# Cloud native community news 2022 This page lists the more popular news, events, activities, etc. in the cloud native community in 2022 by month for your one-stop reference and retrieval. > We will maintain regularly to ensure the validity of all traces and the timeliness of news. ### 2022-12 - [December 30 CNCF 2022 Annual Report Release](https://www.cncf.io/reports/cncf-annual-report-2022/) The CNCF 2022 Annual Report summarizes foundation trends, events, open source projects, community ecology, and other aspects. Among them, in 2022, CNCF TOC accepted 35 new projects; OpenTelemetry became the second fastest growing project in CNCF ecosystem. Backstage is one of the fastest growing projects, addressing pain points in the cloud native developer experience; GitOps projects like Argo and Flux are also growing. - [The 1st Hybrid Cloud Technology Development Forum will be held online on December 29th](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0ZRnEimZQrO3tHVPpiSLEg) The conference is organized by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and the China Communications Standards Association. It will release the framework of "Hybrid Cloud Industry Panorama (2022)", "Hybrid Cloud User Survey Report (2022)", new hybrid cloud standards and other important results. The conference will also invite representative vendors in the hybrid cloud field to share their insights on the future development of hybrid cloud, technical structure and industry issues. - [Dec 28th InfoQ 2022 China Technology Power Year-End List Released](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4Mg4cJs8WSmZ-xdgkN592w) The list is divided into three lists: [Top 10 Open Source Emerging Projects of 2022], [Top 10 High-Value Technology Teams of 2022], and [Top 10 Cloud-Native Innovative Technologies of 2022]. KubeVela, RocketMQ, TDengine, etc. were selected as the top 10 open source emerging projects. - [December 22nd commercial software reviewer G2 released "Container Management Platform Review Report"](https://www.g2.com/categories/container-management?utf8=%E2%9C%93&selected_view=grid&segment=all#grid) G2 evaluated vendors and their products based on reviews on G2 and data collected from online profiles and social media platforms, resulting in the following G2 Grid. The X-axis represents customer satisfaction and the Y-axis represents market share. The leading container management platform products are AWS Fargate, Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS and Mirantis Kubernetes Engine. - [Kasten launches free cloud native learning website KubeCampus.io](https://www.kasten.io/kubernetes/resources/blog/kubecon-detroit-recap-and-introducing-kubecampus) [KubeCampus.io](https://kubecampus.io/) provides learning resources such as courses, white papers, videos, and webinars related to Kubernetes storage, security, observability, and application consistency. Registered users can also contribute by blogging or speaking, or interact with members of the Kubernetes community. The website also provides hands-on labs, where users can experience the whole process from installing a Kubernetes cluster to building an application under the guidance of experts. - [December 21 Global Distributed Cloud Conference·Shenzhen station topic collection](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/d5j4WawE_fzHuh4ZyRsixg) The 2022 Global Distributed Cloud Conference·Shenzhen, hosted by the Global Distributed Cloud Alliance and Zhongshi Tech, will be held on December 21. With the theme of "Building a New Digital Foundation in the Cloud · Visioning the Future of Digital Intelligence", the conference will set up a distributed theme report and three sub-forums on distributed computing power, distributed database, and cloud native open source practice. - [December 17 China DevOps Community Summit·Wuhan finalized](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/eZjuwOym4OwgJX3UEy75Cg) There will be 1 main venue and 4 sub-venues for the summit. The main venue will share the latest DevOps successful practice cases, and the sub-venues will include lean and agile sessions, engineering excellence sessions, digital transformation sessions, and DevOps assembly line workshops. - [On December 16, the Linux Foundation Asia-Pacific team officially launched OSPO Summit 2022, discussing local and global open source development](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/W9kb4YeuqC77pfpBAdFUOQ) The summit, scheduled for December 16th in Beijing, will focus on the successful practices of Upstream First and the working practices of the Open Source Office (OSPO). In addition, there will be discussions on topics such as cost reduction and efficiency increase, DevSecOps, open source culture, enterprise units and open source community, licensing, supply chain, SBOM, project community building, and becoming a leader in the open source world. - [Dec 14 Sadie Consulting released "2022 China Private Cloud Market Research Report"](https://img02.ma.scrmtech.com/11018/1471/resource/1671000132/%E8%B5%9B%E8%BF%AA%E9%A1%BE%E9%97%AE-2022%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E7%A7%81%E6%9C%89%E4%BA%91%E5%B8%82%E5%9C%BA%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E6%8A%A5%E5%91%8A.pdf) The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current development status, market size, industry applications and product structure, market competition and future trends of private clouds and private cloud system platforms in China. In 2021, the market size of China's private cloud system platform reaches 5.14 billion yuan, up 45.2% year-on-year. Among them, the market size of container platform is 1.26 billion yuan, accounting for 24.5 % of the private cloud system platform size. The 2021 private cloud system platform vendor competitiveness quadrant analysis chart is as follows. - [On December 14, the selection of the second "Ten Cloud Native Technology Innovations/Pioneering Practices" was officially launched](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UZ_05I06VCJYN5MKLwO7IA) The selection was initiated by the Creation Association, and CNCF, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, and Huawei Cloud participated in the selection. It aims to select cloud native technology application practices that have achieved remarkable results, have certain replicability and reference, and cloud native open source projects and innovative products that have achieved innovative breakthroughs., scientific papers, etc. Awarded projects will be invited to participate in the Cloud Native Annual Technology Innovation Summit and get media promotion opportunities, etc. - [Looking for the top 1% of China's cloud native practice pioneers on December 13! CNBPA 2022 Cloud Native Best Practice Selection Launch](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UXz_UJTee2rSt_takLcOzg) Under the guidance of the Cloud Native Industry Alliance of the Institute of Information and Communications Technology and CNCF, the Cloud Native Technology Practice Alliance is open to the entire industry, soliciting cases of using cloud native technology to achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase, structural upgrade, management optimization, and business innovation. The technical fields involved in the application case include but are not limited to containers, DevOps, microservices, Serverless, cloud native storage, cloud native security, cloud native network, cloud native database, cloud native middleware, etc. - [SODACON 2022 will be held in Yokohama, Japan on December 7](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iRAtg8NKKly2VqvPZi-O3g) With the theme of "From Containers to multicloud", SODACON 2022 will discuss the latest trends, innovations, challenges and solutions in cloud native, IoT, big data, and machine learning in the field of storage management. The meeting will be held simultaneously offline and online via ZOOM. - [On December 7, CNCF launched a regional cloud native series event KubeDay, the first event kicked off in Japan](https://www.cncf.io/blog/2022/08/17/introducing-kubeday-event-series-kicking-off-with-kubeday-japan-this-december/) The first KubeDay event will be held in Yokohama, Japan on December 7th. [Speaking Proposal Application](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubeday-japan/program/cfp/) is now open (until 23:59 on September 6th) and speakers need to be present. The CNCF community plans to expand this event to all parts of the world in 2023, mainly targeting areas with active community development and interest in cloud native technologies such as Kubernetes. KubeDay will be divided into beginner and advanced segments with approximately 50/50 local and international speakers. Recorded videos of all keynotes and sessions will be available on CNCF's YouTube channel in mid-December. - [The CNCF Cloud Native Meetup Hong Kong Station will be held on December 6](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/O7w_uTBuWUj-0qyQQvzeCA) This Meetup invited the Director of CNCF Foundation China, as well as technical experts from Oracle, ByteDance, Jihu GitLab, Aqua, F5 and other companies, to focus on multicloud management, observability/tracking, GitOps, cloud native security, cloud Topics such as the development of native talents were discussed. - [ICT China Cloud Native Development Forum will kick off in Beijing on December 5](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vMRtNDE0dMgV0I0T2Wf92w) The forum is sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, focusing on the theme of software architecture change and new productivity leap. At that time, reports related to application modernization, lake registrys in the financial industry, and Serverless will be released, as well as evaluation results in the fields of cloud native storage, big data, hybrid deployment, security, elastic computing power, and middleware. - [Microservice x Container Open Source Developer Meetup held in Shanghai on December 3](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/OlGXER4RgfyCwKT0at_6ug) All flowers exile Mengyun native, open source sharing empowers developers. On December 3rd in Shanghai, the Microservice x Container Open Source Developer Meetup will focus on the technology sharing and enterprise practice of 11 popular open source projects in the cloud native field. Core maintainers of traditional and cutting-edge open source projects in the cloud native field, such as Spring Cloud Alibaba, Dubbo, OpenYurt, KubeVela, OpenSergo, etc., are invited to share with you the latest developments in the community, architecture practices, and enterprise application cases. - [On December 3, Cloud Native Community held a Meetup in Changsha Station](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vSp6j_Mu5g4uF0mp4t1PeA) The Cloud Native Meetup Changsha Station is hosted by the Cloud Native Community, and the speakers are from Jihu GitLab, China Mobile, China Telecom and other companies. The content of the speech covers DevSecOps, ClusterAPI, cloud desktop and other technologies and topics. ### 2022-11 - [November 30th Global Distributed Cloud Conference Year-end Ceremony Opens Awards Application](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wtUyNpv9Q6gbtI1L3Odfng) The year-end ceremony of the Global Distributed Cloud Conference is hosted by the Global Distributed Cloud Alliance and Zhongshi Tech, aiming to recognize the leaders in the global distributed cloud field. Specific award settings include: - Top 3 Distributed Cloud Native Enterprises - China's computing power pioneer enterprise TOP3 - Distributed operating system TOP3 - Edge Cloud Construction Contribution Award - Distributed database awards, etc. - [International consulting firm Sullivan released the 2022 Cloud Native Application Protection Platform Radar Report on November 29](https://1665891.