# Importing MinIo Operator Offline This guide explains how to import the MinIo Operator offline in an environment without internet access. ## Prerequisites - The current cluster is connected to the container management and the Global cluster has installed the __kolm__ component (search for helm templates for kolm). - The current cluster has the __olm__ component installed with a version of 0.2.4 or higher (search for helm templates for olm). - Ability to execute Docker commands. - Prepare a container registry. ## Steps 1. Set the environment variables in the execution environment and use them in the subsequent steps by running the following command: ```bash export OPM_IMG= export BUNDLE_IMG= ``` How to get the above image addresses: Go to __Container Management__ -> Select the current cluster -> __Helm Applications__ -> View the __olm__ component -> __Plugin Settings__ , and find the images needed for the opm, minio, minio bundle, and minio operator in the subsequent steps. ```bash Using the screenshot as an example, the four image addresses are as follows: # opm image # minio image # minio bundle image # minio operator image ``` 2. Run the opm command to get the operators included in the offline bundle image. ```bash # Create the operator directory $ mkdir minio-operator && cd minio-operator # Get the operator yaml $ docker run --user root -v $PWD/minio-operator:/minio-operator ${OPM_IMG} alpha bundle unpack --skip-tls-verify -v -d ${BUNDLE_IMG} -o ./minio-operator # Expected result . └── minio-operator ├── manifests │ ├── console-env_v1_configmap.yaml │ ├── console-sa-secret_v1_secret.yaml │ ├── console_v1_service.yaml │ ├── minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml │ ├── minio.min.io_tenants.yaml │ ├── operator_v1_service.yaml │ ├── sts.min.io_policybindings.yaml │ └── sts_v1_service.yaml └── metadata └── annotations.yaml 3 directories, 9 files ``` 3. Replace all image addresses in the __minio-operator/manifests/minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml__ file with the image addresses from the offline container registry. Before replacement: After replacement: 4. Generate a Dockerfile for building the bundle image. ```bash $ docker run --user root -v $PWD:/minio-operator -w /minio-operator ${OPM_IMG} alpha bundle generate --channels stable,beta -d /minio-operator/minio-operator/manifests -e stable -p minio-operator   # Expected result . ├── bundle.Dockerfile └── minio-operator ├── manifests │ ├── console-env_v1_configmap.yaml │ ├── console-sa-secret_v1_secret.yaml │ ├── console_v1_service.yaml │ ├── minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml │ ├── minio.min.io_tenants.yaml │ ├── operator_v1_service.yaml │ ├── sts.min.io_policybindings.yaml │ └── sts_v1_service.yaml └── metadata └── annotations.yaml 3 directories, 10 files ``` 5. Build the bundle image and push it to the offline registry. ```bash # Set the new bundle image export OFFLINE_BUNDLE_IMG= $ docker build . -f bundle.Dockerfile -t ${OFFLINE_BUNDLE_IMG}   $ docker push ${OFFLINE_BUNDLE_IMG} ``` 6. Generate a Dockerfile for building the catalog image. ```bash $ docker run --user root -v $PWD:/minio-operator -w /minio-operator ${OPM_IMG} index add --bundles ${OFFLINE_BUNDLE_IMG} --generate --binary-image ${OPM_IMG} --skip-tls-verify # Expected result . ├── bundle.Dockerfile ├── database │ └── index.db ├── index.Dockerfile └── minio-operator ├── manifests │ ├── console-env_v1_configmap.yaml │ ├── console-sa-secret_v1_secret.yaml │ ├── console_v1_service.yaml │ ├── minio.min.io_tenants.yaml │ ├── minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml │ ├── operator_v1_service.yaml │ ├── sts.min.io_policybindings.yaml │ └── sts_v1_service.yaml └── metadata └── annotations.yaml 4 directories, 12 files ``` 7. Build the catalog image. ```bash # Set the new catalog image export OFFLINE_CATALOG_IMG= $ docker build . -f index.Dockerfile -t ${OFFLINE_CATALOG_IMG} $ docker push ${OFFLINE_CATALOG_IMG} ``` 8. Go to Container Management and update the built-in catsrc image for the helm application __olm__ (enter the catalog image specified in the construction of the catalog image, __${catalog-image}__ ). 9. After the update is successful, the __minio-operator__ component will appear in the Operator Hub.