--- MTPE: windsonsea Revised: done Pics: NA Date: 2023-10-30 --- # Service Mesh Release Notes This page lists all the Release Notes for each version of Service Mesh, providing convenience for users to learn about the evolution path and feature changes. ## 2024-04-30 ### v0.25.0 #### Features - **Added** Built-in mesh alert rules are observable, and the internal alarm configuration can be used directly. - **Added** compatibility with `Istio` versions `v1.19.9`,`v1.20.5`, `v1.21.1`. - **Added** `OpenAPI` has added a new field `.status.replicas` to `WorkloadShadow`, used to record the total number of `Pods` at runtime. #### Fixes - **Fixed** Upgrade the `cloudtty` image version to `v0.7.1` to fix security issues with the low version of `xz`. - **Fixed** In `Ambient` mode, changes to `Pod` did not trigger workload status changes. - **Fixed** Fix the issue of incorrect display of topology nodes due to lack of permissions. ## 2024-04-01 ### v0.24.1 #### Features - **Added** cluster node list API `/apis/mspider.io/v3alpha1/clusters/{cluster_name}/nodes`. - **Added** mesh gateway affinity field `affinity`. - **Added** traffic swim lane list API `page.search` now supports `annotations` field search. - **Added** compatibility with `Istio` versions `v1.19.8`, `v1.20.4`. #### Fixes - **Fixed** `ServiceShadow CRD` where `ServicePort` section now includes `container_port` and `protocol`. - **Fixed** service status `STATUS_UNSPECIFIED` and `FailedReasn` not being version-compatible in the API `/apis/mcpc.mspider.io/v3alpha1/meshes/{meshId}/govern/services`. - **Fixed** issue with topology not displaying upstream and downstream capabilities simultaneously. - **Fixed** `Telemetry` metrics format issues. - **Fixed** service list cluster information being incorrect and error messages not displayed in `serviceShadow` mode. - **Fixed** `EnvoyFilter` being deleted in `Istio` versions lower than `1.20`, causing no data for metrics. - **Fixed** double metric data issues and inaccurate client metrics. - **Fixed** the need to enable `envoy filter` for custom metric monitoring in proprietary meshes with `Istio` version lower than `1.20`. ### 2024-01-30 #### v0.23.0 #### Features - **Added** monitoring dashboards for service and workload monitoring panels, including traffic distribution for upstream and downstream. - **Added** compatibility with `Istio` versions `v1.18.7`, `v1.19.6`, `v1.20.2`. #### Fixes - **Fixed** an issue where `Consumer` services could not be identified as `Dubbo` services when using `Dubbo` and `Zookeeper` simultaneously. - **Fixed** retrieval of valid `Istio` version list not being filtered based on cluster version. - **Fixed** inability to enable multi-cloud connectivity with `Istio` `v1.20`. ## 2023-12-31 ### v0.22.0 #### Features - **Added** Quota of system component resources for custom mesh instances. - **Added** Larger scale: **S2000P8000** , **S5000P20000** mesh instances. - **Added** Gateway instance upgrade reminder, support one-click upgrade. #### Improvements - **Upgraded** Supported mesh versions are **1.18.6** and **1.19.5** . - **Upgraded** The supported mesh version for **1.17** is **1.17.8-fix-20231226** , which fixes the previous memory leak issue. #### Fixes - **Fixed** The problem of unable to perform hot upgrade for **Sidecar** under the user **istio-proxy** . - **Fixed** Under the dedicated mesh, the version of the mesh is not correctly updated after upgrading the mesh. ## 2023-11-30 ### v0.21.0 #### Features - **Added** support for multi-cloud connectivity in the proprietary mesh. - **Added** the ability to select and upgrade to new versions of **Istio (1.19.3, 1.18.5, 1.17.6)** for deploying mesh instances. - **Added** **VM Agent** support for health checks and fault recovery of **Istio** processes. - **Added** **TrafficLane API** support for operations via **Annotations** . #### Improvements - **Optimized** the algorithm mechanism for the service list state and diagnostic state to ensure consistency between diagnostic results and status fields. - **Improved** the automatic discovery strategy for managed mesh services to display any service from any cluster with the `mspider.io/managed` label. #### Fixes - **Fixed** a deadlock issue during mesh creation, preventing the premature creation of **Sidecar** resources before the initialization of mesh resources. - **Fixed** the issue with transparent traffic flow to ensure correct ingress and egress port permissions. - **Fixed** excessive detection of **ETCD** by the mesh, resolving