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/1665891/Frost%20Radar%20-%20CNAPP%202022%20-%20Aqua%20Security.pdf?_hsmi=235753068&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_imKv0Cl7-_MGhYeSCsaey9txVoiKZQ7AiKuvvWdshrrAcw1zflc5_x9gLM_kJDXKVTZ8akc0IkBEXC_FA-TNBAR)x Sullivan selected 15 leading manufacturers based on business growth and innovation metrics, including Aqua Security, Check Point, Lacework, Sysdig, etc. Among them, Aqua was selected as the preferred benchmarking enterprise for investment or cooperation. - [The KubeSphere community launched a podcast KubeSphere Talk on November 29](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Ud__u2YaUkdSx5yi7dKDHw) KubeSphere Talk is an audio program of interviews and chats initiated by KubeSphere. In the early stage of the program, the Ambassador and Contributor of the KubeSphere community are mainly invited to discuss hot topics such as cloud native and open source. At present, the program has been launched on the three platforms of Small Universe, Himalaya, and Apple Podcast, and the first episode of the program has been released. - [On November 23, KubeCon North America 2022 booth hot words announced, "security" and "platform" became hot words](https://www.uptime.build/post/i-analyzed-290-booths-at-kubecon-here-are-the-devops-trends-for-2023) In an analysis of 290 exhibitor booths, "Kubernetes" and "Cloud" were the two most common words, followed by "Security," "Platform," and "Data." Additionally, “scale” was mentioned 16 times, “cost” was mentioned 15 times, and “serverless” was mentioned only 3 times. It can be seen from this that security expansion and Kubernetes Day 2 operation and maintenance management will continue to be the focus of attention in 2023. - [November 20 QCon Global Software Development Conference (Beijing Station) 2022 Conference Schedule Released](https://qcon.infoq.cn/2022/beijing/schedule?utm_source=wechat&utm_medium=infoq&utm_campaign=10&utm_term=1026&utm_content=arti4) QCon Global Software Development Conference (Beijing Station) 2022 will be held on November 20-21. The conference will set up new trends in cloud native microservice architecture, changes in cloud native architecture, DevOps flowMore than 20 topics, including processes and practices, large-scale cluster scheduling, observable best practices in the cloud native era, playing around with WebAssembly, and business security compliance. - [11-18 Kubernetes Community Days Restart in Chengdu](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/DTDfFezLlyOtmVz3gV6bKw) Kubernetes Community Days Chengdu Station is jointly initiated by CNCF, DaoCloud, Huawei Cloud, etc. Focus on Istio, KubeEdge, middleware, distributed application runtime, storage, multicloud management and other cloud native open source projects and technology practices. - [The guest lineup of the OpenSSF Open Source Security China Summit on November 6th is released](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2kf4AuXPG2ec2iUtervgfg) The OpenSSF Open Source Security China Summit was initiated by OSTech in conjunction with the Institute of Information and Communications Technology and the OpenSSF Foundation. At the meeting, open source security best practices, open source security tools, open source software supply chain security, software development security education, enterprise case sharing, etc. will be shared. - [November 16, the first cloud native edge computing academic seminar is in the collection](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/OkN0oVV9kZbZINNrUN0Pvg) The CNCF KubeEdge community will hold the first academic seminar on cloud native edge computing on November 16. The call for topics for the seminar has been opened, and the topics can focus on but not limited to the research results of cloud native edge computing technology and the hands-on demonstration of edge computing based on the KubeEdge platform. - [On November 15, the research and consulting organization Love Analysis released the "2022 Xinchuang Manufacturer Panorama Report", and DaoCloud was selected into the Xinchuang Cloud segment of the manufacturer panorama](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GCeOGq4DcO-20CtFATDPcA) The report selects nine specific markets, including database, operating system, middleware, Xinchuang cloud, and cloud desktop, to focus on the definition of demand and the capabilities of representative manufacturers. Provide reference for enterprise manufacturer selection. Among them, the comprehensive localization of the cloud platform has gradually become a key link for enterprises to build a full-stack independent and controllable IT architecture. - [November 8-9 PromCon EU in Munich, Germany](https://promcon.io/2022-munich/) PromCon is hosted by the Prometheus developer community to exchange experiences and best practices using Prometheus. PromCon EU 2022 is an offline conference, the method of participation: . - [Guest lineup announced for the CNCF Cloud Native Forum on the International Open Source Festival on November 8](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mFN3A2sdVvuBxYKrrveBCQ) The 2022 International Open Source Festival CNCF Cloud Native Forum will be held in Shenzhen on November 8. Experts from DaoCloud, Alibaba, OPPO, Tencent and other vendors discussed cloud native in the special forum on the following topics: - DevOps, CI/CD - Containers, multicloud management - Cloud native security - Surveillance, Observability - Virtualization, native application cases - Integration of cloud native and other technologies (cloud native+) - [Hangzhou Yunqi Conference on November 3rd](https://yunqi.aliyun.com/?spm=5176.27296252.J_9252124580.2.672d3b19iHUjCB) This year's Yunqi Conference will be held from 11.3 to 5 with the theme of Computing Evolution Future. The conference set up two main forums and more than 70 sub-forums on digital technology, industry and ecology. Among them, the Cloud Computing Forum will focus on cloud native cutting-edge technologies, cloud security and compliance, proprietary cloud and other content. Currently, the conference is open for [free application for conference tickets](https://yunqi.aliyun.com/2022/ticket?activityId=MjU2NA==&ticketId=MTU=&channelId=Mzgw). - [November Global Open Source Technology Summit GOTC opens in Shenzhen](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qlHG3yjr1YRlZ-2Np8LzaQ) GOTC is jointly sponsored by the Linux Foundation, Open Source China, and the open source community, focusing on hot topics such as eBPF, Web 3.0, blockchain, open source community, open source commercialization, open source education and training, cloud native, AI, industrial software, and IoT. In addition, the summit will invite executive directors of the Linux Foundation, directors of the Apache Software Foundation, general managers of CNCF, and dozens of key open source guests from all over the world to attend and share speeches. Click to view [Sponsor Program PDF](https://oscimg.oschina.net/public_shard/GOTC2022%E6%B4%BB%E5%8A%A8%E6%96%B9%E6%A1%88-081922.pdf) ### 2022-10 - [KubeEdge Cloud Native Edge Computing Free Public Class released on October 31](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/s4iuQMDhxjVTnhwVF7_ZJQ) KubeEdge Cloud Native Edge Computing Open Course combines CNCF Foundation, KubeEdge community, universities, enterprises and other forces of industry, education and research, Provides courses such as an overview of industry development in the field of cloud native edge computing, practical application of features, analysis of typical cases, and interpretation of source code. - [On October 29th Cloud Native DevOps Technology Open Day Issue Collection](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZpLHJCflYFP4WtO66UqO9g) The Cloud Native DevOps Technology Open Day is hosted by the Cloud Native Community and co-organized by Jihu GitLab and Flomesh, focusing on topics such as cloud native, DevOps, and open source. Part of the guest lineup has been announced, and a small number of topics are still open. - [Linux Foundation's first free online self-study course on Istio on October 27](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1lO-aeDVvBDf5kEyOHj74g) Istio Free Online Self-Paced Course - Getting Started with Istio is designed for those who want to build on their knowledge of Linux, Docker, and Kubernetes to learn how to install and configure a service mesh. The lecturers are two engineers from the service mesh company Tetrate. The course is live now, and users can access the course for free for ten weeks after enrolling in the course, with the option to pay for a certificate of completion upon completion. - [Registration for Global Distributed Cloud Conference Shanghai Station on October 26-27](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/a3XLPWril5CngjJjtjmYPg) The 2022 Global Distributed Cloud Conference Shanghai Station is hosted by the Global Distributed Cloud Alliance and Zhongshi Tech. With the theme of Vientiane Smart Computing, it will focus on distributed infrastructure, distributed cloud services, distributed cloud management platforms, container application platforms, Database cloud native, edge cloud, etc. - [KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America Conference Program Released October 24-28](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america/program/schedule/) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America will be held in Detroit, USA from October 24-28, featuring 189 sessions, keynotes and lightning talks. Click to view [Online Participation Method](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america/register/) - [On October 24, CNCF