource planning](../res-plan/prometheus-res.md). 2. As the metric data from multiple clusters is stored centrally, DCE 5.0 platform administrators need to adjust the disk space of __vmstorage__ based on the cluster creation or connected cluster size. Please refer to [vmstorage disk capacity planning](../res-plan/vms-res-plan.md). - For instructions on adjusting the disk space of vmstorage, please refer to [Expanding vmstorage disk](../res-plan/modify-vms-disk.md). Since DCE 5.0 supports the management of multi-cloud and multi-cluster environments, insight-agent has undergone partial verification. However, there are known conflicts with monitoring components when installing insight-agent in DCE 4.0 clusters and Openshift 4.x clusters. If you encounter similar issues, please refer to the following documents: - [Install insight-agent in DCE 4.0.x](../other/install-agentindce.md) - [Install insight-agent in Openshift 4.x](../other/install-agent-on-ocp.md) Currently, the insight-agent collection component has undergone functional testing for popular versions of Kubernetes. Please refer to: - [Kubernetes cluster compatibility testing](../../compati-test/k8s-compatibility.md) - [Openshift 4.x cluster compatibility testing](../../compati-test/ocp-compatibility.md) - [Rancher cluster compatibility testing](../../compati-test/rancher-compatibility.md)