# MySQL Archiving Solution pt-archiver is a tool used to archive tables. It can achieve low-impact, high-performance archiving by deleting old data from the table without causing significant impact on OLTP queries. It can insert the data into another table, which does not need to be on the same server. It can also write the data to a file in a format suitable for LOAD DATA INFILE. Alternatively, it can simply delete the data. During archiving, you can also specify the columns and rows to archive. ## Installation The __pt-heartbeat__ tool is already installed by default when deploying MySQL. You can check it using the following command: ```shell [root@mysql1012-mysql-2 /]# pt-archiver --version pt-archiver 3.4.0 ``` __pt-heartbeat__ requires at least one of the __--dest__ , __--file__ , or __--purge__ options to be specified, and some options are mutually exclusive. ```console Specify at least one of --dest, --file, or --purge. --ignore and --replace are mutually exclusive. --txn-size and --commit-each are mutually exclusive. --low-priority-insert and --delayed-insert are mutually exclusive. --share-lock and --for-update are mutually exclusive. --analyze and --optimize are mutually exclusive. --no-ascend and --no-delete are mutually exclusive. DSN values in --dest default to values from --source if COPY is yes ``` ## Archiving Methods ### Delete Data Without Archiving ```shell pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableSimple \ --purge \ --where "1=1" \ --nosafe-auto-incremen ``` ### Archive to File File Format: Specify the file format using the __--output-format__ option. If you want to include a header in the archived file, use the __--header__ option. - dump: MySQL dump format using tabs as field separator (default) - csv: Dump rows using ‘,’ as separator and optionally enclosing fields by ‘”’. This format is equivalent to FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY ‘”’. Recovery: You can use the __LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE__ syntax to restore the archived data. ```shell pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=one_column \ --file=/var/log/one_column.txt \ --progress 5000 \ --where "1=1" \ --no-delete \ --statistics --limit=10000 --txn-size 1000 --nosafe-auto-incremen cat /var/log/one_column.txt 1 zhangsan pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=one_column \ --file=/var/log/one_column_csv.txt \ --output-format=csv \ --progress 5000 \ --where "1=1" \ --no-delete \ --statistics --limit=10000 --txn-size 1000 --nosafe-auto-incremen cat /var/log/one_column_csv.txt 1, "zhangsan" # Using the __--header__ option, the header will only be added if the file specified by __--file__ does not exist. pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=one_column \ --file=/var/log/one_column_csv.txt \ --output-format=csv \ --header \ --progress 5000 \ --where "1=1" \ --no-delete \ --statistics --limit=10000 --txn-size 1000 --nosafe-auto-incremen cat /var/log/one_column_csv.txt id name 1 zhangsan # Restore mysql -uroot -p'ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh' -h172.30.47.0 -P31898 --local-infile=1 LOAD DATA local INFILE '/var/log/one_column_csv.txt' INTO TABLE one_column; ``` ### No Operation, Only Print the Executed Queries, using the __--dry-run__ option ```shell pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableSimple \ --purge \ --where "1=1" \ --dry-run ``` ### Archive to Another Table (which can be in another database instance) ```shell pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableSimple \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507 \ --where "1=1" \ --no-delete ``` ### Specify Columns to Archive, using the __--columns__ parameter ```shell pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableSimple \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507 \ --where "1=1" \ --no-delete \ --columns=name,email ``` ### Archiving with a Replica, Pause Archiving if Replica Lag is Greater than 1s: __--check-slave-lag__ ```shell # Run in replica mysql>stop slave; mysql>CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_DELAY = 10; mysql>start slave; mysql>show slave status \G; pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=3306,D=test,t=myTableSimple \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507 \ --where="1=1" \ --max-lag=1 \ --check-slave-lag h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=3306,D=test \ --check-interval 1s \ --progress=1 \ --statistics ``` ## FAQs 1. If the archived data is always missing one row, you can refer to [Troubleshooting | Missing One Record in pt-archiver Archive](https://opensource.actionsky.com/20220926-mysql/). ```mysql # Add --dry-run to view the generated query, pay attention to WHERE (1=1) AND ( __id__ < '3') ``` pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableSimple \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507 \ --where "1=1" \ --no-delete \ --dry-run SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ __id__ , __name__ , __phone__ , __email__ , __address__ , __list__ , __country__ , __region__ , __postalzip__ , __text__ , __numberrange__ , __currency__ , __alphanumeric__ FROM __test__ . __myTableSimple__ FORCE INDEX( __PRIMARY__ ) WHERE (1=1) AND ( __id__ < '3') ORDER BY __id__ LIMIT 1 SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ __id__ , __name__ , __phone__ , __email__ , __address__ , __list__ , __country__ , __region__ , __postalzip__ , __text__ , __numberrange__ , __currency__ , __alphanumeric__ FROM __test__ . __myTableSimple__ FORCE INDEX( __PRIMARY__ ) WHERE (1=1) AND ( __id__ < '3') AND (( __id__ > ?)) ORDER BY __id__ LIMIT 1 INSERT INTO __test__ . __myTableSimple__ ( __id__ , __name__ , __phone__ , __email__ , __address__ , __list__ , __country__ , __region__ , __postalzip__ , __text__ , __numberrange__ , __currency__ , __alphanumeric__ ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) SELECT MAX(id) from myTableSimple; +---------+ | MAX(id) | +---------+ | 3| +---------+ ``` **Solution 1: --nosafe-auto-incremen** ```shell pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableSimple \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507 \ --where "1=1" \ --no-delete \ --nosafe-auto-incremen \ --dry-run SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ __id__ , __name__ , __phone__ , __email__ , __address__ , __list__ , __country__ , __region__ , __postalzip__ , __text__ , __numberrange__ , __currency__ , __alphanumeric__ FROM __test__ . __myTableSimple__ FORCE INDEX( __PRIMARY__ ) WHERE (1=1) ORDER BY __id__ LIMIT 1 SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ __id__ , __name__ , __phone__ , __email__ , __address__ , __list__ , __country__ , __region__ , __postalzip__ , __text__ , __numberrange__ , __currency__ , __alphanumeric__ FROM __test__ . __myTableSimple__ FORCE INDEX( __PRIMARY__ ) WHERE (1=1) AND (( __id__ > ?)) ORDER BY __id__ LIMIT 1 INSERT INTO __test__ . __myTableSimple__ ( __id__ , __name__ , __phone__ , __email__ , __address__ , __list__ , __country__ , __region__ , __postalzip__ , __text__ , __numberrange__ , __currency__ , __alphanumeric__ ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ``` **Solution 2: Use __--no-ascend__ and specify the index using __i=specified_index__ in the __--source__ DSN** ```shell pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableSimple,i=name_index \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507 \ --where "1=1" \ --no-delete \ --dry-run SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ __id__ , __name__ , __phone__ , __email__ , __address__ , __list__ , __country__ , __region__ , __postalzip__ , __text__ , __numberrange__ , __currency__ , __alphanumeric__ FROM __test__ . __myTableSimple__ FORCE INDEX( __name_index__ ) WHERE (1=1) ORDER BY __name__ LIMIT 1 SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ __id__ , __name__ , __phone__ , __email__ , __address__ , __list__ , __country__ , __region__ , __postalzip__ , __text__ , __numberrange__ , __currency__ , __alphanumeric__ FROM __test__ . __myTableSimple__ FORCE INDEX( __name_index__ ) WHERE (1=1) AND (((? IS NULL AND __name__ IS NOT NULL) OR ( __name__ > ?))) ORDER BY __name__ LIMIT 1 INSERT INTO __test__ . __myTableSimple__ ( __id__ , __name__ , __phone__ , __email__ , __address__ , __list__ , __country__ , __region__ , __postalzip__ , __text__ , __numberrange__ , __currency__ , __alphanumeric__ ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ``` 1. If there is no primary key defined on the table, the default parameters may cause the archiving process to fail. - By default, __pt-archiver__ looks for