--- hide: - toc --- # Authorization Policy The authorization policy is similar to a four-layer to seven-layer "firewall". It will analyze and match the data flow like a traditional firewall, and then perform corresponding actions. The authorization policy applies whether the request is from internal or external. A reference YAML example for an authorization policy is as follows: ```yaml apiVersion: security.istio.io/v1 kind: AuthorizationPolicy metadata: name: "ratings-viewer" namespace: default spec: selector: matchLabels: app: ratings action: ALLOW rules: - from: - source: principals: ["cluster.local/ns/default/sa/bookinfo-reviews"] to: - operation: methods: ["GET"] ``` Service mesh provides two creation methods: wizard and YAML. The specific steps to create through the wizard are as follows: 1. In the left navigation bar, click __Security Governance__ -> __Authorization Policy__ , and click the __Create__ button in the upper right corner. 2. In the __Create Authorization Policy__ interface, first perform the basic configuration and then click __Next__ . 3. After setting the policy according to the screen prompts, click __OK__ . See [Policy Setting Parameter Description](./params.md#_10). 4. Return to the authorization list, and the screen prompts that the creation is successful. 5. On the right side of the list, click __⋮__ in the operation column to perform more operations through the pop-up menu. !!! note - For the configuration of specific parameters, please refer to [Authorization Policy Parameter Configuration](./params.md#_8). - For a more intuitive operation demonstration, please refer to [Video Tutorial](../../../videos/mspider.md).