# Sriov-network-operator [Sriov-network-operator](https://github.com/k8snetworkplumbingwg/sriov-network-operator) is an open-source project that aims to simplify the usage of SR-IOV technology by integrating the sriov-cni and sriov-device-plugin projects. It uses Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to configure and manage SR-IOV, making it easier for administrators to use. ## Components ```shell [root@controller1 ~]# kubectl get po -n sriov-network-operator -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES sriov-device-plugin-kw8rc 1/1 Running 0 62s worker1 sriov-network-config-daemon-nhmws 3/3 Running 0 76m worker1 sriov-network-operator-6955b75d8c-gmpcc 1/1 Running 0 67s controller1 ``` The Sriov-network-operator consists of the following components: - **sriov-operator**: This controller monitors changes in CRs and installs/configures the sriov-cni and sriov-device-plugin components. - **sriov-network-config-daemon**: This component interacts with the nodes to enable SR-IOV on the network interfaces and configure Virtual Functions (VFs). It contains the sriov-cni binary and copies it to the `/opt/cni/bin` directory on the host. - **sriov-device-plugin**: This component discovers the VFs available on the host and exposes them to the kubelet. ## Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) The Sriov-network-operator introduces two CRDs: **SriovNetworkNodeState**: This CRD discovers network interfaces on the host that support SR-IOV and writes them into the status field. Example: ```yaml apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1 kind: SriovNetworkNodeState metadata: creationTimestamp: "2023-06-25T07:01:04Z" generation: 4 name: worker1 namespace: sriov-network-operator ownerReferences: - apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1 blockOwnerDeletion: true controller: true kind: SriovNetworkNodePolicy name: default uid: 111e692f-cc3c-40da-aa28-de3a7f8f7c0e resourceVersion: "11353566" uid: d1bef95a-82c5-4a5c-8eb1-0ff7744eff0f spec: dpConfigVersion: "11351926" status: interfaces: - deviceID: "1017" driver: mlx5_core linkSpeed: 10000 Mb/s linkType: ETH mac: 04:3f:72:d0:d2:86 mtu: 1500 name: enp4s0f0np0 pciAddress: "0000:04:00.0" totalvfs: 8 vendor: 15b3 - deviceID: "1017" driver: mlx5_core linkSpeed: 10000 Mb/s linkType: ETH mac: 04:3f:72:d0:d2:87 mtu: 1500 name: enp4s0f1np1 pciAddress: "0000:04:00.1" totalvfs: 8 vendor: 15b3 syncStatus: Succeeded ``` The above example shows that the interfaces `enp4s0f0np0` and `enp4s0f1np1` on worker1 have SR-IOV capability and can be used to configure VFs for Pods. **SriovNetworkNodePolicy**: This CRD is used to configure the number of VFs and install the sriov-device-plugin component. Example: ```yaml apiVersion: sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1 kind: SriovNetworkNodePolicy metadata: annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: | {"apiVersion":"sriovnetwork.openshift.io/v1","kind":"SriovNetworkNodePolicy","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"policy1","namespace":"sriov-network-operator"},"spec":{"deviceType":"netdevice","nicSelector":{"pfNames":["enp4s0f0np0"],"vendor":"15b3"},"nodeSelector":{"kubernetes.io/os":"linux"},"numVfs":4,"resourceName":"sriov_netdevice"}} creationTimestamp: "2023-06-25T07:01:28Z" generation: 3 name: policy1 namespace: sriov-network-operator resourceVersion: "11350025" uid: b0513a9c-8c64-421d-97cc-d780fd7e8cec spec: deviceType: netdevice nicSelector: pfNames: - enp4s0f0np0 nodeSelector: kubernetes.io/hostname: 10-20-1-240 # Only effect to the node 10-20-1-240 numVfs: 4 # Desired VFs quantity resourceName: sriov_netdevice ``` - **spec.nicSelector.pfNames**: The list of PFs where the specified number of VFs will be created. - **spec.nodeSelector**: Specifies the nodes where this policy should be applied. Note: The sriov-device-plugin component will be installed on the specified nodes.