announced the first batch of products that passed the cloud native network feature certification program](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2AJi1d-Edwjq-Bm7knRbPw) The CNCF announced the first cloud native network feature (CNF) certified products, including F5, Juniper Networks, MATRIXX Software, and PANTHEON.tech. Launched in May of this year, the CNF certification program leverages the [CNF Test Suite](https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/) to help communications service providers and other telecom organizations identify which network equipment providers follow cloud native Best Practices. - [On October 21, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology launched the first batch of evaluations of cloud native platform middleware management capabilities](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/n5r9btwVm8lgF4o_dNvCYQ) The evaluation mainly examines middleware management capabilities from eight parts: access management, lifecycle governance, operation and maintenance support, operation services, high availability, compatibility, openness, and security. - [Gartner released the "2022 Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services (CIPS) Magic Quadrant" on October 19](https://www.gartner.com/doc/reprints?id=1-29B7RDWN&ct=220304&st=sb) The Gartner Magic Quadrant for CIPS focuses on infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and integration platform as a service (PaaS) offerings. This year's report shows that AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud continue to lead the way and are named in the Leaders quadrant. In China, Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud and Tencent Cloud were selected, among which Huawei Cloud was selected for the first time. - [On October 17, iResearch released a research report "Insights on the Development of Basic Cloud Service Industry in 2022"](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FGc2yFUfflUuf13Z0NAzvQ) The report shows that in 2021, the growth rate of China's overall cloud service market will pick up, and the market size will reach 328.02 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 45.4%. The public cloud market is still the base of the overall cloud market, and industry cloud construction provides growth opportunities for non-public clouds. Internet users are still the main customer group in the public cloud field, but the market is relatively saturated; finance and government affairs are the main contributors to the non-public cloud industry, but the growth rate is slow, and the contribution capabilities of industrial manufacturing and medical care have improved significantly. - [Global Open Source Technology Summit GOTC 2023 Topics Collection on October 16](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/88zMjvR6SkaAE7McdM7CPQ) GOTC 2023 is jointly sponsored by the Linux Foundation, Open Source China and the Open Source Community, and will be held in Shenzhen on February 25-26, 2023. The conference focuses on hot topics such as cloud native, Metaverse, eBPF, Web3.0, open source governance, front-end, basic software, AI, IoT, etc. - [Registration for the second half of October 9th "Trusted Cloud·Cloud Native Evaluation" officially starts](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/aLaMkm-ObK_Q1E5HtDbtFA) CAICT organized and compiled a series of industry standards related to cloud native, and established a trusted cloud cloud native evaluation system based on this. According to the evaluation system, the Institute of Information and Communications Technology will start the evaluation and testing of cloud native categories in the second half of the year, covering multiple aspects such as containers, micro-services, serverless, cloud native security, cloud native data, and cloud native maturity, aiming to standardize cloud service providers and security service provider product quality, Help cloud native transformation, and provide reference for product selection, evaluation, and acceptance. - [KubeCon North America 2022 warm-up event on October 5-6 - "KubeCrash Fall 2022" open for free registration](https://www.kubecrash.io/) KubeCrash is a free online cloud native technology sharing event provided by maintainers of CNCF projects and other open source projects. This year's Fall KubeCrash will be held on October 5-6. The first batch of speakers and topics have been announced, sharing content including Cloud Native Maturity Model, cert-manager, Telepresence, Linkerd, Polaris, Pulumiand other open source technologies. Registration address: - [Google released the "2022 DevOps State Report" on October 4](https://www.infoq.com/news/2022/10/google-devops-2022/) The report delves into the topic of software supply chain security. The report shows that using application security scanning as part of a CI/CD system is the most common practice in SLSA (Software Artifact Supply Chain) and SSDF (Secure Software Development Framework) practices. Meanwhile, the report also focuses on software delivery and operational performance. Additionally, cloud computing usage continues to grow, with public cloud usage at 76% (56% in 2021). ### 2022-09 - [eBPF Summit 2022 will be held at the end of September](https://sessionize.com/ebpf-summit-2022/) The summit recommends that the presentation should introduce how to use eBPF to solve practical problems, such as: observing, tracing and debugging applications, securing systems, CI/CD Pipelines, applications, solving network or performance problems, Runtimes, kernel implementations, and eBPF libraries, writing eBPF programs in high-level languages, eBPF projects, eBPF-based observability and monitoring, case studies from end users, future perspectives, and more. The summit accepts submissions for 5-10 minute lightning talks and 20 minute sessions. - [September 28-29 eBPF Summit 2022 meeting agenda released](https://ebpf.io/summit-2022/) The eBPF Summit 2022 will be held online from September 28th to 29th. The whole conference is free and open to the public. At that time, technical experts from Datadog, Isovalent, etc. will represent speeches on eBPF's network, security, and observability. - [On September 26, the Linux Foundation Open Source Software Academy Talent Incentive Program was officially launched](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/543-vnJFQSU_YX8QMQftIw) The Talent Incentive Program aims to provide open source training opportunities for talents in the IT industry. It includes 8 categories, including open source newcomers, cloud native pilots, operation and maintenance stars, and large front-end technical talents. Applicants can choose according to their own conditions. Selected candidates can choose any course in the Open Source Software Academy for free study, and take any certification exam provided by the foundation for free. - [September 25th Cloud Native Community Meetup Guangzhou Station](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4xN0EbC1h7qqPaC3jcOzVA) The Cloud Native Community Meetup Guangzhou station will be held on September 25th, and the "Cloud Native Community" video account and station B will broadcast live simultaneously. The event invites engineers from Jihu and Intel to share content about cloud native application security and load balancing. - [On September 24, the 6th National Internet Architecture Summit (IAS2022) will officially open for registration, DaoCloud CEO Chen Qiyan will give an opening speech](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/61dFoFPiJOGKZcISYQJ79Q) IAS2022 is co-hosted by the NJSD technical community and will be held in Nanjing on September 24. The content of the meeting covers topics such as traffic programming, microservice governance, Data Mesh, polymorphic application management, DDD architecture design, and eBPF performance acceleration. Registration is currently open, subject to the number of people in the venue until the quota is full. - [September 24 Service Mesh Summit 2022 reopened in Shanghai](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kNEJs0JZ2_YYIO2cTUTfQA) Service Mesh Summit 2022 The first service mesh summit hosted by the cloud native community will be held on September 24 in Shanghai. At that time, technical experts from Tetrate, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, etc. will share the implementation of service network practice, Istio custom extension implementation and related open source projects. At present, the free registration channel has been reopened. - [On September 23, iResearch released the "Research Report on China's Financial Cloud Industry in 2022"](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/AuuyRsSufke9scPmOeI1MQ) The report pointed out that the scale of China's financial cloud market will reach 39.4 billion yuan in 2021, and the compound growth rate is expected to be 28.6% in the next four years; the stock market: independent research and development, independent and controllable domestic technology routes have become the adoption trend of financial institutions. Incremental market: cloud native has become an important strategic technology trend, and multicloud strategic deployment and cross-cloud ecological connection have become industry consensus. - [DaoCloud released the "White Paper on Cloud Native Industry Development" on September 23](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mP0hG1FY-4RfH8NBo9NmPw) Starting from the definition, origin and application status of cloud native, the white paper sorts out the development logic and industry panorama of cloud native industry, analyzes the opportunities cloud native brings to China's innovation industry, and combines domestic leading cloud native practices to look forward to future trends, defining the operating system in the cloud era. - [Gartner released the 2022 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies on September 22](https://www.infoq.cn/article/5Bp8BIJd5DSgFzaRjzAT) Emerging technology trends for 2022 focus on three themes: Evolving/Scaling Immersive Experiences, Accelerating AI Automation, and Optimizing Technician Delivery. Among them, optimizing the delivery of technical personnel, OpenTelemetry, etc. will have a significant impact on business and society in the next 2-5 years, while data observability, observability-driven development, and industry cloud platforms will take 5-10 years to be widely adopted. use. - [September 15-17 International Open Source Festival, Cloud Native becomes the focus](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wrEzT5xXGCvijZ-sK4v21A) The 2022 International Open Source Festival is initiated by OSTech in conjunction with the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and the Linux Foundation. The exhibition will be held