--- hide: - toc MTPE: FanLin Date: 2024-01-23 --- # Create Internal Edge Unit Edge unit definition: It refers to the collection of computing resources required for container runtime, including the cloud-side Master and edge-side worker Nodes. The concept of an edge unit is similar to a cluster in Kubernetes, but the networking is different. The Master node is deployed in the cloud, and one cloud-side master (with multiple backups) corresponds to one edge cluster. Business of edge units: Install the KubeEdge Cloud Suite (CloudCore, ControllerManager) on the specified worker cluster and manage it throughout its lifecycle. KubeEdge: It is an open-source system that extends native containerized application orchestration capabilities to edge nodes. - CloudCore: KubeEdge cloud-side core component. - ControllerManager: KubeEdge CRD extension, currently applied to edge applications and edge node groups. DCE 5.0 Cloud Edge supports two types of edge units: - **Internal Edge Unit** is to install the KubeEdge cloud suite (CloudCore, ControllerManager) for a specified working cluster and manage it throughout its lifecycle. - **External Edge Unit** refers to integrating the existing KubeEdge installed in the enterprise system into DCE 5.0 Cloud Edge for unified management. See [Creating External Edge Unit](./create-external-unit.md) ## Steps The following steps explain how to create an edge unit: 1. Select __Cloud Edge Collaboration__ from the left navigation bar to go to the edge unit list page. Click the __Create Edge Unit__ button in the top-right corner of the page. ![Create Edge Unit](../images/create-unit-01.png) 2. Fill in the basic information: - Name: A combination of lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and dots (.), and it should not have consecutive separators. It should start and end with a letter or number. contains a maximum of 253 characters. - Cluster: The cluster where the edge unit control plane runs. - KubeEdge Version: A specific version released by the KubeEdge open-source system, used to extend containerized application orchestration capabilities to edge hosts. It is built on Kubernetes and provides infrastructure support for network applications. - Description: Description of the edge unit. ![Basic Info](../images/create-unit-02.png) 3. Component Repo: KubeEdge and Kant cloud-side component repository settings. - KubeEdge Registry: The KubeEdge cloud-side component image repository, which is the default value for the KubeEdge edge image repository in the batch node module. - Default: The default image repository address provided by the system. - Custom: You can enter the commonly used image repository address for enterprises. - KubeEdge Helm Repo: KubeEdge Helm application repository. - Default: The default Helm repository address provided by the system. - Custom: You can enter the commonly used Helm repository address for enterprises. - Kant Image Repository: The required cloud-side component image repository of the system, where Kant refers to the Cloud Edge Collaboration module; the edge installation package image repository address. - Default: The default image repository address provided by the system. - Custom: You can enter the commonly used image repository address for enterprises. ![Component Repo](../images/create-unit-03.png) !!! note If you want to modify the default values of the KubeEdge and Kant image repositories, you can go to the **Global cluster kant-system namespace** , and modify the ConfigMap corresponding to the parameters kubeedgeImageRepo and kantImageRepo. - ConfigMap name: dynamic-properties-config - Parameter example as follows: ```yaml data: kantAPIServerProperties: |- { ... # Default values for KubeEdge and Kant image repositories "kubeedgeImageRepo": "docker.m.daocloud.io/kubeedge", "kantImageRepo": "release-ci.daocloud.io/kant", } ``` 4. Network Config: Network Configuration for KubeEdge cloud-side components, through which edge nodes establish connections with the cloud. - CloudCore Address: The address of the KubeEdge CloudCore, which needs to be accessible by edge nodes. - Ports: - WebSocketPort: The WebSocket port for the access protocol, with a default value of 30000. - QUICPort: The QUIC port for the access protocol, with a default value of 30001. - HTTPServerPort: The HTTP server port, with a default value of 30002. - CloudStreamPort: The port for the cloud-side streaming processing interface, with a default value of 30003. - TunnelPort: The port for the edge node business data channel, with a default value of 30004. !!! note Kubernetes opens ports within the range of 3000-32767 by default. If there is a conflict with NodePort ports, please modify them. ![Network Config](../images/create-unit-04.png) 5. After completing the configuration, click the __OK__ button to create the edge unit. You will be automatically redirected back to the edge unit list. Next: [Managing Edge Units](./manage-unit.md)