--- MTPE: windsonsea date: 2024-01-09 --- # Release Notes This page lists the release notes for Cloud Edge Collaboration, providing an overview of the evolution path and feature changes in each version. ## 2024-04-07 ### v0.9.0 #### New Features - **Added** support for users to customize installation of MQTT service #### Improvements - **Improved** the edge node access process for a more user-friendly interaction #### Fixes - **Fixed** an issue with client displaying time in different time zones ## 2024-02-06 ### v0.8.1 #### New Features - **Added** support for rolling back versions of workloads - **Added** display of deployed workload versions - **Added** monitoring of edge node status, node resource usage, read/write speeds, receive/send rates, and other metrics - **Added** monitoring of workload status, resource usage, read/write speeds, receive/send rates, and other metrics - **Added** scheduling of GPU resources such as NVIDIA, Huawei Ascend, and others ## 2024-01-09 ### v0.7.1 #### New Features - **Added** support for integrating with KubeEdge installed in the cluster #### Improvements - **Improved** Batch deletion interaction for edge resources - **Improved** Edge unit image authentication interaction - **Improved** Custom device parameter configuration ## 2023-12-06 ### v0.6.1 #### New Features - **Added** support for custom terminal device access, compatible with multiple device protocols - **Added** service capabilities to support edge-to-edge communication - **Added** support for viewing container log information #### Improvements - **Improved** interaction for setting component Helm repository when creating edge units - **Improved** interaction for setting edge component image repository address when creating batch tasks - **Added** support for editing and deleting edge units in the "In Progress" state #### Fixes - **Fixed** an issue where the default image repository for edge units created in the Cloud Edge Collaboration installed via the installer was set to "release" - **Fixed** an issue with abnormal edge unit status determination due to the addition of edge components ## 2023-11-06 ### v0.5.0 - **Added** support for creating multiple edge units, allowing expansion of a workspace cluster with additional edge units. - **Added** customizable settings for KubeEdge image repository, KubeEdge Helm repository, and system component image repository. - **Added** ability to modify the NodePort port exposed by CloudCore for edge access. - **Added** editing capabilities for edge units, including modifying basic information, component repository settings, and access settings. - **Added** support for deleting edge units. - **Added** overview of edge units, including basic information, component repository settings, access settings, and resource status information. - **Added** bulk registration of x86_64 and arm64 architecture edge computing machines as edge nodes. - **Added** configuration options for node driver mode, CRI service address, and KubeEdge image repository. - **Added** support for edge node labeling, allowing quick filtering of nodes that edge applications want to schedule based on labels. - **Added** installation and management of nodes using token (valid for 24 hours) or certificate (long-term validity). - **Added** display registered edge nodes, including node name, status, labels, CPU/memory (allocation/utilization), IP address, etc. - **Added** search functionality for edge node names. - **Added** pause/resume scheduling of edge nodes. - **Added** Removal of edge nodes. - **Added** overview of edge node details, including Kubelet version, operating system, container runtime, resource usage/allocation status, etc. - **Added** list of pods, labels and annotations, events, and status on edge nodes. - **Added** display registered edge node groups and support for searching by group name. - **Added** editing and deletion of edge node groups. - **Added** specific edge nodes to edge node groups. - **Added** filtering edge nodes to edge node groups based on labels. - **Added** applications deployment to edge nodes using image-based deployment. - **Added** workload creation using YAML. - **Added** support for multiple image pulling strategies to meet different operational requirements during application restarts. - **Added** configuration of CPU/memory quotas, including request and limit values. - **Added** configuration of workload lifecycle, health checks, environment variables, data storage, and security settings. - **Added** labels and annotations to workloads. - **Added** support for multiple network access methods for workloads, including port mapping, host network, and non-accessible modes. - **Added** container console support. - **Added** container logs. - **Added** YAML configurations. - **Added** the capability of update workloads, including container specifications, access configurations, and deployment configurations. - **Added** support for restarting/stopping workloads. - Modify workload labels and annotations. - **Added** support for deleting workloads. - **Added** basic information for deployed workloads, such as workload name, alias, status, namespace, etc. - **Added** pods list for deployed workloads. - **Added** displaying and editing container configuration information for deployed workloads, including container specifications, health checks, environment variables, and storage settings. - **Added** displaying and editing node scheduling information for deployed workloads. - **Added** displaying and editing labels and annotations for deployed workloads. - **Added** displaying and editing access configuration information for deployed workloads, such as network type. - **Added** displaying event lists for deployed workloads. - **Added** bulk deployment of applications to edge node groups using image-based deployment. - **Added** batch deployments using YAML. - **Added** differentiated configuration of workload instances and container images for different node groups. - **Added** displaying and editing batch deployment definitions. - **Added** deletion of deployed workload instances. - **Added** creating and deleting configmaps and keys using forms and YAML, decoupling configmaps and encrypted files from container images to enhance portability of container workloads. - **Added** Updating, exporting, and deleting configmaps and keys for easy management of configuration files. - **Added** creating and deletingmessage endpoints. - **Added** creating message routes, allowing messages to be forwarded to corresponding endpoints based on configured routing rules. - **Added** deleting message routes. - **Added** support for Modbus protocol end device integration and visualization management. - **Added** binding and unbinding end device with registered edge nodes. - **Added** features of adding, modifying, and deleting device twin properties. - **Added** editing device twin properties to change expected values stored in device twin information on edge nodes, allowing device to synchronize changes with twin information. - **Added** tags to device for querying device based on multiple tag key-value pairs. - **Added** device access configurations for retrieving device data. - **Added** support for deleting end device. - **Added** display of basic information for registered device, such as device name, access protocol, namespace, etc. - **Added** support for displaying and editing end device twin properties, tags, and access configuration information.