--- hide: - toc --- # Login infinite loop, error 401 or 403 The reason for this problem is: the Mysql database connected to ghippo-keycloak fails, causing `OIDC Public keys` to be reset In the global management version 0.11.1 and above, you can refer to the following steps to use `helm` to update the global management configuration file to return to normal. ```shell # Update the helm repository helm repo update ghippo # Backup ghippo parameters helm get values ​​ghippo -n ghippo-system -o yaml > ghippo-values-bak.yaml # Get the currently deployed ghippo version number version=$(helm get notes ghippo -n ghippo-system | grep "Chart Version" | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2 }') # Run the update operation to make the configuration file take effect helm upgrade ghippo ghippo/ghippo \ -n ghippo-system\ -f ./ghippo-values-bak.yaml \ --version ${version} ```