# Service Integration with Nacos SDK This article explains how traditional microservices in different frameworks can integrate with the native Nacos SDK. ## Java (No Framework) 1. Add the dependency in your `pom.xml` file. The latest version currently is `2.2.2`. ```xml com.alibaba.nacos nacos-client ${latest.version} ``` 2. Add the code for service registration and discovery in your service: ```java // Add configuration variables: serverAddr (Nacos address, e.g., and namespace (Nacos namespace) Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty("serverAddr", System.getProperty("serverAddr")); properties.setProperty("namespace", System.getProperty("namespace")); NamingService naming = NamingFactory.createNamingService(properties); // Register an instance: provide the service name, IP, port, and group naming.registerInstance("sentinel-demo", "", 8888, "DEFAULT"); System.out.println(naming.getAllInstances("sentinel-demo")); naming.deregisterInstance("sentinel-demo", "", 8888, "DEFAULT"); System.out.println(naming.getAllInstances("sentinel-demo")); // Subscribe to a service to receive event notifications on changes naming.subscribe("sentinel-demo", new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) { System.out.println(((NamingEvent)event).getServiceName()); System.out.println(((NamingEvent)event).getInstances()); } }); ``` 3. If you need to add more features of Nacos, you can refer to [more usage methods](https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-examples/tree/master/nacos-client-example). ## Java (Spring Boot) Framework 1. Add the dependencies in your `pom.xml` file: ```xml com.alibaba.boot nacos-config-spring-boot-starter ${latest.version} ``` !!! note - Version [0.2.x.RELEASE](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.alibaba.boot/nacos-config-spring-boot-starter) corresponds to Spring Boot 2.x. - Version [0.1.x.RELEASE](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.alibaba.boot/nacos-config-spring-boot-starter) corresponds to Spring Boot 1.x. 2. Add the `bootstrap.yaml` configuration file in your project: ```yaml spring: application: name: demo nacos: config: data-id: test # Nacos configuration data ID server-addr: # Nacos server address group: DEFAULT_GROUP # Configuration file group namespace: public # Namespace ID type: yaml # Nacos configuration file type auto-refresh: true # Enable dynamic configuration refresh discovery: server-addr: # Nacos server address group: DEFAULT_GROUP # Group for application registration namespace: public # Nacos namespace ``` 3. Service Registration: No additional code is needed. Simply start the project and you will see the service listed in the service registry. 4. Add codes for Nacos configuration feature in service. 1. Login to the Nacos console and add a configuration file. 2. Add the following code to your controller: ```java @RestController @RequestMapping("config") public class Controller { @NacosValue(value = "${a.test}", autoRefreshed = true) private String name; @GetMapping("get") public String get() { return this.name; } } ``` 5. If you need to add more features of Nacos, you can refer to [more usage methods](https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-examples/tree/master/nacos-spring-boot-example). ## Java (Spring Cloud) Framework 1. Add the dependencies in your `pom.xml` file. Please refer to the version compatibility table: [Version Compatibility](https://github.com/spring-cloud-incubator/spring-cloud-alibaba/wiki/版本说明) ```xml com.alibaba.cloud spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config ${latest.version} com.alibaba.cloud spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery ${latest.version} ``` 2. Add the `bootstrap.yaml` configuration file in your project: ```yaml spring: application: name: demo --- spring: cloud: nacos: config: enabled: true server-addr: # Nacos server address name: test # Nacos configuration data ID group: DEFAULT_GROUP # Configuration file group namespace: public # Namespace ID file-extension: yaml # Configuration file extension discovery: enabled: true server-addr: # Nacos server address namespace: public # Namespace ID group: DEFAULT_GROUP # Application group name ``` Note: Make sure to adjust the `server-addr`, `group`, and `namespace` values according to your Nacos setup. 3. Add the code for Nacos service registration in your service: Add the `@EnableDiscoveryClient` annotation on your startup class to enable service registration with Nacos. ```java @SpringBootApplication @EnableDiscoveryClient public class NacosProviderApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(NacosProviderApplication.class, args); } } ``` 4. Add the code for dynamic configuration: 1. Add a configuration file in the Nacos console. 