in Shenzhen on September 15-17. As one of the important technical forums, CNCF Cloud Native Forum will focus on "DevOps, CI/CD", "Container, multicloud Management", "Cloud Native Security", "Monitoring, Observability", "Virtualization, Native Application Cases", "Cloud Native and Other Technology Integration (Cloud Native +)" and other topics. Cooperation application: - [SUSE established RFO SIG on September 15 to build a container infrastructure platform for openEuler](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iNZvldhCXEMvZdsxRZxZ1g) RFO, Rancher for openEuler, aims to deeply integrate the Rancher product ecology with openEuler, build container engineering infrastructure for the Euler open source community, and create Rancher derivatives for openEuler. - [On September 15, the international analysis organization GigaOm released the "Service Mesh Radar Report v2.0"](https://research.gigaom.com/reprint/gigaom-radar-for-service-mesh-solo-io/) GigaOm evaluates mainstream service meshes from four dimensions: specialized infrastructure layer, sidecar practice, control plane configuration, and control plane telemetry. Among them, Gloo Mesh, greymatter.io, Kong Mesh, and Linkerd were rated as outstanding performers. Of note is Cilium Service Mesh, one of the first service meshes that can leverage either a sidecar or no sidecar model. - [September 13-16, the Linux Foundation announced the Open Source Summit Europe 2022 conference schedule](https://linuxfoundation.org/featured/the-linux-foundation-announces-conference-schedule-for-open-source-summit-europe-2022/) Open Source Summit Europe 2022 will be held offline (Dublin) + online on September 13-16. The summit includes 13 sub-forums, 325+ speeches, Topics cover the most important and cutting-edge topics in the open source field: Linux systems, supply chain security, OSPO, embedded IoT, cloud, containers, etc. - [VMware released the report "Kubernetes Usage Status 2022" on September 11](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6gB6J1GfmD2GvXIqmvrflg) The report pointed out that the number of Kubernetes clusters has grown rapidly, and 29% of companies have more than 50 clusters; multicloud dominates, and local deployment and single cloud lose their advantages; multicluster and multicloud security are new frontier issues. Click to view [full version report](http://vmwzadmin.incloudexpo.com/uploads/docs/2022/0804/VMware_StateOfKubernetes2022_eBook_042522_WEB.pdf) - [On September 9, Cisco released the "Global Hybrid Cloud Development Trend Report 2022"](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/115gcNpsYk7uIkB35B7bgA) The report shows that hybrid multicloud will become the norm, with 82% of respondents using a hybrid multicloud architecture to underpin their applications. The development of hybrid cloud faces three major challenges: security, operation, and cost. Edge computing, infrastructure automation, and composable infrastructure will become three technology hotspots in the hybrid cloud field in the future. The accelerated development of cloud native technology, the widespread application of infrastructure as code, and the active role of open culture are the three major trends in the future development of hybrid cloud. Click to view [full report](https://d110erj175o600.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/07143944/nb-06-2022-trends-report-cte.pdf) - [On September 8, the CNCF Prometheus professional qualification certification exam was upgraded to GA](https://www.cncf.io/announcements/2022/09/08/prometheus-certified-associate-exam-is-now-generally-available/?utm_source=thenewstack&utm_medium=website) Months after the Beta release, the CNCF announced that the [Prometheus Professional Certification (PCA) exam](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification/prometheus-certified-associate/) has been upgraded to GA. PCA is an online certification, multiple-choice test designed for engineers or application developers interested in observability and monitoring. It tests candidates to use Prometheus to monitor cloud native applications and The mastery of basic knowledge related to performance. ### 2022-08 - [August 31 Gartner Publishes 2022 CloudPlatform Service Technology Maturity Curve](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/tLCN8fICgK7n00XuI33vEw) The maturity curve of cloud platform service technology in 2022 shows that cloud native technology is currently in a period of inflated expectations, and is expected to enter the production maturity period in the next 5-10 years; Container management technology is at the trough of the bubble burst, and will enter a mature stage in 2-5 years; integrated platform as a service (iPaaS) and low-code application platform (LCAP) technologies will reach production maturity within two years (the practical significance of the technology has been proven and Accept). - [August 27 KubeSphere Community Cloud Native Technology Exchange Meetup Hangzhou Station registration opens](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TNqG6tRxUwRrA-NoP26lRg) The Cloud Native Technology Exchange Meetup Hangzhou Station is jointly organized by the KubeSphere community and the Jihu GitLab community. Activities include lightning speech (10min), single/double speech (40min), The content of the topic may include projects in the field of cloud native and cloud native technology practice, and the event date is scheduled for August 27. - [August 23-24, the Linux Foundation announced the schedule of the Open Source Summit Latin America 2022 conference](https://osslatam22.sched.com/) Open Source Summit Latin America 2022 will be held online, August 23-24. The summit includes 9 sub-forums including LinuxCon, CloudOpen, and ContainerCon, and 75+ speeches. - [Smart Cloud Edge Open Source Summit was held online on August 19](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2PMvlypUjmtM0fHp6Y5DSQ) VMWare, together with Intel, EMQ, Kyligence, etc., will hold the 2022 Smart Cloud Edge Open Source Summit on August 19-20. At the meeting, a number of technology leaders from the open source field will share the trends and insights of the three hot technologies of artificial intelligence, cloud native, and edge computing. - [Global Distributed Cloud Conference to be held in Shanghai on August 19 (enclosed registration method)](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Z9yoAkquE4eVTkxPuZAhHQ) This conference adopts an online and offline linkage method. The conference agenda includes a distributed cloud theme report in the morning and four sub-forums in the afternoon: database special report, edge cloud forum, cloud game forum and cloud computing open source forum. - [On August 17th, the industry's first industry-university-research eBPF technology exploration SIG was established](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ObuuknjGxbT0i4an5ugD5g) Under the leadership of Linux kernel experts, the Dragon Lizard community established the eBPF Technology Exploration SIG to create a good ecosystem suitable for the industry and academia to conduct in-depth research on eBPF technology and its implementation effects. At the same time, it also brought two open source projects [Coolbpf](https://github.com/aliyun/coolbpf) and [LMP](https://github.com/linuxkerneltravel/lmp), among which Coolbpf focuses on improving development efficiency, Later, we will explore in depth from the perspective of security; LMP uses machine learning models and other solutions to deeply debug the kernel based on eBPF technology from the perspective of a visualization platform. - [In mid-August, the 2022 "Science and Technology China" open source innovation list selection will be fully launched](https://cccst.org.cn/osis) The 2022 "Science and Technology China" Open Source Innovation List is sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology and organized by the Open Source Innovation Consortium., to select products, communities, activities, and people with innovation, contribution, and influence. - [August 13 Lundao Native Cloud Native Meetup Nanjing station registration opens](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/f5I4hn_lHf9x9oDBUgAIIQ) LunDaoNative Meetup Nanjing Station is hosted by DaoCloud and Pengyun Network, focusing on topics such as service mesh, cloud native storage, cloud native security and related open source projects. The event will be held on August 13, in the form of offline + online live broadcast. - [CloudNativeDay 2022 held online on August 10th](https://www.techstrongevents.com/cloud-native-days-2022?ref=in-article-ad&utm_source=Container+Journal&utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=in-article-ad) CloudNativeDay 2022 is a cloud native speaking event sponsored by tech media company Techstrong. Speakers come from Google, IBM, Splunk, Oracle and other companies, focusing on topics such as Kubernetes, supply chain security, observability, service mesh, WebAssembly, and DevSecOps. - [InfoQ released "China Open Source Development Research Analysis 2022" on August 8](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_56l90-2lw6rBUJHKSOZSA) The report shows that the technical field of China's open source projects is upgrading and focusing from the database in the advantageous field to the direction of operating system & artificial intelligence and cloud native. Among the non-Internet industries, those with the highest awareness of the open source model are manufacturing, finance, and government/non-profit organizations. Developers (Internet + non-Internet) generally focus on relatively average technical fields, and the top three are databases, cloud native and tools. The quality of open source code in China is positively correlated with community activity. Click [Read PDF Report](http://d.dachang.tobdev.com/2022/open-source-2022-infoq.pdf) - [August 6 Cloud Native Technology Exchange Meetup Guangzhou Station Topic Collection Open](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/AQvbEvvaZY_taqxHpCELUA) This year's second Cloud Native Meetup will be held in Guangzhou on August 6. This Meetup was initiated by the KubeSphere community and the SOFAStack community, and the theme is still "Cloud Native Technology Exchange". The event includes lightning speeches (10 minutes) and single/double speeches (40 minutes). Topics can include projects in the cloud native field and cloud native technology practices. - [August 2 CNCF Telecom Industry Micro-Survey: Three-quarters of Respondents Say They Will Adopt Cloud Native Network Functions (CNF)](https://www.cncf.io/blog/2022/08/02/cncf-telco-microsurvey-cloud-native-network-features-with-kubernetes-are-coming-but-interoperability-and-portability-are-priorities/) Three-quarters of respondents to the micro-survey