--- MTPE: windsonsea date: 2024-01-10 hide: - toc --- # What is a Service Mesh A service mesh is the next generation service mesh built on the open-source technology of Istio, which is designed for cloud native applications. A service mesh is a fully managed service mesh product that offers high performance and ease of use. It provides a complete non-intrusive microservices governance solution, which enables unified governance of complex environments with multiple clouds and clusters. It offers service traffic governance, security governance, service traffic monitoring, and integration with traditional microservices (such as Spring Cloud and Dubbo). DCE 5.0's service mesh is compatible with the native Istio open-source service mesh and provides native Istio access management capabilities. At a higher level, a service mesh helps reduce the complexity of service governance and alleviate the pressure on development and operations teams. As a member of the DCE 5.0 product system, the service mesh seamlessly integrates with the [container management platform](../../kpanda/intro/index.md), providing users with an out-of-the-box experience. It also serves as infrastructure support for the [microservice engine](../../skoala/intro/index.md), enabling unified management of various microservice systems through a single platform. ## Product Advantages DCE 5.0's service mesh has the following advantages compared to other products: - Simple and easy to use No need to modify any business code or manually install proxies. Just enable the service mesh feature to experience rich non-intrusive service governance capabilities. - Policy-based intelligent routing and elastic traffic management Supports governance rules for services such as load balancing, service routing, fault injection, and outlier detection. Combined with the all-in-one governance system, it provides real-time and visualized microservice traffic management. Supports non-intrusive intelligent traffic governance, enabling dynamic intelligent routing and elastic traffic management without any application modification. - Weighted, content, TCP/IP, and other routing rules. - HTTP session persistence to meet the continuous processing needs of businesses. - Rate limiting and outlier detection to achieve stable and reliable service-to-service links. - Network connection management to reduce resource consumption and improve network throughput. - Service security authentication: authentication, authorization, auditing, etc., providing a foundation for service security. - Graphical application panoramic topology and visualized traffic governance The service mesh provides visualized traffic monitoring, including link information, service abnormal responses, and excessively long response latency. It comprehensively displays the operation of the business through various forms such as charts and topologies. The service mesh can be combined with application operation and maintenance management and application performance management services to provide detailed microservice-level traffic monitoring, abnormal response traffic reports, and invocation chain information. It enables faster and more accurate problem localization. - Enhanced performance and reliability The service mesh control plane and data plane are based on the community version but with enhanced reliability and performance optimization. - Multi-cloud, multi-cluster, and multi-infrastructure Provides a managed control plane, which offers unified service governance, security, and service operation monitoring capabilities across multiple clouds and clusters. It also provides unified service discovery and management for various infrastructures such as containers and virtual machines (VMs). - Protocol extension Supports of the Dubbo protocol. - Traditional SDK integration Provides integration solutions for traditional microservice SDKs such as Spring Cloud and Dubbo. Applications developed with traditional microservice SDKs can be quickly migrated to cloud native container mesh runtime environments without extensive code modification. ## Learning Journey The recommended journey for learning the service mesh is as follows: ```mermaid flowchart TD install([Install and Deploy]) install --> mesh[Create a Mesh] subgraph mesh[Create a Mesh] managed[Hosted Mesh] private[Dedicated Mesh] external[External Mesh] end mesh --> cluster[Cluster Management] cluster --> inject[Sidecar Injection] subgraph inject[Sidecar Injection] namespace[Namespace Injection] workload[Workload Injection] end inject -.-> service[Service Management] inject -.-> traffic[Traffic Management] inject -.-> security[Security] inject -.-> sidecar[Mesh Sidecar] inject -.-> watch[Traffic Monitor] inject -.-> gateway[Mesh Gateway] inject -.-> config[Mesh Config] inject -.-> upgrade[Upgrade] service -.-> entry[Service Entry
One-Click Repair] traffic -.-> virtual[Virtual Service
Destination Rule
Gateway] security -.-> peer[Peer Authentication
Request Authentication
Authorization Policy] sidecar -.-> sidecarm[Namespace Sidecar
Workload Sidecar
Traffic Passthrough] watch -.-> watch2[Traffic Monitor
Traffic Topology] config -.-> intercon[Network Interconnection
Istio Resources
TLS Secret] upgrade -.-> upgrade1[Upgrade Istio
Upgrade Sidecar] classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000; classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff; classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:1px,color:#326ce5; class mesh plain class install,service,gateway,traffic,watch,upgrade,security,entry,virtual,peer,cluster,sidecar,sidecarm,watch2,managed,private,external,namespace,workload,upgrade1,config,intercon cluster click install "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/install/install/" click managed "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/service-mesh/" click private "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/service-mesh/" click external "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/service-mesh/external-mesh/" click cluster "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/cluster-management/join-clus/" click global "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/sidecar-management/global-sidecar/" click namespace "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/sidecar-management/ns-sidecar/" click workload "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/sidecar-management/workload-sidecar/" click gateway "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/gateway-instance/create/" click service "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/service-list/" click traffic "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/traffic-governance/" click security "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/security/" click watch "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/traffic-monitor/" click upgrade "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/upgrade/istio-update/" click entry "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/service-list/service-entry/" click virtual "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/traffic-governance/virtual-service/" click peer "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/security/peer/" click sidecar "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/sidecar-management/ns-sidecar/" click sidecarm "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/sidecar-management/passthrough/" click watch2 "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/traffic-monitor/conn-topo/" click intercon "https://docs.daocloud.io/en/mspider/user-guide/multicluster/cluster-interconnect/" ``` [Download DCE 5.0](../../download/index.md){ .md-button .md-button--primary } [Install DCE 5.0](../../install/index.md){ .md-button .md-button--primary } [Free Trial](../../dce/license0.md){ .md-button .md-button--primary }