# Local Disk Manager Local Disk Manager (LDM) is one of the modules of HwameiStor. `LDM` is used to simplify the management of disks on nodes. It can abstract the disk on a node into a resource for monitoring and management purposes. It's a daemon that will be deployed on each node, then detect the disk on the node, abstract it into local disk (LD) resources and save it to kubernetes. ![LDM architecture](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/en/docs/storage/hwameistor/img/ldm-en.png) At present, the LDM project is still in the `alpha` stage. ## Concepts LocalDisk (LD): LDM abstracts disk resources into objects in kubernetes. An `LD` resource object represents the disk resources on the host. LocalDiskClaim (LDC): This is a way to use disks. A user can add the disk description to select a disk for use. !!! note At present, LDC supports the following options to describe disk: - NodeName - Capacity - DiskType (such as HDD/SSD/NVMe) ## Usage 1. Get the LocalDisk information. ```bash kubectl get localdisk NAME NODEMATCH PHASE 10-6-118-11-sda 10-6-118-11 Available 10-6-118-11-sdb 10-6-118-11 Available ``` Get locally discovered disk resource information with three columns displayed. - **NAME:** represents how this disk is displayed in the cluster resources. - **NODEMATCH:** indicates which host this disk is on. - **PHASE:** represents the current state of the disk. Use `kubectl get localdisk -o yaml` to view more information about disks. 2. Claim available disks. 1. Apply a LocalDiskClaim. ```bash cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: hwameistor.io/v1alpha1 kind: LocalDiskClaim metadata: name: spec: description: # e.g. HDD,SSD,NVMe diskType: # the node where disks attached nodeName: # the owner of the allocated disks e.g. local-storage,local-disk-manager owner: EOF ``` Allocate available disks by issuing a disk usage request. In the request description, you can add more requirements about the disk, such as disk type and capacity. 2. Get the LocalDiskClaim information. ```bash kubectl get localdiskclaim ``` 3. Once the LDC is processed successfully, it will be cleanup by the system automatically. The result will be recorded in the `LocalStorageNode` if the owner is `local-storage`.