--- hide: - toc --- # Accessing Services Inside the Mesh from External Applications This page explains how external applications can access services inside the mesh through configuration. **Prerequisites:** - The service __bookinfo.com__ is running in the __default__ namespace of the mesh __global-service__ . - The mesh provides an __ingressgateway__ instance. **Objective:** Expose the internal service __bookinfo.com__ to the outside. 1. Use URI matching to route external application access to specific pages of the __bookinfo.com__ service. ![Access Route](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/mspider/images/out-to-in01.png) 2. Click __Traffic Management__ -> __Gateway__ -> __Create__ to create a gateway for the Istio gateway and expose the service and ports externally. ![Create Rule](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/mspider/images/out-to-in02.png) Here is an example YAML after completing the configuration: ```yaml apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: Gateway metadata: name: bookinfo-gateway spec: selector: istio: ingressgateway # Use the default controller servers: - port: number: 80 name: http protocol: HTTP hosts: - bookinfo.com ``` 3. Click __OK__ to return to the gateway list, where you will see a successful creation message. 4. Click __Traffic Management__ -> __Virtual Service__ -> __Create__ to create a routing rule that routes based on the URI in the request to the specified pages. ![Create Routing Rule](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/mspider/images/out-to-in04.png) Here is an example YAML after completing the configuration: ```yaml apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: bookinfo spec: hosts: - bookinfo.com gateways: - bookinfo-gateway http: - match: - uri: exact: /productpage - uri: exact: /login - uri: exact: /logout - uri: prefix: /api/v1/products route: - destination: host: productpage port: number: 9080 ``` 5. Click __OK__ to return to the virtual service list, where you will see a successful creation message. !!! info For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the [video tutorial](../../../videos/mspider.md).