# Container Management Video Tutorial We have crafted the following video tutorials for container management, any kind of feedback is welcome, thanks 🙏 > If there is a problem with the video display, please refresh the page, or try to clear the browser cache. ## Clusters ### Cluster Integration Refer to the [Cluster Integration](../kpanda/user-guide/clusters/integrate-cluster.md) documentation page.
### Create Cluster Refer to the [Create Cluster](../kpanda/user-guide/clusters/create-cluster.md) documentation page.
### Cluster Upgrade Refer to the [Cluster Upgrade](../kpanda/user-guide/clusters/upgrade-cluster.md) documentation page.
## Namespace Exclusive Nodes Refer to the [Namespace Exclusive Nodes](../kpanda/user-guide/namespaces/exclusive.md) documentation page.
## Workloads ### Create Stateless Workload Refer to the [Create Stateless Workload](../kpanda/user-guide/workloads/create-deployment.md) documentation page.
### Manage Helm Applications Refer to the [Manage Helm Applications](../kpanda/user-guide/helm/helm-app.md) documentation page.
### Create Metric-based HPA Policy Refer to the [Create Metric-based HPA Policy](../kpanda/user-guide/scale/create-hpa.md) documentation page.
## Backup and Restore Install the Velero plugin to achieve application backup and restore across clusters.
## GPU
## HwameiStor Storage Refer to the [HwameiStor Introduction](../storage/hwameistor/intro/index.md) documentation page. You can also find this video uploaded on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/6D1vgj86hHY).
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