# Deploy DCE 5.0 Enterprise on Other Linux Distributions This page introduces how to deploy DCE 5.0 on other Linux distributions. Installer v0.7.0 and higher versions support this deployment method. Other Linux is essentially because DCE does not provide the installation system offline package (OS package) for some Linux distributions, and customers need to make it themselves. ## Authenticated OS | Architecture | OS | OS Family | Recommended Kernel | | ----- | -------------- | ------------ | ----- | | AMD64 | UOS V20 (1050d) | Debian | 4.19.0-server-amd64 | | AMD64 | AnolisOS 8.8 GA | Redhat | 5.10.134-13.an8.x86_64 | | AMD64 | Ubuntu 22.04.3 | Debian | 5.15.0-78-generic | !!! note For operating systems that have not been verified, you can try deploying them following the instructions in this document. ## Prerequisites - Read [Deployment Architecture](../commercial/deploy-arch.md) in advance to confirm this deployment mode. - Read [Deployment Requirements](../commercial/deploy-requirements.md) in advance to confirm whether the network, hardware, ports, etc. meet the requirements. - Read [Preparation](../commercial/prepare.md) in advance to confirm machine resources and pre-check. ## Make the offline OS package ### Generate and install 1. Download tools. ```bash cd /home curl -Lo ./pkgs.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubean-io/kubean/main/build/os-packages/others/pkgs.yml curl -Lo ./other_os_pkgs.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubean-io/kubean/main/build/os-packages/others/other_os_pkgs.sh && chmod +x other_os_pkgs.sh ``` 2. Build the operating system offline package ```bash # Specify the path of the pkgs.yml package configuration file (if pkgs.yml is located in the same path as other_os_pkgs.sh, you can not set this environment variable) export PKGS_YML_PATH=/home/pkgs.yml # Run the system offline package build command ./other_os_pkgs.sh build ``` 3. Install the OS offline package ```bash # Specify the path of the pkgs.yml package configuration file (if pkgs.yml is located in the same path as other_os_pkgs.sh, you can not set this environment variable) export PKGS_YML_PATH=/home/pkgs.yml # Specify the path of the os pkgs offline package export PKGS_TAR_PATH=/home/os-pkgs-${DISTRO}-${VERSION}.tar.gz # Specify the cluster master/worker node IP (multi-node IP addresses are separated by spaces) export HOST_IPS='' # Specify the target node access information for installation (multi-node usernames and passwords must be consistent) export SSH_USER=root export SSH_PASS=dangerous # Run the installation command and output the log ./other_os_pkgs.sh install >>log.txt ``` 4. After the installation is successful, the following log will be output: ```console [root@master test]# cat log.txt |egrep 'INFO|WARN' [WARN] skip install yq ... [INFO] succeed to install package 'python-apt' [INFO] succeed to install package 'python3-apt' [INFO] succeed to install package 'aufs-tools' [INFO] succeed to install package 'apt-transport-https' [INFO] succeed to install package 'software-properties-common' [INFO] succeed to install package 'conntrack' [INFO] succeed to install package 'apparmor' [WARN] the package 'libseccomp2' has been installed [INFO] succeed to install package 'ntp' [WARN] the package 'openssl' has been installed [INFO] succeed to install package 'curl' [INFO] succeed to install package 'rsync' [INFO] succeed to install package 'socat' [WARN] the package 'unzip' has been installed [WARN] the package 'e2fsprogs' has been installed [WARN] the package 'xfsprogs' has been installed [INFO] succeed to install package 'ebtables' [WARN] the package 'bash-completion' has been installed [WARN] the package 'tar' has been installed [INFO] succeed to install package 'ipvsadm' [INFO] succeed to install package 'ipset' [INFO] All packages for Node ( have been installed. ``` ### Notice 1. Check the installation status by `cat log.txt |egrep 'INFO|WARN'`: If the `failed to install package` keyword appears, it means that the installation is not successful, and when it finally fails, `the packages that failed to install are: ipset ipvsadm xfsprogs` will be output. 