--- MTPE: windsonsea date: 2024-03-05 hide: - toc --- # Create RocketMQ Instance This page explains the steps to create a RocketMQ instance. 1. From the left navigation bar, select __Middleware__ -> __RocketMQ Message Queue__ . ![RocketMQ](../images/instance01.png){ width=1000px } 2. Enter the target workspace and click __New Instance__ . - Instance Name: 2-40 characters, can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens ("-"), and must start with a lowercase letter and end with a letter or number. - Cluster / Namespace: Choose the location where the instance will be deployed. - Installation Environment Check: If the installation environment check fails, you need to install the components as prompted before proceeding to the next step. ![RocketMQ](../images/instance02.png){ width=1000px } 3. Fill in the spec settings below, then click __Next__ . - Deployment mode cannot be changed after instance creation. - It is recommended to use a high-availability deployment mode in production mode. - At least 4 replicas are required in high-availability mode. - Storage Class: The selected storage class should have sufficient available resources, otherwise, instance creation may fail due to resource insufficiency. - Storage Capacity: How much capacity each disk has. It cannot be reduced after instance creation. - Disks per Replica: How many secondary disks are provided for each replica. It cannot be reduced after instance creation. ![RocketMQ](../images/instance03.png){ width=1000px } 4. Fill in the service settings below, then click __Next__ . - Cluster Internal Access: Service can only be accessed within the same cluster. - Node Port: Access the service through the node's IP and static port, supporting access from outside the cluster. - Load Balancer: Use the cloud service provider's load balancer to make the service publicly accessible. - Load Balancer/External Traffic Strategy: Specify whether the service routes external traffic to a node locally or within the cluster. - Cluster: Traffic can be forwarded to Pods on other nodes in the cluster. - Local: Traffic can only be forwarded to Pods on the local node. - Console Account: Username and password required to access this newly created instance. ![RocketMQ](../images/instance04.png){ width=1000px } 5. Confirm that the instance configuration information is correct, then click __OK__ to complete the creation. ![RocketMQ](../images/instance06.png){ width=1000px } 6. Return to the instance list page to check if the instance was created successfully. The status of the instance being created is __Not Ready__, and it will change to __Running__ once all related containers have successfully started.