--- MTPE: ModetaNiu DATE: 2024-08-07 hide: - toc --- # Create Managed Harbor Prerequisite: [Cert Manager](https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/) and [Harbor Operator](./operator.md) have been installed. !!! note For Harbor instances, in addition to using administrator accounts, robot accounts are also supported for access. 1. Log in to DCE 5.0 as a user with the Admin role, and click __Container Registry__ -> __Managed Harbor__ from the navigation bar. ![nav](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/kangaroo/images/hosted01.png) 1. Click the __Create Instance__ button in the upper right corner. ![Create instance](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/kangaroo/images/hosted02.png) 1. Fill in the instance name, select the deployment location and click __Next__ (if there is no deployment location to choose, you need to go to Container Management module to create a cluster and namespace). ![Fill in forms](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/kangaroo/images/hosted03.png) 1. Fill in the database, Redis instance and image/Charts storage information and click __Next__ . If __Middleware__ has been installed, the system will automatically detect PostgreSQL and Redis. When there is no available database, you can click the link to create one. If __Middleware__ hasn't been installed, you can __Join external instance__ and use external PostgreSQL and Redis. Tips for filling out the database: - Address: `postgres://{host}:{port}`, for example `postgres://acid-minimal-cluster.default.svc:5432` - Username: Fill in the username to connect to the database - Password: fill in the password to connect to the database Redis filling is divided into stand-alone and sentinel modes: - Fill in the address in stand-alone mode: `redis://{host}:{port}`, you need to replace the two parameters: `host` and `port`. - Fill in the address in sentinel mode: `redis+sentinel://{host}:{port}?sentinelMasterId={master_id}`, you need to replace the three parameters: `host`, `port`, and `master_id`. - Password: Fill in as required ![spec](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/kangaroo/images/hosted04.png) 1. Fill in the domain name, select the ingress instance, enter the administrator password and click __OK__ (username/password is used to log in to the native Harbor instance, please keep the password safe). Tips for filling in the domain name: `http://{host}`, `http://` in front of the host must be brought. ![Binding](../images/registry.png) 1. Return to the list of managed Harbor instances. The newly created instance is the first one by default. Wait for the status to change from `Updating` to `Healthy` before it can be used normally. 1. Click __...__ on the right side of an instance, and you can choose to edit, delete, enter the Native Harbor or check status. ![More operations](../images/hosted06.png) 1. **Managed Harbor** primarily involves managing the entire lifecycle of a Harbor instance. Once created, the system will automatically integrate the instance into the **Integrated Registry** list. You can navigate to the **Integrated Registry** list to view the instance details and perform operations such as `Create Registry Space` and `Sync Images`. Next step: [Create registry space](../integrate/integrate-admin/registry-space.md)