an "ascendable index". If no such index is found, the archiving process fails. - To resolve this issue, you can specify an alternative index in the __--source__ DSN by adding __i=specified_index__ . This allows __pt-archiver__ to use the specified index for archiving, even if there is no primary key defined on the table. ```shell show create table myTableNoPrimaryKey\G *************************** 1. row *************************** Table: myTableNoPrimaryKey Create Table: CREATE TABLE __myTableNoPrimaryKey__ ( __id__ mediumint NOT NULL, __name__ varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, __phone__ varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, __email__ varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, __address__ varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, __list__ varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, __country__ varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, __region__ varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, __postalZip__ varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, __text__ text, __numberrange__ mediumint DEFAULT NULL, __currency__ varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, __alphanumeric__ varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, KEY __name_index__ ( __name__ ) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci 1 row in set (0.03 sec) # No primary key specified, no index specified in --source, failed. pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableNoPrimaryKey \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507 \ --where "1=1" Cannot find an ascendable index in table at /usr/bin/pt-archiver line 3261. 解决办法:在–source 的 DSN 里通过 i=other_index 指定其他索引 pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableNoPrimaryKey,i=name_index \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507 \ --where "1=1" ``` **Solution: Specify another index in the __--source__ DSN using __i=other_index__ ** ```shell pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableNoPrimaryKey,i=name_index \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507 \ --where "1=1" ``` 1. Bulk insert failure - When using the __--bulk-insert__ option, failures may occur during bulk insertion. ```mysql pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableSimple \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507,D=test,t=myTableSimple \ --where "1=1" \ --bulk-insert \ --limit=1000 --no-delete --progress 10 --statistics TIME ELAPSED COUNT 2023-10-16T10:37:32 0 0 DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Loading local data is disabled; this must be enabled on both the client and server sides [for Statement "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ? INTO TABLE __test__ . __myTableSimple__ ( __id__ , __name__ , __phone__ , __email__ , __address__ , __list__ , __country__ , __region__ , __postalzip__ , __text__ , __numberrange__ , __currency__ , __alphanumeric__ )" with ParamValues: 0='/tmp/GPJHnHSRUspt-archiver'] at /usr/bin/pt-archiver line 6876. ``` - Check relevant variables of MySQL ```mysql mysql> show variables like 'local_infile'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | local_infile | OFF | +---------------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.04 sec) ``` - Ensure that the __local_infile__ option is enabled on both the client and server sides. You can do this by setting __local_infile=on__ in both the source and destination MySQL instances. ```mysql # Set local_infile=on on both the source and destination MySQL instances mysql> set global local_infile=on; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec) pt-archiver \ --source h=,u=root,p='ZoO1l1K%YbG!zlh',P=31898,D=test,t=myTableSimple,L=1 \ --dest h=,u=root,p='12345678@',P=31507,D=test,t=myTableSimple \ --where "1=1" \ --bulk-insert \ --limit=1000 --no-delete --progress 10 --statistics TIME ELAPSED COUNT 2023-10-16T10:46:28 0 0 2023-10-16T10:46:28 0 2 Started at 2023-10-16T10:46:28, ended at 2023-10-16T10:46:29 Source: D=test,L=1,P=31898,h=,p=...,t=myTableSimple,u=root Dest: D=test,L=1,P=31507,h=,p=...,t=myTableSimple,u=root SELECT 2 INSERT 2 DELETE 0 Action Count Time Pct commit 6 0.2151 45.16 bulk_inserting 1 0.1418 29.77 select 2 0.0763 16.02 print_bulkfile 2 0.0000 0.00 other 0 0.0431 9.04 ```