--- MTPE: WANG0608GitHub date: 2024-07-26 --- # Using Local Volumes without High Availability With HwameiStor, you can run stateful applications very easily. This page takes a MySQL application as an example to use HwameiStor as its local storage. ## Prerequisites - Hwameistor is installed successfully - StorageClass is created. If not, refer to [Create StorageClass](../../../kpanda/user-guide/storage/sc.md#create-storageclass-sc) After successful installation of HwameiStor, a StorageClass named `hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd` will be installed by default in the Helm chart, and the StorageClass can be used to create local PVs. 1. Click __Container Management__ to select a proper cluster to check its details. Click __Container Storage__ to select __StorageClass__ . ![sc01](../../images/sc01.jpg) 2. Click __View YAML__ to see the details. ```yaml apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: name: hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd parameters: convertible: "false" csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: xfs poolClass: HDD poolType: REGULAR replicaNumber: "1" striped: "true" volumeKind: LVM provisioner: lvm.hwameistor.io reclaimPolicy: Delete volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer allowVolumeExpansion: true ``` If the StorageClass fails to be created, you can [Create StorageClass via UI](../../../kpanda/user-guide/storage/sc.md#create-storageclass-sc) or by using YAML. You can run the following command to apply YAML if it is ready: ```sh kubectl apply -f examples/sc-local.yaml ``` ## Steps ### Create StatefulSet via UI 1. Click __Container Management__ to select a proper cluster and check the cluster details. Click __Container Storage__ to select __StatefulSets__ under __Workloads__ and click __Create By Image__ . ![imagecreate](../../images/imagecreate01.jpg) 2. After completing the __Basic Information__ , click __Create PVC Template__ and configure the following parameters: ![pvctmp](../../images/pvctmp01.jpg) - `Storage Classes`: Local storage classes you have created. - `Capacity`: The size of the local volume. - `Access Mode`: It is recommended to use ReadWriteOnce. - `Container Path`: The path where the data storage is mounted on the container. 3. Click __OK__ , and click __Next__ one by one to finish the creation wizard. After completion of the creation, click __PVC__ to check whether the volume status is normal. ![pvctmp02](../../images/pvctmp02.jpg) ### Create StatefulSet via YAML !!! note The following MySQL YAML file is from the [Kubernetes website repository](https://github.com/kubernetes/website/blob/main/content/en/examples/application/mysql/mysql-statefulset.yaml). Once HwameiStor and StorageClass are ready, you can run the following command to create the MySQL container and its volume: ```sh kubectl apply -f sts-mysql_local.yaml ``` Note that `volumeClaimTemplates` uses `storageClassName: hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd`: ```yaml spec: volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: data labels: app: sts-mysql-local app.kubernetes.io/name: sts-mysql-local spec: storageClassName: hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"] resources: requests: storage: 1Gi ``` and `schedulerName: hwameistor-scheduler`: ```yaml spec: template: spec: schedulerName: hwameistor-scheduler ``` ## View MySQL container and PVC/PV In this example, the MySQL container is scheduled to node `k8s-worker-3`. ```console $ kubectl get po -l app=sts-mysql-local -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE sts-mysql-local-0 2/2 Running 0 3m08s k8s-worker-3 $ kubectl get pvc -l app=sts-mysql-local NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE VOLUMEMODE data-sts-mysql-local-0 Bound pvc-accf1ddd-6f47-4275-b520-dc317c90f80b 1Gi RWO hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd 3m Filesystem ``` ## View the `LocalVolume` object By viewing `LocalVolume(LV)` with the same name as `PV`, you can see that the local volume is created on the node `k8s-worker-3`: ```console $ kubectl get lv pvc-accf1ddd-6f47-4275-b520-dc317c90f80b NAME POOL REPLICAS CAPACITY ACCESSIBILITY STATE RESOURCE PUBLISHED AGE pvc-accf1ddd-6f47-4275-b520-dc317c90f80b LocalStorage_PoolHDD 1 1073741824 Ready -1 k8s-worker-3 3m ``` ## [Optional] Scale the MySQL application into a three-node cluster HwameiStor supports the horizontal autoscaling of StatefulSet. The StatefulSet will mount an independent local volume: ```console $ kubectl scale sts/sts-mysql-local --replicas=3 $ kubectl get po -l app=sts-mysql-local -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE sts-mysql-local-0 2/2 Running 0 4h38m k8s-worker-3 sts-mysql-local-1 2/2 Running 0 19m k8s-worker-2 sts-mysql-local-2 0/2 Init:0/2 0 14s k8s-worker-1 $ kubectl get pvc -l app=sts-mysql-local -o wide NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE VOLUMEMODE data-sts-mysql-local-0 Bound pvc-accf1ddd-6f47-4275-b520-dc317c90f80b 1Gi RWO hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd 3m07s Filesystem data-sts-mysql-local-1 Bound pvc-a4f8b067-9c1d-450f-aff4-5807d61f5d88 1Gi RWO hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd 2m18s Filesystem data-sts-mysql-local-2 Bound pvc-47ee308d-77da-40ec-b06e-4f51499520c1 1Gi RWO hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd 2m18s Filesystem $ kubectl get lv NAME POOL REPLICAS CAPACITY ACCESSIBILITY STATE RESOURCE PUBLISHED AGE pvc-47ee308d-77da-40ec-b06e-4f51499520c1 LocalStorage_PoolHDD 1 1073741824 Ready -1 k8s-worker-1 2m50s pvc-a4f8b067-9c1d-450f-aff4-5807d61f5d88 LocalStorage_PoolHDD 1 1073741824 Ready -1 k8s-worker-2 2m50s pvc-accf1ddd-6f47-4275-b520-dc317c90f80b LocalStorage_PoolHDD 1 1073741824 Ready -1 k8s-worker-3 3m40s ```