2. Add the `@RefreshScope` and `@Value` annotations to your controller. Using the `@RefreshScope` annotation from Spring Cloud enables auto-configuration. ```java @RestController @RequestMapping("config") @RefreshScope public class Controller { @Value(value = "${a.test}") private String name; @GetMapping("get") public String get() { return this.name; } } ``` Now, whenever the configuration is updated in the Nacos server, the `value` field will reflect the updated value without restarting the application. 5. If you need to add more features of Nacos, you can refer to [more usage methods](https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-examples/tree/master/nacos-spring-cloud-example). ## Go Framework To add the Nacos SDK to a Go microservice framework, you need to meet the following prerequisites: - Go version 1.15 or above - Nacos version 2.x or above Here are the steps to add the Nacos SDK: 1. Get the dependencies ```go $ go get -u github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/v2 ``` 2. Add the code for service registration in your service: ```go // Create ServerConfig, configure Nacos server address sc := []constant.ServerConfig{ *constant.NewServerConfig("", 8848, constant.WithContextPath("/nacos")), } // Create ClientConfig, configure client connection settings cc := *constant.NewClientConfig( constant.WithNamespaceId("public"), // Namespace ID constant.WithTimeoutMs(5000), // Timeout duration constant.WithLogDir("/tmp/nacos/log"), // Log directory constant.WithCacheDir("/tmp/nacos/cache"), // Nacos service cache directory constant.WithLogLevel("debug"), // Log level ) // Create NacosClient by providing ServerConfig and ClientConfig client, err := clients.NewNamingClient( vo.NacosClientParam{ ClientConfig: &cc, ServerConfigs: sc, }, ) // Register service registerServiceInstance(client, vo.RegisterInstanceParam{ Ip: "", Port: 8848, ServiceName: "demo.go", GroupName: "group-a", ClusterName: "cluster-a", Weight: 10, Enable: true, Healthy: true, Ephemeral: true, Metadata: map[string]string{"idc": "shanghai"}, }) // Deregister service deRegisterServiceInstance(client, vo.DeregisterInstanceParam{ Ip: "", Port: 8848, ServiceName: "demo.go", GroupName: "group-a", Cluster: "cluster-a", Ephemeral: true, // must be true }) ``` Make sure to adjust the IP address, port, service name, group name, cluster name, and other parameters according to your setup. 3. Configuration Loading ```go // Create ServerConfig, configure Nacos server address sc := []constant.ServerConfig{ *constant.NewServerConfig("", 8848, constant.WithContextPath("/nacos")), } // Create ClientConfig, configure client connection settings cc := *constant.NewClientConfig( constant.WithNamespaceId("public"), // Namespace ID constant.WithTimeoutMs(5000), // Timeout duration constant.WithLogDir("/tmp/nacos/log"), // Log directory constant.WithCacheDir("/tmp/nacos/cache"), // Nacos service cache directory constant.WithLogLevel("debug"), // Log level ) // Create NacosClient by providing ServerConfig and ClientConfig client, err := clients.NewNamingClient( vo.NacosClientParam{ ClientConfig: &cc, ServerConfigs: sc, }, ) // Get config content, err := client.GetConfig(vo.ConfigParam{ DataId: "test-data", Group: "test-group", }) fmt.Println("GetConfig, config: " + content) // Listen for config change, key = dataId + group + namespaceId err = client.ListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{ DataId: "test-data", Group: "test-group", OnChange: func(namespace, group, dataId, data string) { fmt.Println("Config changed, group: " + group + ", dataId: " + dataId + ", content: " + data) }, }) ``` Make sure to adjust the `DataId` and `Group` values according to your setup. 4. To add more features of Nacos, you can refer to [more usage methods](https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go). ## Python Framework 1. Get the dependencies ```sh pip install nacos-sdk-python ``` 2. Add codes ```python import nacos # Nacos server address SERVER_ADDRESSES = "" # Namespace ID NAMESPACE = "public" client = nacos.NacosClient(SERVER_ADDRESSES, namespace=NAMESPACE) # Register service client.add_naming_instance("test.service1", "", 8080, "testCluster2", 0.2, "{}", False, True) # Send heartbeat client.send_heartbeat("test.service", "", 8080, "testCluster2", 0.1, "{}") # Get config data_id = "dev-config" group = "DEFAULT_GROUP" # Global service configuration server_config = json.loads(client.get_config(data_id, group)) # When the service configuration changes def config_update(data): global server_config server_config = json.loads(data['content']) print('new data->', server_config) # Listen for service configuration changes client.add_config_watcher(data_id, group, config_update) ``` 3. If you need to add more features of Nacos, please refer to [more usage methods](https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-python). ## Node.js