the problem of abnormal mesh status display. - **Fixed** consistent removal of mesh clusters when removing a cluster, ensuring operational consistency. - **Fixed** the issue where the **MCPC Controller** failed to detect changes in **TrafficLane** resources after running for a long time. - **Fixed** the simultaneous termination of **pilot-agent** process when stopping a virtual machine to ensure proper resource release. - **Fixed** occasional rule failures caused by asynchronous clean-up and installation operations during the startup of a virtual machine. ## 2023-10-30 ### v0.20.3 #### Feature - **Added** support for running **VM Agent** in containers. - **Added** support for deleting virtual machine type workloads. - **Added** customizable namespace scope for edge discovery in the mesh, significantly reducing resource consumption pressure on **Sidecar** . - **Added** elastic scaling configuration **auto_scaling** for the mesh gateway. #### Improved - **Improved** traffic topology **Graph** implementation with optional hiding of idle nodes. - **Improved** detection of host **glibc** version during **docker** mode installation of **vmagent** . #### Fixes - **Fixed** issue where querying the **Graph** with long namespaces resulted in URL length exceeding the limit while making requests to the **Prometheus** service. - **Fixed** incorrect injection status of workloads. - **Fixed** inaccurate display of resource bindings in workspace interfaces. - **Fixed** port conflict ( **15090** ) causing **istio** to become unavailable in the virtual machine monitoring service. - **Fixed** asynchronous occurrence of rule faults during virtual machine startup, due to prior cleanup and installation operations, resulting in traffic communication issues. - **Fixed** **ulimit** value for the **envoy** process being too small due to the use of the **su** command. ## 2023-08-31 ### v0.19.0 #### Upgrades - **Added** **userinfo** interface to retrieve permissions information for the current user. **Note: To obtain accurate permission information, the **mesh_id** parameter must be provided when accessing the mesh**. - **Added** support for virtual machines (automatically creates **WorkloadShadow** ) in **Mcpc Controller** . - **Added** service interface for creating virtual machines (VM) within the mesh. - **Added** script for building and uploading offline installation packages for virtual machines (VM). - **Added** interface to bind services and generate configurations for virtual machines (VM). - **Added** **Reporter** parameter to the routing panel of **Grafana** . - **Added** **Mspider** virtual machine agent controller ( **mspider-vm-agent** ). - **Added** **generator** package, implementing **ComponentAnalyzer** . Pass in **MeshCluster** or **GlobalMesh** to retrieve corresponding component statuses. - **Improved** upgrade interface for checking mesh availability by adding permission checks. - **Improved** **reconcileComponentsStatus** in **gsc-controller** under mesh-cluster. - **Upgraded** frontend version to **v0.17.0** . - **Upgraded** supported mesh versions to **1.16.6** , **1.17.5** , **1.18.2** . #### Fixes - **Fixed** issue with filtering **ServiceEntry** outside the mesh. - **Fixed** compatibility problem with regular expression of **workloadId** when querying virtual machine workload instances (e.g., `{CLUSTER}-vm-{VM_APP}-{VM_IP}-{VM_NETWORK}` ). - **Fixed** issue where creating east-west gateways during cluster creation would overwrite the default north-south gateway configuration. - **Fixed** automatic creation of governance policies for virtual machine services and inability to synchronize changes in labels to **WorkloadShadow** . - **Fixed** issue where network groups in multi-cloud interconnection couldn't have names starting with a digit. - **Fixed** loss of custom configuration when updating the mesh. - **Fixed** null pointer issue in **work-api** component due to removal of **label** from **Secret** . - **Fixed** failure to delete mesh when system namespaces were included (they are uninstalled during deletion). - **Fixed** issue where **customMeshConfig** didn't take effect on **Operator** . - **Fixed** mismatch between **Operator** version and actual installed version of **Istio** . - **Fixed** inability to collect metrics in **Mspider** control plane API Server and Work API Server due to permission issues. - **Fixed** issue where metrics weren't collected in **Mspider** control plane and **MCPC Ckube** components. - **Fixed** issue