are converting services running as physical network features (PNFs) or virtual network features (VNFs) to cloud native network features (CNFs) based on containers and Kubernetes. As for the biggest challenges when using Kubernetes, the top three are: network (57.14%), interoperability between products (42.86%), cluster management and complexity (both 33.33%). - [August 2nd China DevOps Status Survey Report (2022)](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XPu2D9wsRDbbWQ9k72oXgA) The survey was jointly initiated by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and more than 50 companies. The final report shows that the maturity of DevOps implementation in Chinese enterprises continues to increase, and nearly 60% of enterprises are moving towards the comprehensive level; nearly 90% of enterprises are practicing the agile development model to varying degrees; The proportion of automated code scanning and unit testing in automated testing exceeded 70% for the first time; enterprises practicing DevSecOps exceeded 60% for the first time. Click [View Report](http://d.dachang.tobdev.com/2022/china-devops-2022-08.pdf) - [On August 1, CNCF launched a survey on cloud native popularization trends in 2022](https://www.research.net/r/T6D29LS?lang=zh-tw&utm) This year, CNCF collaborated with the Linux Foundation to launch a cloud native survey to summarize the popularization trends of containers, Kubernetes, and other cloud native technologies, as well as the tools, projects, and challenges faced by users. The survey is anonymous and closes August 1. - [August developer platform service provider Humanitec released "2022 Kubernetes Benchmarking Study"](https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/5890440/Reports/Kubernetes%20Benchmarking%20Study%202022%20-%202022-02-16.pdf) Humanitec conducted a study of 1,164 development teams to assess the current state of team Kubernetes practices, technical approaches, and team setup and culture. According to Kubernetes Performance Score (KPS), it is divided into top/mid/low performer. A developer's degree of self-service is what separates top from low. Among them, the proportion of all services and applications that are containerized: 68% vs 22%; the proportion of developers who enable self-service: 73% vs 33% (top vs low). ### 2022-07 - [ApacheCon Asia 2022, July 29-31, will be held online at the end of July (with speaking application form included)](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/COKolXXeiD1p9wmIRLT4Zw) ApacheCon Asia will be held online July 29-31, 2022. The conference will once again showcase dozens of project-related content from the foundation, focusing on API/microservices, open source communities, application integration, message queues, middleware, observability, remote procedure call RPC, WEB SERVER/TOMCAT, etc. Discussion on a topic. The call for presentations is open and closes May 31. - [On July 28, the international analysis organization GigaOm released the 2022 Cloud Native Data Storage Radar Report](https://research.gigaom.com/reprint/gigaom-radar-for-cloud-native-kubernetes-data-storage-portworx/) As shown in the radar chart, vendors in the lower right quadrant see persistent storage as their competitive differentiator. What this group has in common is to combine storage platforms with Kubernetes distributions and cluster management products to provide Kubernetes users with a highly integrated overall solution. Vendors in the lower left quadrant are more oriented toward specific features, deployment models, or personalized use cases. - [Alibaba Cloud released "Cloud Native Architecture White Paper 2022 Release" on July 27](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/G8TAkeezVQz22bevr1zdKw) While explaining the definition of cloud native architecture, the white paper also summarizes the evolution path and design rules required for cloud native architecture applications based on Alibaba Cloud's cloud native practical experience. Compared with the old version, the 2022 version adds dozens of enterprise cloud native practical experience collections. At the same time, in the cloud native product matrix, several core product families are added, such as container products, micro-service products, and cloud native technology middle-end products. family etc. Click [View White Paper](https://developer.aliyun.com/ebook/read/7679?spm=a2c6h.26392459.ebook-detail.4.455f697agCIYh7) - [On July 21, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology released the "White Paper on Cloud Computing (2022)"](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jl4Lz_1BMcC_-gpI3fukbw) This year's white paper focuses on the "new economy, a new cycle of using the cloud". The new cycle refers to a new stage in which cloud native transformation of the application architecture is used, and computing power services are used as a means of resource scheduling to achieve efficient, safe, and lean access to the cloud. Under the new cycle, there are five key points in the development of cloud computing: large-scale construction, computing power services, stability, cloud security, and cloud cost optimization. Click to view [White Paper Reading](http://www.caict.ac.cn/kxyj/qwfb/bps/202207/P020220721643085625934.pdf) - [On July 21, the KubeEdge community released the first cloud native edge computing threat model and security protection analysis report](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0CKpkIjHpEXUftZ2czDgSQ) The KubeEdge community uses the ASTRIDE Low Level threat modeling method combined with the KubeEdge security audit report to conduct a systematic security analysis of KubeEdge. It believes that KubeEdge potential attackers include three parts: External attackers, internal attackers and supply chain attackers. At the same time, it also lists the mitigation mechanisms and security hardening suggestions currently available in the community. Click to view [GitHub more details](https://github.com/kubeedge/community/tree/master/sig-security/sig-security-audit/KubeEdge-threat-model-and-security-protection-analysis.md) - [DaoCloud debuted at the first KubeEdge Summit on July 14-15, and went to a cloud native edge computing event](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HWhy1oJZ_aAZ7oB4Wy6weQ) As the second-ranked team in the KubeEdge project contribution list last year, DaoCloud brought a very exciting technical sharing at the KubeEdge Summit 2022, which ended successfully last week. The content covers topics such as network security technology for edge computing, SIG Device-IOT progress and future planning, and edge computing system conformance testing. - [July 14-15 2022 Cloud Native Edge Computing Summit Agenda Released](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/NBMIaH_Gq5sxuoPQm5zusg) The first Cloud Native Edge Computing Summit (KubeEdge Summit 2022), hosted by CNCF and the KubeEdge community, will be held online on July 14-15. The summit is divided into the main forum and three sub-forums of cutting-edge technology, ecological innovation, and application practice. - [On July 13, the Cloud Native Technology Practice Alliance and the Cloud Native Technology Community released "(2021-2022) Research on the Implementation of Cloud Native Technology in Traditional Industries - Central State-owned Enterprises"](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0lWnhrlaakpoum3lbgTiQA) The survey interprets the cloud native digital transformation of central state-owned enterprises in terms of IT budget, application architecture, technology selection, and transformation results. Among them, more than 60% of the interviewed central state-owned enterprises have or are considering using multicloud/hybrid cloud; they are more inclined to adopt one-cloud multi-core, dual-CPU architecture; more than 95% consider or are using cloud native technologies such as containers, DevOps, and microservices. Click to view [full report](https://marketing.alauda.cn/service/extfile/page/d2f59127cba241049f5b48e40aafbdd3?cl_sr=%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1%E5%85%AC%E4%BC%97%E5%8F%B7&cl_cp=2022YGQTY) - [On July 13, the SMI community and Kubernetes SIG Network launched the GAMMA initiative to promote the integration of Gateway API and service mesh](https://smi-spec.io/blog/announcing-smi-gateway-api-gamma/) SMI allows direct unified management of traffic between services, while the Gateway API already achieves a similar goal for ingress and egress use cases. Therefore, SMI (Service Mesh Interface) and SIG Network jointly launched the GAMMA initiative (Gateway API Mesh Management and Administration), planning to cooperate on service mesh use cases in the Gateway API project. - [On July 6, Lingqueyun and the cloud native technology community released a series of cloud native practice reports in the financial industry](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GimI6UpIj0VtEo5bXY2Y8g) - ["Compilation of Financial Cloud Native Technology Practice Cases"](https://marketing.alauda.cn/service/extfile/page/dc8646c647ea4c69bd16f10e01aed9a7?cl_sr=%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1%E5%85%AC%E4%BC%97%E5%8F%B7#/preview?url=https://ma.alauda.cn/fileview/dc8646c647ea4c69bd16f10e01aed9a7&fileType=application/pdf&cid=1qQEWiP4Up2): Cloud native technology of leading financial companies at home and abroad Practice case. - ["Research Report on the Implementation of Cloud Native Technology in the Financial Industry"](https://marketing.alauda.cn/service/extfile/page/a1fbb4df45db44b9831e96082c7a93f7?cl_sr=%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1%E5%85%AC%E4%BC%97%E5%8F%B7): From a full-stack perspective, explore the technical issues and industries in the fields of cloud native infrastructure, hybrid cloud, micro-service architecture, data, security, etc. that financial companies are currently paying close attention to trend. - ["2022 Financial Cloud Native Landing Practical Guide"](https://marketing.alauda.cn/service/extfile/page/9dcf02b596fd43c898db2f2f51b7b7d0?cl_sr=%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1%E5%85%AC%E4%BC%97%E5%8F%B7): Focus on the actual pain points and solutions in each stage of cloud native transformation of financial enterprises. From the perspectives of cloud native architecture, infrastructure, security, operation and maintenance, etc., discuss the successful route of financial enterprises' cloud native implementation. - [On July 4th, the international analysis agency Sullivan and Toubao Research Institute released the "Cloud Native Market Research Report - Containers" (2022)](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/537223598) The report points out that the key to the current competition of cloud native vendors' container products