# Insight Tutorials We have meticulously crafted the following video tutorials for Insight. We sincerely appreciate any feedback you may have. Thank you 🙏 > If any problem with the video display, please refresh your page or try to clear your browser cache. ## Installing insight-agent Refer to the [Installing insight-agent](../insight/quickstart/install/install-agent.md) documentation page.
## Dashboard Refer to the [Dashboard](../insight/user-guide/dashboard/dashboard.md) documentation page.
## Container Monitoring Refer to the [Container Monitoring](../ghippo/user-guide/workspace/folders.md) documentation page.
## Scenario Monitoring Refer to the [Installing Insight Agent](../insight/quickstart/install/install-agent.md), [Enhance Applications without Intrusion Using Operator](../insight/quickstart/otel/operator.md), [Distributed Tracing](../insight/user-guide/trace/trace.md), and other related documents.
## Log Query Refer to the [Log Query](../insight/user-guide/data-query/log.md) documentation page.
## Event Query Refer to the [Event Query](../insight/user-guide/infra/event.md) documentation page.
## Alert Center Refer to the [Alert Center](../insight/user-guide/alert-center/alert-policy.md) documentation page.
## System Management Refer to the [Modify System Configuration](../insight/user-guide/system-config/modify-config.md) documentation page.
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