# manifest.yaml This YAML file contains information about all modules of DCE 5.0, which are mainly divided into the base configuration module and product feature modules. For upgrading instructions, refer to [Upgrade DCE 5.0](../upgrade.md). ## Manifest Example Here is an example of a manifest file. ```yaml title="manifest.yaml" apiVersion: manifest.daocloud.io/v1alpha1 kind: DCEManifest metadata: global: helmRepo: https://release.daocloud.io/chartrepo imageRepo: release.daocloud.io infrastructures: hwameiStor: enable: true version: v0.10.4 policy: drbd-disabled istio: version: 1.16.1 metallb: version: 0.13.9 contour: version: 10.2.2 enable: false cert-manager: version: 1.11.0 enable: false mysql: version: 8.0.29 cpuLimit: 1 memLimit: 1Gi enableAutoBackup: true redis: version: 6.2.6-debian-10-r120 cpuLimit: 400m memLimit: 500Mi components: kubean: enable: true helmVersion: v0.6.6 helmRepo: https://kubean-io.github.io/kubean-helm-chart variables: ghippo: enable: true helmVersion: 0.18.0 variables: kpanda: enable: true helmVersion: 0.19.0+rc4 variables: kcoral: enable: true helmVersion: 0.4.0+rc1 variables: kcollie: enable: true helmVersion: 0.4.0+rc7 variables: insight: enable: true helmVersion: 0.18.0-rc5 variables: insight-agent: enable: true helmVersion: 0.18.0-rc5 features: tracing ipavo: enable: true helmVersion: 0.10.0 variables: kairship: enable: true helmVersion: 0.10.1 variables: amamba: enable: true helmVersion: 0.18.0+alpha.3 features: argocd jenkins: enable: true helmVersion: 0.1.12 helmRepo: https://release.daocloud.io/chartrepo/amamba skoala: enable: true helmVersion: 0.23.0 variables: mspider: enable: true helmVersion: v0.17.0-rc2 variables: mcamel-rabbitmq: enable: true helmVersion: 0.12.0-rc2 variables: mcamel-elasticsearch: enable: true helmVersion: 0.9.0-rc2 variables: mcamel-mysql: enable: true helmVersion: 0.10.0-rc2 variables: mcamel-redis: enable: true helmVersion: 0.9.0-rc2 variables: mcamel-kafka: enable: true helmVersion: 0.7.0-rc2 variables: mcamel-minio: enable: true helmVersion: 0.7.0-rc2 variables: mcamel-postgresql: enable: true helmVersion: 0.3.0-rc2 variables: mcamel-mongodb: enable: true helmVersion: 0.1.0-rc1 variables: spidernet: enable: true helmVersion: 0.8.0 variables: kangaroo: enable: true helmVersion: 0.9.0 variables: gmagpie: enable: true helmVersion: 0.3.0 variables: dowl: enable: true helmVersion: 0.3.0+rc1 ``` ## Key Fields Please refer to the table below for an explanation of the key fields in this YAML file. It includes components related to the infrastructure and products involved in the functionality modules of the product. | Field | Description | | :------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------- | | infrastructures | DCE 5.0 product infrastructure modules | | infrastructures.xxx.enable | Whether to enable the current module, default: true | | infrastructures.xxx.helmVersion | The chart package version for the current module | | infrastructures.hwameiStor | HwameiStor local storage module | | infrastructures.istio | Istio service mesh module | | infrastructures.metallb | MetalLB load balancer module | | infrastructures.contour | Contour ingress controller module | | infrastructures.cert-manager | Cert Manager certificate management module | | infrastructures.mysql | Mysql database module | | infrastructures.redis | Redis database module | | components | DCE 5.0 product feature modules | | components.kubean | Cluster lifecycle management module | | components.ghippo | Global management module | | components.kpanda | Container management module | | components.kcoral | Application backup module | | components.kcollie | Cluster inspection module | | components.insight | Observability module | | components.insight-agent | Data collection component for observability module | | components.ipavo | Dashboard module | | components.kairship | MultiCloud Management module | | components.amamba | Workbench module | | components.jenkins | Pipeline engine component for Workbench module | | components.skoala | Microservice engine module | | components.mspider | Service mesh module | | components.mcamel-* | Middleware modules including ES, Kafka, MinIO, etc. | | components.kangaroo | Container registry module | | components.gmagpie | Reporting module | | components.dowl | Cluster security module |