lies in "the capabilities of products in corresponding use cases, and the key to product capabilities lies in the construction of an open ecosystem." In addition, the report evaluates the core competitive advantages and comprehensive barriers of mainstream container vendors such as Huawei Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, and Tencent Cloud based on the three dimensions of application, product, and ecosystem. Click [View the full report PDF](https://pdf.dfcfw.com/pdf/H3_AP202207041575792777_1.pdf?1656970762000.pdf) ### 2022-06 - [The first Cloud Native Edge Computing Summit on June 25th, speech topics are being solicited (with topic submission methods)](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6IG8A-UamAtc63Mks0Av6w) The CNCF KubeEdge community announced that it will hold the first Cloud Native Edge Computing Summit (KubeEdge Summit 2022) on June 25 this year. The venue of the meeting is tentatively scheduled to be in Beijing, taking the form of offline meeting + online live broadcast. Topics focused on sharing KubeEdge technology dry goods, KubeEdge community ecological development, and KubeEdge's practical cases in traditional and new fields. At present, the channel for soliciting topics for the conference is open. - [Rust For Linux may be incorporated into the Linux 5.20 kernel on June 22](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zypQAkiHnXleDcEGpMioJA) Recently, Linus Torvalds, the father of the Linux operating system, said that the Linux kernel is expected to include Rust infrastructure. Also, Rust may be used to develop some drivers (entire driver subsystems or filesystems), so Rust is not "replacing the C language", but "extending the C code of the Linux kernel in some meaningful places". The Linux 5.20 merge window will open after the Linux 5.19 stable release at the end of July. - [On June 22, CAICT and Tencent Cloud released the industry's first "White Paper on Distributed Cloud Development (2022)"](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0EI2rvL8Xmd0TlnwjthaFQ) The white paper first clarifies the definition of distributed cloud standards, the difference and connection with hybrid cloud and edge computing; then introduces the key technologies and use cases of distributed cloud, The challenges and future prospects of distributed cloud in terms of basic technology, use cases and standards are proposed; finally, multi-industry practice cases are deeply analyzed to provide reference for enterprises to implement distributed cloud. Read the white paper: - [The Linux Foundation announced the Open Source Summit North America 2022 conference schedule from June 21 to 24](https://linuxfoundation.org/featured/the-linux-foundation-announces-conference-schedule-for-open-source-summit-north-america-2022/) Recently, the Linux Foundation announced the full schedule of the 2022 North American Open Source Summit, which will be held simultaneously in Texas and online from June 21 to 24. The conference is made up of 14 events, including LinuxCon, SupplyChainSecurityCon, CloudOpen, ContainerCon, and more. - [Software consulting firm Scott Logic released a survey report "The State of WebAssembly 2022" on June 20](https://blog.scottlogic.com/2022/06/20/state-of-wasm-2022.html) Highlights from the report: Rust usage and interest continue to climb; Python usage jumps; JavaScript becomes a WebAssembly language; Wasmtime is the most widely used runtime; usage of WebAssembly has increased significantly in serverless, containerized, and plugin environments. - [On June 16, the Linux Next Generation Architecture Foundation Chaos Engineering Special Interest Group was established](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/P9Mf9lwSsTaI1TN-fsmsYQ) Led by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, together with Xie Yun and other team members, they applied to set up a special interest group on chaos engineering in the NextArch Foundation to promote domestic research and practice related to chaos engineering to the world. The group also works closely with the CNCF TOC to drive standardization of chaos engineering tools and constructs. In addition, Xieyun contributed the first open source project to the group: the Chaos Engineering fault library "Space Capsule". - [June 15 DevOps toolchain manager DevStream enters CNCF sandbox project](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/oqww9Wvxy_5WgDRNv6mmOg) DevStream can use a simple configuration file to manage DevOps tools in all traces of the software R&D lifecycle in a unified manner, and complete the rapid installation and deployment of each tool, integration between tools, and best practice configuration. Project address: - [The service mesh project Aeraki Mesh entered the CNCF sandbox project on June 15](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Q1wycrIJzgendfWbFTijfw) Aeraki Mesh aims to solve the pain point that the current service mesh project only meets the HTTP/gRPC protocol and does not support other open source and public protocols, and provides management services that are fully compatible with the Istio API. Help users quickly obtain the traffic management and service governance capabilities provided by the service mesh with a small migration cost and maintenance cost. Project address: - [On June 15, NetEase's open source distributed storage system Curve entered the CNCF sandbox project](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/lwkIfAgy9hAb4cI_NnO5Kw) Curve can be applied to various cloud native infrastructure platforms as a storage base. Compared with the open source storage system Ceph, Curve has better random read and write and delay performance, and its performance stability under abnormal conditions is nearly one and a half times ahead. Compared with the container-based open source block storage software OpenEBS, Curve provides block storage and file storage capabilities, which is more conducive to the construction of a unified digital basic software, and the operation and maintenance management cost requirements are lower. Project address: - [On June 15, the cloud native security laboratory was officially established, and the first domestic cloud native security testing platform was released](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yi7a6BG2YTQQNZWqUlx1DQ) The cloud native security laboratory was initiated and established by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and Tencent Cloud. After its establishment, one of the main achievements released was the cloud native security testing platform. The platform consists of an open security testing framework and independent security testing tools. A total of 75 security capability testing tools are integrated, and the assessment capabilities cover container security and R&D operation and maintenance security, and can automatically generate detailed assessment reports and improvement suggestions to support SaaS access and privatization deployment. - [The Chinese version of the CNCF Glossary cloud native glossary was launched on June 14](https://www.cncf.io/blog/2022/06/14/cloud-native-glossary-the-chinese-version-is-live/) The Cloud Native Glossary is a project led by the CNCF Business Value Subcommittee to explain cloud native concepts in clear and common language. Chinese version of cloud native glossary: Contribution method: - [On June 14, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology released "Edge Computing Market and User Insight Report (2022)" and "Cloud-Edge-End Integration Development Report (2022)"](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0ds2iEc3cdZ-RfjdDqrGnA) The "Edge Computing Market and User Survey Report (2022)" pointed out that in 2021, my country's edge computing market will reach 43.64 billion yuan, of which the edge software and service market will reach 14.62 billion yuan. In terms of edge applications, users are currently showing a variety of deployment types on the edge side, and technical applications are mainly data-based. Edge native, industry integration, and open source collaboration have become development trends. "Cloud-edge-device integration development report (2022)" points out that "cloud-edge-end collaboration" is evolving to "cloud-edge-device integration", which aims to shield cloud, edge, and end distributed heterogeneous infrastructure resources and provide a unified perspective of resources Administration and Use. In terms of development trends, first, cloud-edge-end integration drives computing processing to spread to edge-end; second, cloud-edge-end integration builds a new digital infrastructure operating system. Edge Computing Market and Users: Cloud-edge-device integration: - [The full agenda of the Cloud Edge Synergy Conference on June 14 was officially released](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/86KJTR5N9LIXYb1D-3jJ9g) China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and China Communications Standards Association will hold the "2022 cloud edge collaboration Conference" online on June 14. At the meeting, distributed cloud evaluation results, edge computing industry application evaluation results, cloud edge collaboration practice cases, etc. will be released, and speeches will focus on cloud edge collaboration, Internet of Things, industry applications and other topics. - [On June 11, CNCF, Microsoft, and Intel jointly launched the Open Source Cloud Native Developer Day, focusing on microservices, continuous integration delivery, and chaos engineering (registration method is attached)](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/khNo4BuPXeydiGeXMTNAjg) Jointly initiated by CNCF, Microsoft, and Intel, and co-organized by JFrog, Dapr Chinese Community, KubeSphere, etc., the Open Source Cloud Native Developer Day is scheduled for June 11, 2022. The event focuses on topics such as microservices, continuous integration, delivery, and chaos engineering, and explores the future of cloud native. Currently, the topic of the event is being solicited. - [Gartner publishes the 2022 Magic Quadrant for APM and Observability, June 7](https://www.gartner.com/doc/reprints?id=1-2A8RQQW4&ct=220608&st=sb) A total of 19 vendors were selected into the APM Magic Quadrant this year, 4 more than last year. Among them, Honeycomb, a vendor that provides observability tools for production systems, entered the LEADERS quadrant for the first time. Datadog, a cloud monitoring SaaS platform vendor, has also risen sharply in the rankings with its powerful platform product portfolio. Cisco (AppDynamics) and IBM (Instana) dropped more notably. In addition, Alibaba Cloud became the only domestic vendor selected by virtue of its core APM product - Application Real-time Monitoring Service (ARMS). - [On June 6, Kubecost, a Kubernetes cost management company, joined forces with AWS and Google to submit a cost management open source project to CNCF—OpenCost](https://thenewstack.io/opencost-open-source-collaboration-on-kubernetes-cost-standards/) OpenCost aims to standardize cost tracking, allocation, and quantification, helping Kubernetes teams understand their infrastructure costs. The main features of OpenCost: Real-time allocation of costs according to various objects of Kubernetes, support for internal enterprise k8s clusters with custom pricing tables, support for resource allocation within the cluster, support for exporting pricing data to Prometheus, etc. Project address: - [June 3 survey: Service mesh gets mainstream, but interest in reading about the topic is declining](https://thenewstack.io/service-mesh-gets-boring-and-thats-a-good-thing/) According to a recent CNCF survey, service meshes have become a critical component of cloud native infrastructure, with 70% of respondents adopting service meshes in production or development. At the same time, a survey by the technology media the New Stack shows that as the technology matures, readers' interest in reading it is decreasing. Click to read ["CNCF MicroSurvey of Service Meshes" full version PDF](https://www.cncf.