2. The package names corresponding to different versions (major version) of the same system family (os family) are different: | OS family | Version | Package | | --------- | ----- | --------- | | Debian | < 11 | python-apt | | | >= 11 | python3-apt | | Redhat Major Version | < 8 | libselinux-python | | | \>= 8 | python3-libselinux | ## Start offline installation 1. Download the full mode offline package, you can download the latest version in [Download Center](../../download/index.md). | CPU Architecture | Version | Download URL | | -------- | ------ | ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------- | | AMD64 | v0.6.1 | | Unzip the offline package after downloading: ```bash curl -LO https://qiniu-download-public.daocloud.io/DaoCloud_Enterprise/dce5/offline-v0.6.1-amd64.tar tar -xvf offline-v0.6.1-amd64.tar ``` 2. Refer to [Create an offline OS package](#make-the-offline-os-package). 3. Download the offline addon package, which can be found in the [download center](../../download/index.md) for the latest version (optional). 4. Edit [clusterConfig.yaml](../commercial/cluster-config.md), which can be obtained under the offline package `offline/sample` and modified as needed. === "UnionTech OS Server 20 1050d" ```yaml apiVersion: provision.daocloud.io/v1alpha3 kind: ClusterConfig metadata: spec: clusterName: test-cluster loadBalancer: type: metallb istioGatewayVip: 172.30.41.XXX/32 insightVip: 172.30.41.XXX/32 masterNodes: - nodeName: "g-master1" ip: 172.30.41.xxx ansibleUser: "root" ansiblePass: "******" fullPackagePath: "/root/offline" osRepos: type: none imagesAndCharts: type: builtin binaries: type: builtin kubeanConfig: |- allow_unsupported_distribution_setup: true debian_os_family_extensions: - "UnionTech OS Server 20\" " ``` === "AnolisOS 8.8 GA" ```yaml apiVersion: provision.daocloud.io/v1alpha3 kind: ClusterConfig metadata: spec: clusterName: test-cluster loadBalancer: type: metallb istioGatewayVip: 172.30.41.XXX/32 insightVip: 172.30.41.XXX/32 masterNodes: - nodeName: "g-master1" ip: 172.30.41.xxx ansibleUser: "root" ansiblePass: "******" fullPackagePath: "/root/offline" osRepos: type: none imagesAndCharts: type: builtin binaries: type: builtin kubeanConfig: |- allow_unsupported_distribution_setup: true redhat_os_family_extensions: - "Anolis OS" ``` === "Ubuntu 22.04.3" ```yaml apiVersion: provision.daocloud.io/v1alpha3 kind: ClusterConfig metadata: spec: clusterName: test-cluster loadBalancer: type: metallb istioGatewayVip: 172.30.41.XXX/32 insightVip: 172.30.41.XXX/32 masterNodes: - nodeName: "g-master1" ip: 172.30.41.xxx ansibleUser: "root" ansiblePass: "******" fullPackagePath: "/root/offline" osRepos: type: none imagesAndCharts: type: builtin binaries: type: builtin kubeanConfig: |- allow_unsupported_distribution_setup: true debian_os_family_extensions: - "Debian" ``` Parameter tips: | Parameter | Description | Required | | --------- | ----------- | -------- | | spec.kubeanConfig.allow_unsupported_distribution_setup | Whether to skip detection of supported OS | Yes | | spec.kubeanConfig.debian_os_family_extensions | Can be filled by viewing `ansible_os_family` | Required if the system is Debian | | spec.kubeanConfig.redhat_os_family_extensions | Can be filled by viewing `ansible_os_family` | Required if the system is Redhat | How to view the system family identifier for the current distribution environment: ```bash export USER=root export PASS=xxxx export ADDR=192.168.10.xxx export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_os_family' -e "ansible_user=${USER} ansible_password=${PASS}" -i ${ADDR}, all ``` If success, the following information will be output: ```bash 192.168.10.xxx | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "ansible_os_family": "UnionTech OS Server 20\" ", "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false } ``` 5. Start the installation of DCE 5.0. ```bash ./dce5-installer cluster-create -m ./sample/manifest.yaml -c ./sample/clusterConfig.yaml ``` !!! note Some parameters are introduced, and more parameters can be viewed through `./dce5-installer --help`: - `-z` minimal install - `-c` specifies the cluster configuration file, and does not need to specify `-c` when using NodePort to expose the console - `-d` enable debug mode - `--serial` specifies that all installation tasks are executed serially 6. After the installation is complete, the command line will prompt that the installation is successful. congratulations! :smile: Now you can use the default account and password (admin/changeme) to explore the new DCE 5.0 through the URL prompted on the screen! ![success](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/install/images/success.png) !!! success Please record the prompted URL for your next visit. 7. After successfully installing DCE 5.0 Enterprise, please contact us for authorization: email [info@daocloud.io](mailto:info@daocloud.io) or call 400 002 6898.