--- hide: - toc --- # The created mesh is abnormal but cannot be deleted ## Cause Analysis The mesh is in a failed state and the mesh instance cannot be clicked. Because the cluster is managed, a mesh gateway instance is created, or sidecar injection is enabled in the mesh, the detection always fails when the mesh is removed, so it cannot be deleted normally. ## Solution It is recommended to troubleshoot the cause of the failure of the specific mesh and solve it. If you want to delete it forcefully, please do the following: 1. Disable sidecar injection for managed clusters 1. Disable namespace sidecar automatic injection. In __Container Management__ , select the cluster -> __Namespace__ -> Modify the label —> remove the __istio-injection: enabled__ label, and restart all Pods under the namespace. 1. Disable workload sidecar injection: In __Container Management__ , select the cluster -> __Workload__ —> __Stateless Load__ —> __Labels and Annotations__ —> remove __sidecar.istio.io/inject: true__ label. 1. Delete the created mesh gateway instance. 1. Remove the cluster. In __Container Management__ , select the global cluster, and search __globalmeshes.discovery.mspider.io__ for custom resources. Select the mesh to remove the cluster under the mspider-system namespace, and edit the YAML: 1. Return to the service mesh and delete the mesh instance.