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/CNCF_Service_Mesh_MicroSurvey_Final.pdf) - [Serverless report June 2: Over 50% of AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform users are using Serverless](https://www.datadoghq.com/about/latest-news/press-releases/datadog-s-2022-state-of-serverless-report-finds-serverless-reaching-mainstream-adoption/) Datadog's recently released "Serverless Report 2022" found that serverless is in the mainstream adoption stage. As the product matures and more features and serverless container products are released, more and more organizations will adopt serverless. The report also found that nearly 40% of Datadog customers running on Google Cloud use Google Cloud Run, GCP's serverless container offering, a 4x increase from January 2020. Full report: - [On June 2, the NextArch Foundation's microservice standardization solution has been open source: support for different development languages and technical frameworks](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/PE0UexUAK-cg4CgMzQm3Jw) The solution to the standardization of microservice governance consists of two parts: one part is the standardized feature definition and best practices of service governance, and the other part is the standardized protocol and interface of the service governance plane and data plane. The standardized implementation consists of three parts: service governance control plane, data plane and development framework. The standardized solution is divided into eight parts: Standardized Spec construction, control plane support (PolarisMesh), data plane support (PolarisMesh), development framework support, go-zero, CloudWeGo/Kitex, GoFrame and Spring Cloud Tencent. Related project address: - Service Governance Standardization Spec: - PolarisMesh / polaris: - go-zero: - CloudWeGo/Kitex: - GoFrame: - Spring Cloud Tencent: - [On June 1, the Kube-OVN team released "2022 Cloud Native Network Trends"](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1MmzDfYyglzhqEtXxZF_3g) The cloud native network trend in 2022 has the following characteristics: it is difficult for a single CNI to meet the needs of all use cases, and specific network plug-ins will appear in different cases; Network helper components such as Submariner or Clusternet that do not rely on a specific CNI will continue to emerge; Some new software and hardware technologies such as eBPF and smart network cards will continue to integrate with K8s. In addition, traditional cloud native technologies will continue to enhance the capabilities of the entire cloud native network; The combination of software and hardware may play a huge advantage in different fields and specific cases. - [On June 1, CNCF released "kubernetes 2021Annual Report"](https://www.cncf.io/reports/kubernetes-annual-report-2021/) The report records quantitative metrics of the development status of the Kubernetes community in 2021: 62,000 people participated in contributions in the past year, a new SIG K8s Infra was added, etc.; A qualitative summary of reports from community leaders and project contributors is also documented: v1.21-1.24 Formal GA or features that have made significant progress, results achieved in supply chain security, plans for future work in the community (including establishment of "project health" metrics, addition of group reviewers, long-term contributions, etc.), and challenges faced by different SIGs Dilemma etc. - [In June, cloud-side collaborative innovation practice cases are being solicited (declaration method is attached)](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MZfKLH2Yc4JL5HzhqHCB6g) The Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology officially launched the collection of practice cases for distributed cloud and cloud-edge collaborative innovation in 2022. A batch of typical innovation cases will be selected and promoted through self-declaration, expert review, actual research/investigation, etc. The selection results will be officially released at the Cloud Edge Collaboration Conference in June this year. - [Notice of postponement of 2022 International Open Source Festival from May 31st to June 2nd](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/uRL4GJ-8LRHdFAn8xJ-zlQ) In view of the severe situation of the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic in China, the 2022 International Open Source Festival, which was originally scheduled to be held in Shanghai from May 31 to June 2, 2022, will be postponed to December. If there is any new progress, the organizer An announcement will be made. ### 2022-05 - [Gartner publishes Cool Vendors in Monitoring and Observability](https://www.gartner.com/en/doc/756867-cool-vendors-in-monitoring-and-observability) The report introduces four vendors expanding around the observability domain: - Cribl: Supporting enterprises to effectively manage large data sets generated by observability systems - Komodor: focused on capturing and correlating changes in Kubernetes environments - Observe: Supports exploration of event data through relational and temporal analysis - Rookout: Provides observability in production systems, allowing developers and SREs to access real-time information about application performance Click to read [full report](https://emtemp.gcom.cloud/ngw/globalassets/en/doc/documents/756867-cool-vendors-in-monitoring-and-observability.pdf) - [OpenLogic and the Open Source Initiative publish the 2021 Global Open Source Trends Report](https://www.openlogic.com/resources/2022-open-source-report#top) The report surveyed 2,660 corporate users around the world. Main contents of the report: - The top reason for users to use open source software is innovation, followed by cost reduction, and the security and availability of patches are also ranked high; - The number one barrier to open source software adoption is a lack of in-house skills to test, use, integrate and support; - The highest overall increase in usage is open source DevOps tools, with cloud native CI/CD tools seeing a significant increase in usage; - The most exciting new technologies are containers and Kubernetes, but only 18% of respondents are currently using Kubernetes, 39% are using cloud, and 29% are using containerization. Click to download [full report](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nGUluXwARnRK55-EG9WRfQ) Extraction code: ny5a - [On May 23, iResearch released the "2022 China Cloud Service Industry Application White Paper"](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/p_jlxYkr5JL8A34OxoLcSA) The report shows that the pan-Internet industry in the cloud service market accounts for the highest proportion, reaching 27%, followed by the government affairs and financial industries. The report focuses on the differentiated application of cloud services in various vertical industries from the perspectives of the supply side and the demand side. On the supply side, it studies the targeted solutions provided by manufacturers to meet the needs of customers in different industries. The demand side emphasizes the application form of cloud services in vertical industries. Click to read [full report](https://www.iresearch.com.cn/Detail/report?id=3997&isfree=0) - [On May 18, CNCF launched the cloud native network feature certification program](https://www.cncf.io/announcements/2022/05/18/cncf-launches-cloud-native-network-function-certification-program/) The Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) certification program is designed to help communications service providers and other telecommunications organizations identify which network equipment providers follow cloud native best practices. The CNF certification program runs using CNCF's CNF test suite and supports any product running in a certified Kubernetes environment. The CNF test suite is an open-source test suite (including Fluentd, Helm, Jaeger, Prometheus, etc.) used by telcos to verify their adherence to cloud native principles and best practices, such as immutable infrastructure and declarative APIs. - [Cloud native maturity model v2.0 released on May 18](https://www.cncf.io/blog/2022/05/18/cloud-native-maturity-model-2-0/) The Cloud Native Maturity Model was launched by the CNCF Community Cartografos Working Group to help adopters and end users navigate the CNCF landscape and the broader cloud native ecosystem. The maturity model consists of 5 levels, each covering people, process, policy and technology. The v2.0 update consists of three areas: - Added business results section: This section includes cloud native-related business goals, quantitative and qualitative KPIs, etc. - Process update: update GitOps and CI/CD related content - Technology update: working on improving security and integrating infrastructure as code Click to view [Cloud Native Maturity Model Form](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wn3qxV11wAoOMBFzigeCHEHrZqWHA8wG05zRWhW7RXQ/edit#gid=2147231259) - [NCF Security TAG released the latest version of cloud native security white paper on May 18](https://www.cncf.io/blog/2022/05/18/announcing-the-refreshed-cloud-native-security-whitepaper/) The CNCF Security TAG (Security Technical Advisory Group) released v2 of the Cloud Native Security White Paper to help the community understand best practices for securing cloud native deployments. The purpose of this white paper is to provide organizations and their technical leadership with a clear understanding of cloud native security, security across lifecycles, and considerations