# Login to an insecure container registry When you need to Pull or Push images from an insecure container registry, you may encounter the `x509: certificate signed by unknown authority` error. This occurs when the container registry is either using the `http` protocol or the `https` certificate is self-signed. I will explain how to resolve this issue using three different runtimes, using `test.registry.com` as an example. ## Docker Add the following configuration to the `/etc/docker/daemon.json` file: ```json { "insecure-registries": [ "test.registry.com", "test.registry.com1" ] } ``` After making the changes, restart Docker: `systemctl restart docker` ## containerd There are two methods to configure an insecure registry in containerd: a new method introduced in version `1.4`, and an old method that existed until version `2.0`. ### New Method Edit the `/etc/containerd/config.toml` file and locate the `config_path` configuration option, which has a default value of `/etc/containerd/certs.d`. ```yaml [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry] config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d" ``` Create a folder inside the `/etc/containerd/certs.d` directory named after your registry, such as `test.registry.com`, and create a `hosts.toml` file inside it. ```sh mkdir /etc/containerd/certs.d/test.registry.com ``` If the registry includes a port number, you also need to run: ```sh mkdir /etc/containerd/certs.d/ ``` ```toml server = "http://test.registry.com" [host."http://test.registry.com"] capabilities = ["pull", "resolve", "push"] skip_verify = true ``` After configuring, there is no need to restart. You can use it directly. ### Old Method Add the following configuration to the `/etc/containerd/config.toml` file: ```toml [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.configs."test.registry.com".tls] insecure_skip_verify = true ``` After making the changes, restart containerd: `systemctl restart containerd`. ## CRI-O Modify the `/etc/crio/crio.conf` configuration file: ```conf insecure_registries = ["test.registry.com"] ``` Restart crio: `systemctl restart crio`.