--- hide: - toc --- # Add cluster After the user creates a hosted mesh, but has not yet connected to any managed cluster, the mesh is in the __not ready__ state, and the user needs to add one or more clusters. The specific operation steps are as follows: 1. Click __Cluster Management__ on the left navigation bar, and click the __Add Cluster__ button. Or in the mesh list, click the __...__ button on the far right, and select __Add Cluster__ from the pop-up menu. 2. In the cluster list that pops up, check the cluster to be added, and click the __OK__ button to complete the cluster addition operation. !!! note 1. Only **hosted meshs** can add clusters, and dedicated meshs cannot add clusters. 2. Only clusters whose status is __Running__ can be added to the mesh, and clusters in other states cannot be selected or added. 3. The process of adding clusters will last for a few seconds. Please pay attention to the "cluster statistics" information in the mesh list to understand the changes in the number of normal clusters.