for determining the applicability of standards such as NIST SSDF. The content added in the new version is: - Secure Defaults Cloud Native 8: High-level guidance on implementing cloud native applications that are secure by default; - SSDF Version 1.1 Mapping: Mapping the practices and tasks of NIST SSDF to the Cloud Native Security Application Lifecycle; - ATT&CK Container Threat Matrix: Summarizes how the threat matrix provides the structure for the white paper guide. Click to view [Cloud Native Security White Paper v2](https://github.com/cncf/tag-security/blob/main/security-whitepaper/v2/CNCF_cloud-native-security-whitepaper-May2022-v2.pdf) - [IDC released the "China Public Cloud Service Market (Second Half of 2021) Tracking" report on May 17](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/661WOBEqawFreauUIzILNg) The report shows that in the second half of 2021, the overall market size of China's public cloud services (IaaS/PaaS/SaaS) will reach US$15.13 billion, of which the IaaS market will grow by 40.1% year-on-year, and the PaaS market will grow by 55.7% year-on-year. It is estimated that by 2026, China's public cloud market will reach US$105.76 billion, and its global share will increase from 6.7% in 2021 to 9.9%. The main characteristics of the development of China's public cloud market in the second half of the year are as follows: - Accelerated digital transformation of enterprises drives cloud demand to maintain a high growth trend - Growth slowdown in some Internet industries - Promotion of "Double Carbon" policy and data security regulations - Cloud service providers are moving towards sustainable development and industry ecological capacity building - [Cloud Native Meetup Chengdu Station opens on May 14](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/W0KmJ4lBxu7Qh5TQltHY0g) This year's second meetup will be held in Chengdu on May 14th. This Meetup was initiated by KubeSphere Community Chengdu User Committee, KubeSphere Community and SOFAStack Community, with the theme of "Cloud Native Technology Exchange". The topics of this event revolve around topics such as DevOps, container image, K8s hierarchical management, and cloud native application configuration. - [On May 13, OpenFunction, an open source function-as-a-service project of Qingyun, joined the CNCF sandbox project](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6StksDHsjbFbOYDRIMk0qg) Recently, OpenFunction passed the assessment of CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) and became a CNCF sandbox project. OpenFunction is a function-as-a-service FaaS project designed to help developers focus on business logic without worrying about the underlying operating environment and infrastructure. Users only need to submit a piece of code to generate event-driven, dynamically scalable Serverless workloads. - [Forrester survey, May 4: 96% of enterprises have faced cloud security problems](https://thenewstack.io/forrester-96-of-businesses-have-had-cloud-security-probs/) A Forrester survey of 154 cloud security practitioners from AWS and public cloud security firm Sonrai Security found that 96 percent of enterprises have faced cloud security issues, and 98 percent of attacks were related to the identities of the systems and services running cloud applications. In addition, cloud security problems commonly faced by enterprises include: traditional cloud security tools cannot be well integrated with the cloud, access control policies are too complex, regulatory compliance issues, and excessively authorized users. - [Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory Management & BPF Summit May 2-4](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/lsfmm/) The Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory Management and BPF Summit focuses on optimization improvements to the Linux filesystem, storage and memory management subsystems that will make their way into the mainline kernel and Linux distributions within 2-3 years of the conference. ### 2022-04 - [2022 Global Distributed Cloud Conference·Beijing Station will kick off in Beijing at the end of April (registration method is attached)](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7yn9HZ69kr7pHLXxBPL1CA) This conference will focus on the new trend of edge computing development, and will focus on the three core topics of edge cloud, 5G MEC, and edge acceleration. It will invite relevant companies that are deployed in the edge cloud and edge acceleration in North China to participate in the conference to help the edge of North China.Computing applications are widespread. - [On April 27, OpenFunction, an open source function-as-a-service project of Qingyun, became a CNCF sandbox project](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Fdujcfkv7VB1akmkzkZM9Q) On April 27th, OpenFunction passed the vote of the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) and officially entered the CNCF sandbox hosting. OpenFunction helps developers focus on business logic without worrying about the underlying operating environment and infrastructure. Users only need to submit a piece of code to generate event-driven, dynamically scalable Serverless workloads. - [Sealer became a CNCF Sandbox project on April 26, aiming to build a new standard for distributed app delivery](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/S18xq2OzTCDOup2m7VyaVg) On April 26, the CNCF TOC regular meeting voted and unanimously approved the sealer open source project to become a CNCF sandbox project. The sealer project was born in Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, aiming to solve the standardization of packaging, distribution and operation of distributed software. GitHub address: - [IstioCon 2022 Agenda Announced April 25-29](https://events.istio.io/istiocon-2022/) The agenda for IstioCon 2022 has been officially announced, and the event will be held online from April 25th to 29th. This meeting has Chinese speeches adapted to Beijing time. - [IstioCon 2022 opens April 25-29](https://events.istio.io/istiocon-2022/) From April 25th to 29th, Beijing time, the second IstioCon IstioCon was held as an online conference. 80+ service mesh technical experts from Huawei, Google, IBM and other companies brought 60+ technical sharing sessions. The conference focused on topics such as new features of the community, production implementation cases, hands-on combat, and community ecological development. - [Istio has applied to join the CNCF on April 25](https://istio.io/latest/blog/2022/istio-has-applied-to-join-the-cncf/) On April 25, with the support of the Istio committee, Google has submitted an application proposal for Istio to join the CNCF. The addition of Istio will make the cloud native stack more complete. - [On April 20, the cloud native virtual machine running project KubeVirt was upgraded to a CNCF incubation project](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UyewZQKTn_9jSa7ElN0B_w) The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee has voted to accept KubeVirt as a CNCF Incubating Project. KubeVirt is an open source project of Redhat that runs virtual machines in container mode. It uses k8s CRD to increase the resource type VirtualMachineInstance (VMI) in k8s add-on mode. Use container image registries to create virtual machines and provide VM lifecycle management. - [On April 18, Carina's local storage was recently selected into the CNCF Cloud Native Panorama](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/PnktW21267g6dSP49ARgjQ) Carina was officially open-sourced by Boyun in October 2021 and is a solution focused on local storage. Based on Kubernetes and LVM, Carina provides the local storage capabilities required for stateful applications such as databases and middleware to run in Kubernetes, reducing the operation and maintenance pressure of the storage system. GitHub address: - [On April 13, iResearch released the monthly report on cloud service industry trends and hot spots in March](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yPB5x6eSrkpt2mAk8X4Jqw) The monthly report is based on the observation of the dynamics of various tracks in the cloud service industry from January to March 2022, and it is concluded that SaaS is still the most popular investment focus. In the IaaS track, Internet cloud vendors still dominate the market. Both IaaS and SaaS vendors are involved in the development and application of PaaS platforms. In the PaaS subdivision track, low code has become popular. - [April 10: 2021 Research Report on Smart Marketing Under Cloud Native](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XHKCFq3Gm1tr22anbSnzNQ) As one of the core use cases of digital industrialization, intelligent marketing has been widely implemented in the digital transformation of enterprises. Facing the current situation of fragmentation of market solutions and improvement of customer demands, the integration of cloud native and intelligent marketing provides enterprises with better solutions. Click to download [full report](https://www.iresearch.com.cn/Detail/report?id=3892&isfree=0) - [Postponement of Cloud Native Meetup Chengdu Station on April 9](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9QuaMuWmce3Z-UX3056tRg) Due to the epidemic, the KubeSphere community announced that the Chengdu Meetup originally scheduled for April 9 will be postponed again. The final time will be notified separately depending on the development of the epidemic situation. Registration is still possible during this period. - [April 8 declaration starts! Call for Excellent Cases of "Distributed Cloud Panoramic Ecological Map" (declaration method attached)](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Rsm0mWA0GMneqCQcJ3aw1w) On the occasion of the 2022 Global Distributed Cloud Conference, the first phase of the "Distributed Cloud Panoramic Ecological Map" plan was officially launched. Collect excellent cases from the whole industry in the fields of edge computing, cloud native, database, distributed storage, etc. Selected companies will receive exclusive interviews and special reports organized by the Global Distributed Cloud Alliance. - [April 7, cloud native batch system Volcano was upgraded to CNCF incubation stage](https://www.cncf.io/blog/2022/04/07/cloud-native-batch-system-volcano-moves-to-the-cncf-incubator/) Volcano is a cloud native batch processing system and the first batch computing project of CNCF. On April 7th, the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept Volcano as a CNCF incubation project. [Download DCE 5.0](../../download/index.md){ .md-button .md-button--primary } [Install DCE 5.0](../../install/index.md){ .md-button .md-button--primary } [Free Trial](../../dce/license0.md){ .md-button .md-button--primary }