# Global Management Tutorials We have meticulously crafted the following video tutorials for the Global Management. We sincerely appreciate any feedback you may have. Thank you 🙏 > If any problem with the video display, please refresh your page or try to clear your browser cache. ## User and Access Control ### Create Users and Grant Permissions Refer to the [Create Users and Grant Permissions](../ghippo/user-guide/access-control/user.md) documentation page.
### Integration with LDAP Users and User Groups Refer to the [LDAP](../ghippo/user-guide/access-control/ldap.md) documentation page.
### Integration with OIDC Users Refer to the [OIDC](../ghippo/user-guide/access-control/oidc.md) documentation page.
## Workspaces and Hierarchy ### Manage Workspaces Refer to the [Manage Workspaces](../ghippo/user-guide/workspace/workspace.md) documentation page.
### Manage Folders Refer to the [Manage Folders](../ghippo/user-guide/workspace/folders.md) documentation page.
### Resource Quotas Refer to the [Resource Quotas](../ghippo/user-guide/workspace/quota.md) documentation page.
## Audit Logs ### Enable Audit Logs Refer to the [Enable Audit Logs](../ghippo/user-guide/audit/open-audit.md) documentation page.
### Disable Audit Logs Refer to the [Disable Audit Logs](../ghippo/user-guide/audit/open-audit.md#_4) documentation page.
## Platform Customization Refer to the [Appearance Customization](../ghippo/user-guide/platform-setting/appearance.md) documentation page.
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