--- MTPE: windsonsea date: 2024-02-26 --- # Known Issues This page lists some issues related to the installation and uninstallation of Insight Agent and their workarounds. ## v0.23.0 ### Insight Agent #### Uninstallation Failure of Insight Agent When you run the following command to uninstall Insight Agent, ```sh helm uninstall insight agent ``` The `tls secret` used by `otel-operator` is failed to uninstall. Due to the logic of "reusing tls secret" in the following code of `otel-operator`, it checks whether `MutationConfiguration` exists and reuses the CA cert bound in MutationConfiguration. However, since `helm uninstall` has uninstalled `MutationConfiguration`, it results in a null value. Therefore, please manually delete the corresponding `secret` using one of the following methods: - **Delete via command line**: Log in to the console of the target cluster and run the following command: ```sh kubectl -n insight-system delete secret insight-agent-opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-service-cert ``` - **Delete via UI**: Log in to DCE 5.0 container management, select the target cluster, select **Secret** from the left menu, input `insight-agent-opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-service-cert`, then select `Delete`. ### Insight Agent #### Log Collection Endpoint Not Updated When Upgrading Insight Agent When updating the log configuration of the insight-agent from Elasticsearch to Kafka or from Kafka to Elasticsearch, the changes do not take effect and the agent continues to use the previous configuration. **Solution** : Manually restart Fluent Bit in the cluster. ## v0.21.0 ### Insight Agent #### PodMonitor Collects Multiple Sets of JVM Metrics 1. In this version, there is a defect in **PodMonitor/insight-kubernetes-pod**: it will incorrectly create Jobs to collect metrics for all containers in Pods that are marked with `insight.opentelemetry.io/metric-scrape=true`, instead of only the containers corresponding to `insight.opentelemetry.io/metric-port`. 2. After PodMonitor is declared, **PrometheusOperator** will pre-configure some service discovery configurations. Considering the compatibility of CRDs, it is abandoned to configure the collection tasks through **annotations**. 3. Use the additional scrape config mechanism provided by Prometheus to configure the service discovery rules in a secret and introduce them into Prometheus. Therefore: 1. Delete the current **PodMonitor** for **insight-kubernetes-pod** 2. Use a new rule In the new rule, **action: keepequal** is used to compare the consistency between **source_labels** and **target_label** to determine whether to create collection tasks for the ports of a container. Note that this feature is only available in Prometheus v2.41.0 (2022-12-20) and higher. ```diff + - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_insight_opentelemetry_io_metric_port] + separator: ; + target_label: __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number + action: keepequal ```