--- hide: - toc --- # Create RabbitMQ In the RabbitMQ message queue, do the following: 1. Click __New Instance__ in the upper right corner. 2. On the __Create a RabbitMQ instance__ page, after setting the basic information, click __Next__ . 3. After configuring the specifications, click __Next__ . - Version: The version number of RabbitMQ, currently only supports RabbitMQ 3.7.20. - Number of copies: 1, 3, 5, 7 copies are supported. - Resource Quota: Select the rules according to the actual situation. - Storage Volume: Select the storage volume and the total amount of storage space for the RabbitMQ instance. 4. After setting up the service, click __Next__ . - Access method: You can choose intra-cluster access or Nodeport access. - Service settings: set the username and password for connecting to the RabbitMQ instance. 5. Confirm that the instance information is correct, and click __OK__ to complete the creation. 6. On the instance list page, check whether the instance is successfully created. The status of the newly created instance is __Not Ready__ , and it will change to __Running__ after a few minutes.