where **k8s.pod.name** field was reported as **unknown** in **OTEL** trace data. - **Fixed** warning alert during the initial execution of virtual machine installation script. ## 2023-07-28 ### v0.18.0 #### Upgrades - **Added** Recommended versions will be included in the **Istio** version list. - **Added** Detection condition for joining the interconnection network pool: **CLUSTER_EXIST_NET_POOLS** . - **Added** Interface to get the namespace list in a cluster. - **Added** Support for filtering system namespaces in **filter_system_namespaces** . - **Added** Interface to get the list of sidecar-injected workloads in a cluster. - **Added** New field **graph_type** in the workload view of the monitoring topology, currently supporting **SERVICE_SCOPE** and **WORKLOAD_SCOPE** , defaulting to **SERVICE_SCOPE** . - **Added** Detection condition for removing network groups: whether they exist in the network interconnection pool ( **NET_EXISTS_NET_POOLS** ). - **Added** Support for searching by **PodLabels** in the sidecar workload list using **page.search** . - **Added** Interface to query the list of multi-cluster workloads: `/apis/mspider.io/v3alpha1/meshes/{mesh_id}/clusters/-/sidecar-management/workloads`, also supports searching by **PodLabels** . - **Added** Design of service diagnosis interface. - **Added** Implementation of detection condition for removing clusters from the mesh: whether they have joined the interconnection network pool ( **CLUSTER_EXIST_NET_POOLS** ). - **Added** Implementation of interface for checking the validity of gateway names in the mesh. - **Added** Field **filter_system_namespaces** to the namespace list in a cluster. - **Added** Field **filter_system_namespaces** to the list of sidecar-injected workloads in a cluster. - **Added** Support for workload dimension in monitoring topology. - **Added** Implementation of service diagnosis interface (with automatic repair for some issues). - **Added** Detection of diagnostic items requiring manual repair. - **Added** Implementation of service repair interface. - **Added** New tag **k8s.pod.name** in **Trace Tags** to indicate the name of the **Pod** . - **Added** Platform administrators and workspace administrators can manage multi-cloud network interconnections for meshes under their workspace. - **Upgraded** **Istio api** to fix the issue where **WasmPlugin** cannot set priority. - **Upgraded** **ckube** to **v1.3.5** to resolve the issue where the service mesh list might be empty. #### Fixes - **Fixed** Inconsistency between **sidecar** and **sidecarResources** . - **Fixed** Disorder of sorting indexes in the workload list. - **Fixed** **ListClusterNamespace** interface to support querying namespace information by cluster. - **Fixed** Issue where globally bound mesh resources may not be displayed internally in the mesh. - **Fixed** Inability to modify **portName** for empty port protocols. - **Fixed** Issue where diagnostic items for **Workload** were missing **Service** . - **Fixed** Permanent failure in synchronization of service configuration sync diagnostics. - **Fixed** Inaccuracy in audit logs for some batch operation interfaces. - **Fixed** Unreachable clusters are still attempted to be probed with **livez** . - **Fixed** Incorrect status of workloads when namespace injection status changes in dedicated mesh mode. - **Fixed** Failure in successful synchronization of **leaderelection** . - **Fixed** Incorrect total count of **Pods** in the mesh in some cases. - **Fixed** Typo in error messages, changing **mot** to **not** . - **Fixed** Inability to repair sidecar injection status for certain services. - **Fixed** Failure of interface `/apis/mspider.io/v3alpha1/clusters/{name}/components` and `/apis/mspider.io/v3alpha1/clusters/{name}` when **mesh_id** is not passed for non-admin users. - **Fixed** Name validation of **Istio CRD** , allowing the first letter of all operation names to be a number. - **Fixed** Incorrect comment about **label_selectors** in the **Graph** interface. - **Fixed** Lack of message body description for service diagnosis repair interface. - **Optimized** Description of the **namespaces** field in the **Istio** resource interface. - **Optimized** Detection process of mesh control plane, ignoring control plane clusters. - **Optimized** Consistency of different permissions for different roles with the latest permission design. - **Optimized** Permission design, separating multi-cloud network interconnection permission from mesh