--- MTPE: windsonsea date: 2024-05-11 --- # Backup and Restore of Bootstrap Node This article describes the backup and restore of the kind cluster in the bootstrap node. ## Backup Overview Installer v0.16.0 supports backup and restore of the kind cluster in the bootstrap node. Currently, the following information is backed up: 1. Two important files: [clusterConfig.yaml](../commercial/cluster-config.md), [manifest.yaml](../commercial/manifest.md) The information in clusterConfig.yaml and manifest.yaml is stored in the configmap of the kind cluster. ```shell root@my-cluster-installer-control-plane:/# kubectl get -n default cm NAME DATA AGE clusterconfig-1710711049 1 4h46m kube-root-ca.crt 1 4h46m manifest-1710711049 1 4h46m ``` 2. All data of the kind cluster The data of the kind cluster is mounted on the host machine at `/home/kind`, and the data of etcd is mounted at `/home/kind/etcd`. Do not delete any files in this directory. !!! note The mount directory can be defined in clusterConfig.yaml with `spec.tinderKind.resourcesMountPath`, and the default is `/home/kind`. ## Restore Since the above backup is enabled by default for users, in case the kind cluster is accidentally deleted or lost, you can run the installer command: ```shell ./offline/dce5-installer cluster-create -c ./offline/sample/clusterConfig.yaml -m ./offline/manifest.yaml -j1,2 ```