--- MTPE: Jeanine-tw Revised: Jeanine-tw Pics: NA Date: 2023-01-13 --- # Common commands This page explains how to use the spiderpoolctl program to debug from the CLI command line. - spiderpoolctl gc Trigger a garbage collection request to the spiderpool-controller. ```shell --address string [optional] address for spider-controller (default to service address) ``` - spiderpoolctl ip show Show the Pods that are using this IP. ```shell --ip string [required] ip ``` - spiderpoolctl ip release Try to release an IP. ```shell --ip string [optional] ip --force [optional] force release ip ``` - spiderpoolctl ip set Set the IP to be used by a Pod. This will update the ippool and workload endpoint resources. ```shell --ip string [required] ip --pod string [required] pod name --namespace string [required] pod namespace --containerid string [required] pod container id --node string [required] the node name who the pod locates --interface string [required] pod interface who taking effect the ip ```