--- MTPE: windsonsea date: 2024-01-05 --- # RabbitMQ Release Notes This page lists the Release Notes of the RabbitMQ message queue, so that you can understand the evolution path and feature changes of each version. *[mcamel-rabbitmq]: "mcamel" is the dev name for DaoCloud's middlewares, and "rabbitmq" is a message agent implemented on the basis of AMQP ## 2024-03-31 ### v0.18.0 - **Improved** support for Chinese monitoring dashboard in Chinese mode ## 2024-01-31 ### v0.17.0 #### Improvements - **Improved** Added display of RabbitMQ version in global management ## 2023-12-31 ### v0.16.0 - **Fixed** an issue where validation for special characters in input fields was not working when creating instances. ## 2023-11-30 ### v0.15.0 - **Added** support for setting access whitelist for Mcamel-RabbitMQ - **Added** support for recording operation audit logs - **Improved** prompt when instance list information is not obtained ## 2023-10-31 ### v0.14.0 - **Added** offline upgrade functionality - **Added** restart functionality for instances - **Fixed** cloudshell permissions issue ## 2023-08-31 ### v0.13.0 - **Improved** syntax compatibility for KindBase - **Improved** page display during operator creation process - **Improved** default anti-affinity configuration on the creation page ## 2023-07-31 ### v0.12.3 - **Added** workload anti-affinity capability - **Added** access restrictions for UI interface permissions ## 2023-06-30 ### v0.11.0 - **Added** __LoadBalancer__ service type - **Improved** the monitoring charts by removing distracting elements and adding a time range selection ## 2023-04-27 ### v0.10.1 - **Added** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ details page displays related events - **Added** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ supports custom roles - **Added** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ supports access traces - **Improved** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ scheduling strategy adds a sliding button ## 2023-03-30 ### v0.9.1 - **Improved** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ improves Operator image to speed up addresses. ## 2023-03-28 ### v0.9.0 - **Added** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ supports middleware traces adaptation - **Added** Enable traces according to parameter configuration when installing __mcamel-rabbitmq__ ## 2023-02-23 ### v0.8.0 - **Added** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ helm-docs template file - **Added** The Operator in the __mcamel-rabbitmq__ app store can only be installed in mcamel-system - **Added** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ supports cloud shell - **Added** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ supports separate registration of navigation bar - **Added** log view operation instructions, support custom query, export and other features - **Upgraded** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ upgrade offline mirror detection script - **Added** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ supports viewing logs - **Fixed** an issue that __mcamel-rabbitmq__ instance name is too long and the custom resource cannot be created - **Fixed** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ workspace Editor user cannot view instance password ## 2022-12-25 ### v0.7.0 - **Added** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ NodePort port conflict detection in advance - **Added** __mcamel-rabbitmq__ node affinity configuration - **Improved** __mcamel-rabbitmq-ui__ middleware style walkthrough optimization ## 2022-11-28 ### v0.6.4 - **Added** interface to get user list - **Added** supports multi-architecture images, the configuration method is __depend.arm64-img.rabbitClusterImageFormat: xxxx__ - **Added** supports sc expansion interception, when sc does not support expansion, directly intercept it - **Added** public field when returning list or details - **Added** return alerts - **Added** Validation Service annotation - **Improved** Password verification is adjusted to MCamel medium password strength - **Fixed** page console may access wrong port ## 2022-10-27 ### v0.6.1 #### New features - **Added** to increase coverage - **Added** front-end UI registration function - **Added** Performance enhancements - **Added** pagination feature to the list page - **Added** the feature of modifying the configuration - **Added** the ability to return modifiable configuration items - **Added** Change the limitation of creating instances to the cluster level instead of the namespace level - **Added** splicing feature of monitoring address - **Added** the ability to modify the version number - **Added** Modify the underlying update logic to patch logic - **Added** RabbitMQ e2e test coverage is about 17.24% - **Added** RabbitMQ performance pressure test report - **Added** RabbitMQ bug spot check - **Added** Docking ghippo adds workspace interface - **Added** Docking insight injected into dashboard through crd - **Added** uniformly adjust the timestamp api field to int64 - **Added** Increased single-test coverage to 53% - **Improved** Update the release note script and run the release-process specification - **Added** New feature description - **Added** Create RabbitMQ - **Added** RabbitMQ data migration - **Added** instance monitoring - **Added** Enter RabbitMQ for the first time - **Added** use cases