--- MTPE: windsonsea date: 2024-01-05 --- # Redis Cache Service Release Notes This page lists the release notes for the Redis Cache service, providing you with information about the evolution and feature changes in each version. *[mcamel-redis]: "mcamel" is the dev name for DaoCloud's middlewares, and "redis" is the middleware that provides memory cache services ## 2024-03-31 ### v0.16.0 - **Added** Redis slow query analysis - **Improved** support for enabling hostnetwork in Redis Sentinel mode - **Improved** prevention of reading Redis password when user permissions are insufficient - **Improved** Redis Sentinel mode Operator upgrade - **Fixed** issue with creating more than 3 replicas in Redis Sentinel mode (requires Operator upgrade) - **Fixed** potential unavailability issues after a Redis Sentinel mode master crash (requires Operator upgrade) - **Fixed** default backup path set to `name.rdb` - **Fixed** incorrect memory usage rate in Redis Sentinel mode monitoring dashboard ## 2024-01-31 ### v0.15.0 #### Improvements - **Improved** Redis Operator version upgrade to 6.2.12 - **Improved** addition of Redis version display in global management - **Fixed** Redis cluster mode scaling not taking effect (requires Operator upgrade) - **Fixed** support for NodePort access in Redis cluster mode (requires Operator upgrade) ## 2023-12-31 ### v0.14.0 - **Added** Built-in alarm rules for Redis - **Improved** Redis Sentinel mode to return multiple NodePort addresses for sentinels when using NodePort mode - **Fixed** an issue where validation for input fields with special characters was not effective when creating an instance ## 2023-11-30 ### v0.13.0 - **Added** support for recording operation audit logs - **Improved** prompt when instance list information is not obtained - **Improved** display of Mcamel-Redis monitoring dashboard in both Chinese and English ### 2023-10-31 #### v0.12.0 - **Added** offline upgrade functionality - **Added** restart functionality for instances - **Added** parameter template functionality - **Added** cross-cluster recovery for instances - **Improved** Optimized the calculation method for master-slave delay - **Fixed** cloudshell permissions issue ## 2023-08-31 ### v0.11.0 - **Improved** syntax compatibility for KindBase - **Improved** page display during operator creation process ## 2023-07-31 ### v0.10.0 - **Added** access whitelist configuration for __mcamel-redis__ - **Improved** the creation dialog of __mcamel-redis__ instance by adding default anti-affinity label values, simplifying the configuration process - **Improved** the data recovery interface of __mcamel-redis__ - **Improved** the display of frontend interface permissions for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** failure to close node affinity for __mcamel-redis__ ## 2023-06-30 ### v0.9.0 #### New features - **Added** the ability to prevent creating Redis instances with the same name under different namespaces for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** handling of non-MCamel managed Redis instances to avoid potential misoperations for __mcamel-redis__ - **Improved** the structure and style display of the backup management page for __mcamel-redis__ - **Improved** the password display in backup jobs for __mcamel-redis__ - **Improved** the monitoring charts by removing distracting elements and adding a time range selection for __mcamel-redis__ - **Improved** the installation process of __mcamel-redis__ ServiceMonitor ## 2023-05-30 ### v0.8.0 - **Added** the ability to configure instance anti-affinity for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** integration with the global management audit log module for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** an issue where backup-related content remained after deleting Redis instances for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** the incorrect display of Service addresses for sentinel clusters in __mcamel-redis__ ## 2023-04-27 ### v0.7.1 - **Added** event display on the details page for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** support for filtering by Cluster and Namespace fields in the list API for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** custom roles for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** sliding button in scheduling strategy optimization for __mcamel-redis__ ## 2023-03-29 ### v0.6.2 - **Added** support for automated backup and recovery for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** missing export of backup recovery offline images - **Fixed** several known issues to improve system stability and security for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** documentation on backup functionality ## 2023-02-23 ### v0.5.0 - **Added** helm-docs template files for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** restriction to install Operator from the application store only in mcamel-system namespace for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** support for cloud shell for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** separate registration for navigation bar for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** support for log viewing for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** version updates for singleton/cluster mode Operator for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** display of common Redis clusters for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** Operator integration with chart-syncer for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** issue where custom resources couldn't be created due to long instance names for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** issue where workspace editor users couldn't view instance passwords for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** issue where the correct Redis version number couldn't be parsed for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** issue where Port couldn't be modified for __mcamel-redis__ - **Upgraded** offline image detection script for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** instructions for log viewing, including custom querying and exporting capabilities ## 2022-12-25 ### v0.4.0 - **Added** early detection of NodePort port conflicts for __mcamel-redis__ - **Added** configuration for node affinity for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** issue where setting nodeport for singleton and cluster mode was not effective for __mcamel-redis__ - **Fixed** issue where setting slave nodes to 0 in cluster mode was not allowed for __mcamel-redis__ ## 2022-11-28 ### v0.2.6 - **Fixed** validation error for certain fields when updating Redis - **Improved** password strength to meet MCamel's low-strength password requirement - **Improved** the version dependency for sentinel mode, v1.1.1 => v1.2.2, with important change to support k8s 1.25+ - **Added** support for installing master-slave mode Redis clusters in ARM environments - **Added** scaling prompt for sc command - **Added** common fields for returning lists or details - **Added** return of alarm lists - **Added** validation for Service annotations - **Fixed** issue with service address display for __mcamel-redis__ ## 2022-10-26 ### v0.2.2 - **Added** the ability to retrieve a list of users - **Added** support for ARM architecture - **Added** full lifecycle management for Redis instances - **Added** deployment of monitoring for Redis instances - **Added** support for Redis sentinel, including one-click deployment of singleton and cluster modes - **Added** support for WS permission isolation - **Added** support for online dynamic scaling - **Upgraded** release notes script