--- MTPE: windsonsea Date: 2024-04-23 hide: - toc --- # Upload Helm Charts This article explains how to upload Helm charts. See the steps below. 1. Add a Helm repository, refer to [Adding a Third-Party Helm Repository](./helm-repo.md) for the procedure. 2. Upload the Helm Chart to the Helm repository. === "Upload with Client" !!! note This method is suitable for Harbor, ChartMuseum, JFrog type repositories. 1. Log in to a node that can access the Helm repository, upload the Helm binary to the node, and install the cm-push plugin. Refer to the [plugin installation process](https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push). 2. Push the Helm Chart to the Helm repository by executing the following command: ```shell helm cm-push ${charts-dir} ${HELM_REPO_URL} --username ${username} --password ${password} ``` Parameter descriptions: - `charts-dir`: The directory of the Helm Chart, you can also directly push a packaged chart (i.e., a .tgz file). - `HELM_REPO_URL`: URL of the Helm repository. - `username`/`password`: Username and password with push permissions for the Helm repository. - If using https access, add the parameter `--insecure` === "Upload with Web Page" !!! note This method is only applicable to Harbor repositories. 1. Log into the Harbor repository, ensuring the logged-in user has permissions to push; 2. Go to the relevant project, select the __Helm Charts__ tab, click the __Upload__ button on the page to upload the Helm Chart. 3. Synchronize remote repository data If the cluster settings do not enable __Automatic Helm Repository Refresh__ , manual synchronization is required. The general steps are: Go to __Helm Apps__ -> __Helm Charts__ , click the __Sync Repository__ action button on the right side of the corresponding repository list to complete the repository data synchronization.