management. - **Optimized** Meaning of the `global.high_available` parameter. - **Optimized** Usage of `CHART.replicas` , changing default value to empty. ## 2023-06-29 ### v0.17.0 #### Features - **Added** `mspider.io/mesh-gateway-name` label specification for defining the mesh gateway name. - **Added** **injectionStatus** field to namespace for listing and searching purposes. - **Added** **label_selectors** field in topology queries for conditional querying of topology results. - **Added** **Labels** and **PodLabels** fields to sidecar workload information. - **Added** **Labels** and **PodLabels** fields to service workload information. - **Added** component information (components) and Istio version (meshVersion) fields to cluster information. - **Added** **include_components** field to cluster list and mesh management cluster list for selecting whether to display cluster component information, such as Insight and other external components. - **Added** audit information for all necessary interfaces. - **Added** ability to clear deployment injection policies. - **Added** Implemented index search for namespace lists. - **Added** audit log capability. - **Added** ability to clear deployment injection policies. - **Added** Implemented component status in cluster list. - **Added** `mspider.io/mesh-gateway-name` label specification for defining the gateway name. - **Added** Implemented automatic service injection capability for **MCPC Controller** . - **Added** Ghippo resource reporting functionality, automatically creating and updating **GProductResource** resources according to specifications. - **Added** `global.config.enableAutoInitPolicies` configuration for enabling automatic initialization of governance policies for managed services in **MCPC Controller** . - **Added** `global.config.enableAutoInjectedSidecar` configuration for enabling automatic injection policies for managed services in **MCPC Controller** . - **Added** compatibility testing for various versions of K8s. - **Optimized** cache to improve the latency issue of querying **Insight Agent** status in clusters. - **Optimized** Strengthened detection of conflicting meshes when creating a mesh for managed clusters. - **Optimized** Ignored updates to name (Name), namespace (Namespace), and labels (Labels) when updating mesh gateways to avoid triggering exceptions. - **Optimized** Updated synchronization method for Kpanda cluster kubeconfig. - **Optimized** Created logic for **WorkloadShadow controller watcher** . - **Upgraded** Supported querying cluster and cluster component information independently without passing MeshID. - **Upgraded** go package istio.io/istio to **v0.0.0-20230131034922-50fb2905d9f5** version. - **Upgraded** CloudTTY to **v0.5.3** version. - **Upgraded** front-end version to **v0.15.0** . #### Fixes - **Fixed** inaccurate audit log description when creating East-West gateway for clusters. - **Fixed** ineffectiveness of replica count for East-West gateways. - **Fixed** invalid detection of sidecar removal during mesh deletion. - **Fixed** inability to filter namespaces in monitoring topology. - **Fixed** inaccurate error rate data for monitoring topology services. - **Fixed** returning 404 error when mesh does not exist. - **Fixed** panic caused by **nil pointer** in Audit. - **Fixed** displaying Enum type resource types as numbers in audit logs. - **Fixed** inconsistency in behavior between GRPC requests with user authentication information and HTTP requests. - **Fixed** failure to create **Telemetry** resources during dedicated mesh creation. - **Fixed** failure to rebuild **RegProxy watcher** . - **Fixed** incorrect labeling by **traffic-lane** plugin, causing traffic lane to not work. - **Fixed** failure to properly clean up cluster configuration when deleting the mesh. - **Fixed** abnormal behavior of **MCPC Controller** when accessing unhealthy clusters. - **Fixed** inability to remove components during mesh deletion or cluster removal process. - **Fixed** GlobalMesh and MeshCluster remaining in deletion state and unable to be forcefully deleted. - **Fixed** incorrect injection status for system namespaces that are not injected by default. - **Fixed** selection of non-ready Pods when proxying **HostedAPIServer** , causing the mesh to not become ready. - **Fixed** failure to delete Telemetry during mesh deletion, which caused the mesh deletion process to fail. This resource is cleaned up during Istio uninstallation or removal of **HostedAPIServer** , so it does not