# How to Add Heterogeneous Nodes to a Working Cluster This article explains how to add ARM architecture nodes with Kylin v10 sp2 operating system to an AMD architecture working cluster with CentOS 7.9 operating system. !!! note This article is only applicable to adding heterogeneous nodes to a working cluster created using the DCE 5.0 platform in offline mode, excluding connected clusters. ## Prerequisites - A DCE 5.0 Full Mode deployment has been successfully completed, and the bootstrap node is still alive. Refer to the documentation [Offline Installation of DCE 5.0 Enterprise](../../install/commercial/start-install.md) for the deployment process. - A working cluster with AMD architecture and CentOS 7.9 operating system has been created through the DCE 5.0 platform. Refer to the documentation [Creating a Working Cluster](../user-guide/clusters/create-cluster.md) for the creation process. ## Procedure ### Download and Import Offline Packages Take ARM architecture and Kylin v10 sp2 operating system as examples. Make sure you are logged into the bootstrap node! Also, make sure the __clusterConfig.yaml__ file used during the DCE 5.0 deployment is available. #### Offline Image Package !!! note The latest version can be downloaded from the [Download Center](https://docs.daocloud.io/download/dce5/). | CPU Architecture | Version | Download Link | | :--------------- | :------ | :------------ | | AMD64 | v0.10.0 | | | ARM64 | v0.10.0 | | After downloading, extract the offline package: ```bash tar -xvf offline-v0.10.0-arm64.tar ``` #### ISO Offline Package (Kylin v10 sp2) | CPU Architecture | Operating System Version | Download Link | | :--------------- | :----------------------- | :------------ | | ARM64 | Kylin Linux Advanced Server release V10 (Sword) SP2 | | !!! note Kylin operating system requires personal information to be provided for downloading and usage. Select V10 (Sword) SP2 when downloading. #### osPackage Offline Package (Kylin v10 sp2) The [Kubean](https://github.com/kubean-io/kubean) project provides osPackage offline packages for different operating systems. Visit to view the available packages. | Operating System Version | Download Link | | :----------------------- | :------------ | | Kylin Linux Advanced Server release V10 (Sword) SP2 | | !!! note Check the specific version of the osPackage offline package in the __offline/sample/clusterConfig.yaml__ file of the offline image package. #### Importing Offline Packages to the Bootstrap Node Execute the import-artifact command: ```bash ./offline/dce5-installer import-artifact -c clusterConfig.yaml \ --offline-path=/root/offline \ --iso-path=/root/Kylin-Server-10-SP2-aarch64-Release-Build09-20210524.iso \ --os-pkgs-path=/root/os-pkgs-kylinv10-v0.7.4.tar.gz ``` !!! note Parameter Explanation: - __-c clusterConfig.yaml__ specifies the clusterConfig.yaml file used during the previous DCE 5.0 deployment. - __--offline-path__ specifies the file path of the downloaded offline image package. - __--iso-path__ specifies the file path of the downloaded ISO operating system image. - __--os-pkgs-path__ specifies the file path of the downloaded osPackage offline package. After a successful import command execution, the offline package will be uploaded to Minio on the bootstrap node. ### Adding Heterogeneous Worker Nodes Make sure you are logged into the management node of the Global cluster in DCE 5.0. #### Modify the Host Manifest Here is an example of host manifest: === "Before adding a node" ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: ${cluster-name}-hosts-conf namespace: kubean-system data: hosts.yml: | all: hosts: centos-master: ip: access_ip: ansible_host: ansible_connection: ssh ansible_user: root ansible_ssh_pass: ****** children: kube_control_plane: hosts: centos-master: kube_node: hosts: centos-master: etcd: hosts: centos-master: k8s_cluster: children: kube_control_plane: kube_node: ``` === "After adding a node" ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: ${cluster-name}-hosts-conf namespace: kubean-system data: hosts.yml: | all: hosts: centos-master: ip: access_ip: ansible_host: ansible_connection: ssh ansible_user: root ansible_ssh_pass: ****** # Add heterogeneous node information kylin-worker: ip: access_ip: ansible_host: ansible_connection: ssh ansible_user: root ansible_ssh_pass: dangerous@2022 children: kube_control_plane: hosts: centos-master: kube_node: hosts: centos-master: kylin-worker: # Add the name of heterogeneous node etcd: hosts: centos-master: k8s_cluster: children: kube_control_plane: kube_node: ``` To add information about the newly added worker nodes according to the above comments: ```shell kubectl edit cm ${cluster-name}-hosts-conf -n kubean-system ``` #### Add Expansion Tasks through ClusterOperation.yml Example: ```yaml title="ClusterOperation.yml" apiVersion: kubean.io/v1alpha1 kind: ClusterOperation metadata: name: add-worker-node spec: cluster: ${cluster-name} # Specify cluster name image: ghcr.m.daocloud.io/kubean-io/spray-job:v0.5.0 backoffLimit: 0 actionType: playbook action: scale.yml extraArgs: --limit=kylin-worker preHook: - actionType: playbook action: ping.yml - actionType: playbook action: disable-firewalld.yml - actionType: playbook action: enable-repo.yml extraArgs: | -e "{repo_list: ["\$releasever/os/\$basearch","\$releasever/os/\$basearch"]}" postHook: - actionType: playbook action: cluster-info.yml ``` !!! note - Ensure the __spec.image__ image address matches the image used in the previous deployment job. - Set __spec.action__ to __scale.yml__ . - Set __spec.extraArgs__ to __--limit=g-worker__ . - Fill in the correct __repo_list__ parameter for the relevant OS in __spec.preHook__ 's __enable-repo.yml__ script. To create and deploy __join-node-ops.yaml__ according to the above configuration: ```shell vi join-node-ops.yaml kubectl apply -f join-node-ops.yaml -n kubean-system ``` #### Check the status of the task execution ```shell kubectl -n kubean-system get pod | grep add-worker-node ``` To check the progress of the scaling task, you can view the logs of the corresponding pod. ### Verify in the User Interface 1. Go to __Container Management__ -> __Clusters__ -> __Nodes__ . 2. Click the newly added node to view details.