Framework 1. Add dependencies User version of `2.x` or higher ```shell npm install nacos --save ``` 2. Add code for service discovery ```js 'use strict'; const NacosNamingClient = require('nacos').NacosNamingClient; const logger = console; const client = new NacosNamingClient({ logger, serverList: '', // Nacos server address namespace: 'public', // Namespace ID }); await client.ready(); const serviceName = 'nodejs.test.domain'; // Register service await client.registerInstance(serviceName, { ip: '', port: 8080, }); await client.registerInstance(serviceName, { ip: '', port: 8080, }); // Subscribe to service client.subscribe(serviceName, hosts => { console.log(hosts); }); // Deregister service await client.deregisterInstance(serviceName, { ip: '', port: 8080, }); ``` 3. Add codes for dynamic configuration ```js import {NacosConfigClient} from 'nacos'; // ts const NacosConfigClient = require('nacos').NacosConfigClient; // js const configClient = new NacosConfigClient({ serverAddr: '', namespace: 'public', //namespace ID }); // get config file const content= await configClient.getConfig('test', 'DEFAULT_GROUP'); //dataID: test,group: DEFAULT_GROUP console.log('getConfig = ',content); // listen to config changes configClient.subscribe({ dataId: 'test', group: 'DEFAULT_GROUP', }, content => { console.log(content); }); ``` 4. If you need to add more features of Nacos, please refer to [more usage methods](https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-nodejs). ## C++ Framework 1. Download Dependencies Download the project [source code](https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-cpp) and follow the instructions below: ```sh cd nacos-sdk-cpp cmake . make ``` After executing the command, you will get a `libnacos-cli.so` and a `nacos-cli.out` file. 2. Run `make install` to install `libnacos-cli` into the `lib` directory. 3. Add code logic for service registration in your service code. ```c++ #include #include #include "Nacos.h" using namespace std; using namespace nacos; int main() { Properties configProps; configProps[PropertyKeyConst::SERVER_ADDR] = ""; // nacos server ip configProps[PropertyKeyConst::NAMESPACE] = "public"; // namespace ID NacosServiceFactory *factory = new NacosServiceFactory(configProps); ResourceGuard _guardFactory(factory); NamingService *namingSvc = factory->CreateNamingService(); ResourceGuard _serviceFactory(namingSvc); Instance instance; instance.clusterName = "DEFAULT"; instance.ip = ""; instance.port = 2333; instance.instanceId = "1"; instance.ephemeral = true; // Simulate Registering 5 Services try { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { NacosString serviceName = "TestNamingService" + NacosStringOps::valueOf(i); instance.port = 2000 + i; namingSvc->registerInstance(serviceName, instance); } } catch (NacosException &e) { cout << "encounter exception while registering service instance, raison:" << e.what() << endl; return -1; } sleep(30); // deregister services try { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { NacosString serviceName = "TestNamingService" + NacosStringOps::valueOf(i); namingSvc->deregisterInstance(serviceName, "", 2000 + i); sleep(1); } } catch (NacosException &e) { cout << "encounter exception while registering service instance, raison:" << e.what() << endl; return -1; } sleep(30); return 0; } ``` 4. Add codes for dynamic configuration ```c++ #include #include "Nacos.h" using namespace std; using namespace nacos; class MyListener : public Listener { private: int num; public: MyListener(int num) { this->num = num; } void receiveConfigInfo(const NacosString &configInfo) { cout << "===================================" << endl; cout << "Watcher" << num << endl; cout << "Watched Key UPDATED:" << configInfo << endl; cout << "===================================" << endl; } }; int main() { Properties props; props[PropertyKeyConst::SERVER_ADDR] = ""; //nacos地址 props[PropertyKeyConst::NAMESPACE] = "public"; // 命名空间ID NacosServiceFactory *factory = new NacosServiceFactory(props); ResourceGuard _guardFactory(factory); ConfigService *n = factory->CreateConfigService(); ResourceGuard _serviceFactory(n); MyListener *theListener = new MyListener(1);//You don't need to free it, since it will be deleted by the function removeListener n->addListener("dqid", "DEFAULT_GROUP", theListener);//dataID is "dqid", and group is "DEFAULT_GROUP". config changes will be watched cout << "Input a character to continue" << endl; getchar(); cout << "remove listener" << endl; n->removeListener("dqid", NULLSTR, theListener);//cancel listener getchar(); return 0; } ``` 5. If you need to add more features of Nacos, please refer to [more usage methods](https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-cpp/blob/master/README.md).