need to be deleted during the mesh deletion process. - **Fixed** issue with installing **HostedAPIServer** on OCP due to permission problems. - **Fixed** description in Helm chart. #### Removals - **Removed** 443 port from service **istiod-[meshID]-hosted-lb** in managed mesh mode. ## 2023-05-31 ### v0.16.1 #### Features - **Added** Ckube loads resources on demand. - **Added** IstioResource field: **labels** and **annotations** , can update Labels and Annotations. - **Added** ClusterProvider synchronization implementation in MeshCluster. - **Added** Definition of the **mspider.io/protected** label for mesh protection. - **Added** Sidecar upgrade supports multiple workload capabilities, **SidecarUpgrader** simultaneously supports **workloadshadow.name** and **deployment.name** . - **Added** Workload type is re-implemented as a string. - **Added** The **localized_name** field is added to the workload-related interface to display workload names. - **Added** Workload injection policy clearing capability - **Added** Get global configuration interface **/apis/mspider.io/v3alpha1/settings/global-configs** . - **Added** **clusterPhase** field is added to mark the cluster's status (previously marked in the phase field, now separated). - **Added** **clusterProvider** field is added to mark the cluster provider. - **Added** Traffic lane CRD capability implementation. - **Added** Reg-Proxy component is enabled by default. - **Added** Implementation of Service selector field output. - **Added** Solving cross-cluster access problems when Sidecars are not injected by adding a Network label to Namespace. - **Added** Custom parameter configuration capability for hosted mesh hosted-apiserver. (This parameter only takes effect during installation and does not support updates for the time being), (for more parameters, please refer to helm parameter configuration): - **Added** Mesh control plane component status - **Added** The mesh query interface adds the **loadBalancerStatus** field to describe the actual assigned LB address. - **Added** Component progress detail interface `/apis/mspider.io/v3alpha1/meshes/{mesh_id}/components-progress`. - **Added** HPA is added for control plane components. - **Added** New API definition to get cluster **StorageClass** . - **Added** New API definition to get installed components in the cluster (currently supports Insight Agent). - **Optimization:** Improved user experience for binding/unbinding workspaces. - **Optimization:** The **workload_kind** field type in the workload-related interface is optimized from enumeration to **string** . - **Optimization:** When hosting a mesh, version detection of the control plane cluster is included along with the working cluster. #### Fixes - **Fixed** CloudShell permissions issue. - **Fixed** MeshCluster Status RemotePilotAddress invalid data not cleared promptly. - **Fixed** Problem where MeshCluster cannot be deleted. - **Fixed** Insufficient content in FailedReason of TrafficLane. - **Fixed** Missing action field in TrafficLaneActionsRequest. - **Fixed** The mesh list cannot be displayed when there are unhealthy clusters. - **Fixed** Incorrect number of effectively injected instances when an instance is abnormal. - **Fixed** WasmPlugin cannot create multiple instances when a service is selected by multiple lanes. - **Fixed** The service label may have residual old workloads. - **Fixed** The service list cannot obtain the effective number of workloads, and the type parsing error of Dynamic ReadyReplicas. - **Fixed** When the workload changes, the changed status cannot be synchronized to the corresponding Service. - **Fixed** Checking the status of a cluster that is not connected to the mesh. - **Fixed** Cluster status is not searchable. - **Fixed** Mesh cannot remove the cluster when there is no sidecar. - **Fixed** Regular expression for mesh name does not allow numbers to start. - **Fixed** Mesh status display is incorrect, and status is sometimes displayed as normal when there is no sidecar. - **Fixed** Fixed the problem that the automatic injection template of the mesh is not effective. - **Fixed** the issue where non-admin users cannot obtain traffic topology due to the lack of default values in the cluster. - **Fixed** the null pointer exception in the automatic injection service policy. ## 2023-04-27 ### v0.15.0 #### Features - Introduced **d2** as a drawing tool. - Added a new wasm plugin that adds different headers to requests according to the trace ID. - Hosted Istiod's