--- MTPE: Jeanine-tw Revised: Jeanine-tw Pics: Jeanine-tw Date: 2022-12-27 --- # What is Falco-exporter [Falco-exporter](https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco-exporter) is a Prometheus Metrics exporter for Falco output events. Falco-exporter is deployed as a DaemonSet on a Kubernetes cluster. If Prometheus is installed and running in the cluster, metrics provided by Falco-exporter will be automatically discovered. ## Install Falco-exporter This section describes how to install Falco-exporter. !!! note Before installing and using Falco-exporter, you need to [install](falco-install.md) and run Falco with gRPC output enabled (enabled by via Unix sockets by default). For more information on enabling gRPC output in Falco Helm Chart, see [Enabling gRPC](https://github.com/falcosecurity/charts/tree/master/falco#enabling-grpc). Please confirm that your cluster has successfully connected to the `Container Management` platform, and then perform the following steps to install Falco-exporter. 1. Click `Container Management`->`Clusters` in the left navigation bar, then find the cluster name where you want to install Falco-exporter. 2. In the left navigation bar, select `Helm Releases` -> `Helm Charts`, and then find and click `falco-exporter`. 3. Select the version you want to install in `Version` and click `Install`. 4. On the installation screen, fill in the required installation parameters. In the screen as above, fill in `application name`, `namespace`, `version`, etc. In the screen as above, fill in the following parameters: - `Falco Prometheus Exporter` -> `Image Settings` -> `Registry`: set the repository address of the falco-exporter image, which is already filled with the available online repositories by default. If it is a private environment, you can change it to a private repository address. - `Falco Prometheus Exporter` -> `Prometheus ServiceMonitor Settings` -> `Repository`: set the falco-exporter image name. - `Falco Prometheus Exporter` -> `Prometheus ServiceMonitor Settings` -> `Install ServiceMonitor`: install Prometheus Operator service monitor. It is enabled by default. - `Falco Prometheus Exporter` -> `Prometheus ServiceMonitor Settings` -> `Scrape Interval`: user-defined interval; if not specified, the Prometheus default interval is used. - `Falco Prometheus Exporter` -> `Prometheus ServiceMonitor Settings` -> `Scrape Timeout`: user-defined scrape timeout; if not specified, the Prometheus default scrape timeout is used. In the screen as above, fill in the following parameters: - `Falco Prometheus Exporter` -> `Prometheus prometheusRules` -> `Install prometheusRules`: create PrometheusRules to alert on priority events. It is enabled by default. - `Falco Prometheus Exporter` -> `Prometheus prometheusRules` -> `Alerts settings`: set whether alerts are enabled for different levels of log events, the interval between alerts, and the threshold for alerts. 5. Click the `OK` button at the bottom right corner to complete the installation.