# Work Cluster Offline Upgrade Guide !!! note This page describes how to upgrade the kubernetes version of the working cluster created using the DCE 5.0 platform in offline mode, and does not include the upgrade of other kubeneters components. ## Overview In the offline scenario, users can upgrade the kubernetes version of the working cluster created using the DCE 5.0 platform by making an incremental offline package. The overall upgrade idea is: build the offline package on the networking node → import the offline package into the bootstrapping node → update the kubernetes version list of the Global cluster → use the platform UI to upgrade the kubernetes version of the working cluster. !!! note Offline kubernetes builds currently supported are as follows: - v1.26.3, v1.26.2, v1.26.1, v1.26.0, v1.25.8 - v1.25.7, v1.25.6, v1.25.5, v1.25.4, v1.25.3, v1.25.2, v1.25.1, v1.25.0, - v1.24.12, v1.24.11, v1.24.10, v1.24.9, v1.24.8, v1.24.7, v1.24.6, v1.24.5, v1.24.4, v1.24.3, v1.24.2, v1.24.1, v1.24.0 ## Build Offline Packages at Networked Node Because the offline environment cannot be connected to the Internet, users need to prepare a machine **Networked nodes** in advance to build incremental offline packages and start the Docker service on this node. [How to install Docker?](../../blogs/230315-install-on-linux.md) 1. Check the Docker service running status of the networked nodes ```bash # Check status of docker process on the node ps aux|grep docker # The desired output looks like: root 12341 0.5 0.2 654372 26736 ? Ssl 23:45 0:00 /usr/bin/docked root 12351 0.2 0.1 625080 13740 ? Ssl 23:45 0:00 docker-containerd --config /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.toml root 13024 0.0 0.0 112824 980 pts/0 S+ 23:45 0:00 grep --color=auto docker ``` 2. Create a file named __manifest.yaml__ in the directory of the __/root__ networked node with the following command: ```bash vi manifest.yaml ``` __manifest.yaml__ includes the following contents: ```yaml image_arch: - "amd64" kube_version: - "v1.25.5" - "v1.25.4" - "v1.24.8" - "v1.24.5" ``` - __image_arch__ Used to specify the architecture type of the CPU. The available parameters are __amd64__ and __arm64__ . - __kube_version__ Used to specify the version of the kubernetes offline package that needs to be built. Refer to the offline kubernetes version that supports building above. 3. Create a new __/data__ folder named under the __/root__ directory to store the incremental offline package. ```bash mkdir data ``` run the following command to generate an offline package using `ghcr.m.daocloud.io/kubean-io/airgap-patch:v0.4.8` the image. For more information about `ghcr.m.daocloud.io/kubean-io/airgap-patch:v0.4.8` mirroring, go to [kubean](https://github.com/kubean-io/kubean/pkgs/container/kubean-operator). ```bash docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/manifest.yml:/manifest.yml -v $(pwd)/data:/data ghcr.m.daocloud.io/kubean-io/airgap-patch:v0.4.8 ``` After the docker service finishes running, check __/data__ the files under the folder. The file directory is as follows: ```bash data └── v_offline_patch ├── amd64 │ ├── files │ │ ├── import_files.sh │ │ └── offline-files.tar.gz # binary file │ └── images │ ├── import_images.sh │ └── offline-images.tar.gz # image file └── kubeanofflineversion.cr.patch.yaml ``` ## Import Offline Packages into the Fire Node 1. Copy the files of the __/data__ networking node to the directory of the __/root__ fire node, and then **Networking node** run the following command: ```bash scp -r data root@x.x.x.x:/root ``` !!! note `x.x.x.x` is the IP address of bootstrapping node. 2. Copy the image file in the __/data__ folder to the docker registry built in the bootstrapping node. After logging in the fire node, run the following command: 1. Enter the directory where the image file is located ```bash cd data/v_offline_patch/amd64/images ``` 2. Run the import _ images. Sh script to import the image into the built-in docker registry of the fire node. ```bash DEST_TLS_VERIFY=false ./import_images.sh ``` !!! note The above command is only applicable to the docker registry registry built in the fire node. If an external registry is used, please use the following command: ```yaml DEST_USER=${username} DEST_PASS=${password} DEST_TLS_VERIFY=false ./import_images.sh https://x.x.x.x:443 ``` `https://x.x.x.x:443` is the address of the external registry. __DEST_USER=${username} DEST_PASS=${password}__ includes username and password parameters for the external registry. This parameter can be deleted if the external registry is secret-free. 3. Copy the binary file in the __/data__ file to the built-in Minio service of the fire node on the fire node. 1. Go to the directory where the binary is located ```bash cd data/v_offline_patch/amd64/files/ ``` 2. Run the import _ files. Sh script to import the binary file into the Minio service built into the Kindle Node. ```bash MINIO_USER=rootuser MINIO_PASS=rootpass123 ./import_files.sh ``` !!! note The above commands are only applicable to the built-in Minio service of the bootstrapping node. If you use an external Minio, please replace `` with the access address of the external Minio. __rootuser__ and __rootpass123__ are the default account and password of the built-in Minio service of bootstrapping nodes. ## Update kubernetes version manifest for Global cluster 1. Copy the inventory configuration file in `kubeanofflineversion.cr.patch` the file of the __/data__ networking node to any Master node __/root__ directory in the Global cluster, and **Networking node** run the following command: ```bash scp -r data/v_offline_patch/kubeanofflineversion.cr.patch.yaml root@x.x.x.x:/root ``` !!! note `x.x.x.x` is the IP address of any Master node in the Global cluster. 2. Log in to any **Master node** execution list configuration file in the Global cluster after completing the previous step. The command is as follows: ```bash kubectl apply -f kubeanofflineversion.cr.patch.yaml ``` ## Upgrade the kubernetes version of the work cluster using the platform UI Log in to DCE 5.0, and upgrade the self-built worker cluster in reference to [Upgrade Cluster](../user-guide/clusters/upgrade-cluster.md).