LoadBalancer Annotations implementation in mesh configuration. - Implemented mesh gateway configuration service Annotations. - Added **load_balancer_annotations** field to mesh, supporting custom load balancing annotations. - In **mspider-api** , manually run the pipeline and set **SYNC_OPENAPI_DOCS** as the key to trigger the upload of the document site (raise PR). - When the MCPC Controller perceives that the `mspider.io/managed` label exists in the Service, it will trigger the automatic creation of a governance policy corresponding to the service. - MCPC Controller multiple workload type support. - Added health check function, which automatically rebuilds proxy when mesh APIServer fails to connect to prevent PortForward's own logic from being unreliable (may be related to Istio Sidecar). #### Fixes - Previously not compatible with **grpcgateway-accept-language** (equivalent to HTTP's Accept-Language) header, resulting in inability to switch between Chinese and English modes correctly. Compatible with both Accept and Accept-Language modes now. - When synchronizing OpenAPI, upstream cannot push due to shadow clone code. - Unable to update Istio resources with **.** . - In version 1.17.1, istio-proxy cannot start normally. - The ingress gateway lacks a name, causing the merge to fail and cannot be deployed. - The service address cannot be searched. - Unable to update Istio resources with **.** . - Previous controller memory leak issue fixed. - Add/delete cluster logic now triggers correctly sometimes. - When global injection is turned on, updating the mesh may cause the istio-operator pod to be injected, causing the mesh creation to fail. - Fixed a problem that caused the virtual cluster to be synchronized to **Mspider** and lead to access failure. - Optimized the controller namespace and service resource processing logic to reduce frequent triggering of workloadShadow resource updates. - Optimized the problem of frequent acquisition/update of **workloadShadow** resources and only reconcile some resources that have undergone specific changes. - Reduce pod changes and constantly update **WorkloadShadow** . - Wasm plugin image address wrong spelling in **relok8s** . - TrafficLane default repository bug. - Helm image rendering template optimized; the image structure is split into three parts: `registry/repository:tag` . #### Removed - Logic to sync global cluster to mesh removed. - Deprecated Deployment Controller logic. - **ui.version** parameter deprecated, changed to `ui.image.tag` parameter to set the frontend version. ## 2023-03-31 ### v0.14.3 #### Features - Frontend version upgraded to **v0.12.2** . #### Fixes - Unable to update Istio resources with **.** . - In version 1.17.1, istio-proxy cannot start normally. - The ingress gateway lacks a name, causing the merge to fail and cannot be deployed. ## 2023-03-30 ### v0.14.0 #### Features - CloudShell related interface definition added. - Tag implementation for update service added. - Service list and details will return labels. - CloudShell related implementation added. - Support for querying service labels added in the service list. - New API added for updating a service's tags. - Istio 1.17.1 support added. - A new etcd high availability solution added. - Scenario-based testing framework for testing scenario-based features added. - When selecting different mesh sizes, automatically adjust component resource configuration. - Implementation of custom roles added, supporting operations such as creation, update, deletion, binding, and unbinding of custom roles. #### Optimization - MCPC controller startup logic optimized to avoid the situation that the working cluster is not registered correctly. - WorkloadShadow cleanup logic optimized: triggered by timing trigger transformation events: when the controller starts, when a change in the working cluster is detected; When WorkloadShadow changes, self-health detection triggers cleanup logic when the corresponding workload does not exist. - Insight API upgraded to version **v0.14.7** . - **Ckube** supports complex conditional query of labels. - Helm upgrade time limit removed. #### Fixes - The interface does not display when the east-west gateway is not Ready. - Multicloud interconnection will automatically register the east-west gateway LB IP, which may cause internal network abnormalities (remove the east-west gateway instance label: `topology.istio.io/network` . This label will automatically register the east-west gateway). - Cluster migration