# Scaling the Worker Nodes of the Global Service Cluster This article will explain how to manually scale the worker nodes of the global service cluster in offline mode. By default, it is not recommended to scale the global service cluster after deploying the platform. Please plan your resources before deploying the platform. !!! note Note: The control nodes of the global service cluster do not support scaling. ## Prerequisites - DCE platform deployment has been completed through [Bootstrap Node](../../install/commercial/deploy-arch.md), and the kind cluster on the Bootstrap Node is running normally. - You must log in with a user account that has admin privileges on the platform. ## Obtain the kubeconfig for the kind cluster on the Bootstrap Node 1. Run the following command to log in to the Bootstrap Node: ```bash ssh root@seed-node-ip-address ``` 2. On the Bootstrap Node, run the following command to get the __CONTAINER ID__ of the kind cluster: ```bash [root@localhost ~]# podman ps # Expected output: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 220d662b1b6a docker.m.daocloud.io/kindest/node:v1.26.2 2 weeks ago Up 2 weeks>30443/tcp,>30081/tcp,>32000-32001/tcp,>6443/tcp my-cluster-installer-control-plane ``` 3. Run the following command to enter the kind cluster container: ```bash podman exec -it {CONTAINER ID} bash # Replace {CONTAINER ID} with your actual container ID ``` 4. Inside the kind cluster container, run the following command to obtain the kubeconfig configuration information for the kind cluster: ```bash kubectl config view --minify --flatten --raw # Replace {CONTAINER ID} with your actual container ID ``` After the console output, copy the kubeconfig configuration information of the kind cluster for the next step. ## Create `cluster.kubean.io` resources in the kind cluster on the Bootstrap Node 1. Use the __podman exec -it {CONTAINER ID} bash__ command to enter the kind cluster container. 2. Copy and run the following command to create the `cluster.kubean.io` resources in the kind cluster: ```bash kubectl apply -f - <