# Configure Notification Server Insight supports SMS notifications and currently sends alert messages using integrated Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud SMS services. This article explains how to configure the SMS notification server in Insight. The variables supported in the SMS signature are the default variables in the message template. As the number of SMS characters is limited, it is recommended to choose more explicit variables. > For information on how to configure SMS recipients, refer to the document: [Configure SMS Notification Group](../../user-guide/alert-center/message.md). ## Procedure 1. Go to __Alert Center__ -> __Notification Settings__ -> __Notification Server__ . ![Notification Server](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/insight/images/sms01.png) 2. Click __Add Notification Server__ . - Configure Alibaba Cloud server. > To apply for Alibaba Cloud SMS service, please refer to [Alibaba Cloud SMS Service](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/108062.html?spm=a2c4g.57535.0.0.2cec637ffna8ye). Field descriptions: - __AccessKey ID__ : Parameter used by Alibaba Cloud to identify the user. - __AccessKey Secret__ : Key used by Alibaba Cloud to authenticate the user. AccessKey Secret must be kept confidential. - __SMS Signature__ : The SMS service supports creating signatures that meet the requirements according to user needs. When sending SMS, the SMS platform will add the approved SMS signature to the SMS content before sending it to the SMS recipient. - __Template CODE__ : The SMS template is the specific content of the SMS to be sent. - __Parameter Template__ : The SMS body template can contain variables. Users can use variables to customize the SMS content. Please refer to [Alibaba Cloud Variable Specification](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/463270.html). ![Notification Server](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/insight/images/sms02.png) !!! note Example: The template content defined in Alibaba Cloud is: ${severity}: ${alertname} triggered at ${startat}. Refer to the configuration in the parameter template. - Configure Tencent Cloud server. > To apply for Tencent Cloud SMS service, please refer to [Tencent Cloud SMS](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/382/37794). Field descriptions: - __Secret ID__ : Parameter used by Tencent Cloud to identify the API caller. - __SecretKey__ : Parameter used by Tencent Cloud to authenticate the API caller. - __SMS Template ID__ : The SMS template ID automatically generated by Tencent Cloud system. - __Signature Content__ : The SMS signature content, which is the full name or abbreviation of the actual website name defined in the Tencent Cloud SMS signature. - __SdkAppId__ : SMS SdkAppId, the actual SdkAppId generated after adding the application in the Tencent Cloud SMS console. - __Parameter Template__ : The SMS body template can contain variables. Users can use variables to customize the SMS content. Please refer to: [Tencent Cloud Variable Specification](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/382/39023#.E5.8F.98.E9.87.8F.E8.A7.84.E8.8C.83.3Ca-id.3D.22variable.22.3E.3C.2Fa.3E). ![Notification Server](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/insight/images/sms03.png) !!! note Example: The template content defined in Tencent Cloud is: {1}: {2} triggered at {3}. Refer to the configuration in the parameter template.