# Scan Configuration The first step in using [CIS Scanning](../index.md) is to create a scan configuration. Based on the scan configuration, you can then create scan policies, execute scan policies, and finally view scan results. ## Create a Scan Configuration The steps for creating a scan configuration are as follows: 1. Click __Security Management__ in the left navigation bar of the homepage of the container management module. 2. By default, enter the __Compliance Scanning__ page, click the __Scan Configuration__ tab, and then click __Create Scan Configuration__ in the upper-right corner. 3. Fill in the configuration name, select the configuration template, and optionally check the scan items, then click __OK__ . Scan Template: Currently, two templates are provided. The __kubeadm__ template is suitable for general Kubernetes clusters. The __daocloud__ template ignores scan items that are not applicable to DCE 5.0 based on the __kubeadm__ template and the platform design of DCE 5.0. ## View Scan Configuration Under the scan configuration tab, clicking the name of a scan configuration displays the type of the configuration, the number of scan items, the creation time, the configuration template, and the specific scan items enabled for the configuration. ## Updat/Delete Scan Configuration After a scan configuration has been successfully created, it can be updated or deleted according to your needs. Under the scan configuration tab, click the __ⵗ__ action button to the right of a configuration: - Select __Edit__ to update the configuration. You can update the description, template, and scan items. The configuration name cannot be changed. - Select __Delete__ to delete the configuration.