with east-west gateway enabled may cause incorrect service resolution. - Fixed an issue where the control plane cannot be deployed on a single-node Kubernetes cluster. - The **istioctl** installation error caused by the **kubectl** version mismatch fixed. - The invalidation of VirtualService cache optimized, reducing the possibility of inconsistent virtual services after deletion. - Fixed an issue where the **meshconfig-default** ConfigMap is not properly synced when upgrading from previous versions. - Fixed the problem that Prometheus is not running when deploying Service Mesh using **istioctl** . - Fixed an issue where the Envoy proxy cannot start due to missing **SO_KEEPALIVE** option in the socket configuration. #### Deprecated - Deployment Controller logic deprecated. ## 2023-02-28 ### v0.13.2 #### Features - Automatic injection of sidecar added (requires Kubernetes 1.16 or higher). - Istio 1.16.4 support added. - Enhanced Mesh expansion capabilities added. - Support for customizing the number of replicas of each component added. - Support for customized component resource configurations like CPU and memory added. - Integration with OAM (Open Application Model) added. - Support for exporting metrics to OpenTelemetry added. #### Optimization - MCPC controller now supports updating multiple resources at once to improve synchronization efficiency. - Improved the handling of expired certificates in mesh components. - The performance of the **WorkloadShadow** module optimized through reducing unnecessary requests and adding local caching. - Upgraded the **insight-api** version to improve stability. #### Fixes - Fixed an issue where the Istiod pod is stuck in the "Pending" state when deployed on specific Kubernetes distributions. - Fixed an issue where VirtualServices cannot be updated due to conflicting port numbers. - Fixed an issue where injecting a sidecar into a Pod may cause its name to exceed the maximum length allowed by Kubernetes. - Fixed an issue where the **istioctl** command fails to connect to the Istio API server when running in a containerized environment. - Fixed an issue where the Kiali dashboard displays inconsistent traffic data with Prometheus. ## 2023-01-31 ### v0.13.0 #### Features - Multicluster management feature added. - Support for multicloud interconnection added. - Service dependency analysis and visualization feature added. - New **dial** and **readinessProbe** options added to endpoint slice. - Service mesh security audit feature added. - Istio 1.16.3 support added. - Support for customizing the Istiod configuration added. #### Optimization - Improved the efficiency of MCPC controller synchronization. - Optimized the performance of Istiod initialization. - Optimized the **WorkloadShadow** module to reduce resource consumption. - Upgraded the **Mspider** version to improve stability. #### Deprecated - Global cluster syncing logic removed. ## 2022-12-31 ### v0.12.1 #### Features - Service mesh visualization feature added. - Support for exporting metrics to Grafana added. - Virtual machine mesh support added. - Istio 1.16.2 support added. - The **MeshExpansion** and **SidecarInjectorWebhook** components now support custom configuration. #### Optimization - Improved the performance of the MCPC controller. - Optimized the handling of expired certificates in the mesh components. - Upgraded the **insight-api** version to improve stability. #### Fixes - Fixed an issue where the Istiod pod may fail to start due to a timing issue. - Fixed an issue where the **workloadLabels** field in Istio resources is not properly handled by the controller. - Fixed an issue where the **istioctl** command fails to connect to the Istio API server when running in a containerized environment. ## 2022-11-30 ### v0.12.0 #### Features - Support for multi-tenancy added. - Istio 1.16.1 support added. - New **MeshExpansion** and **SidecarInjectorWebhook** components added. - Automatic sidecar injection feature added. - Support for customizing the Istiod configuration added. #### Optimization - Improved the stability and performance of the MCPC controller. - Upgraded the **insight-api** version to improve stability. #### Fixes - Fixed an issue where the Istiod pod may fail to start due to a timing issue. - Fixed an issue where the **workloadLabels** field in Istio resources is not properly handled by the controller. - Fixed an issue where the **istioctl** command fails to connect to the Istio API server when running in a containerized environment.