# Install Virtual Machine Module This page explains how to install the virtual machine module. !!! info The term __virtnest__ appearing in the following commands or scripts is the internal development code name for the global management module. ## Configure Helm Repo Helm-charts repository address: ```shell helm repo add virtnest-release https://release.daocloud.io/chartrepo/virtnest helm repo update virtnest-release ``` If you want to experience the latest development version of virtnest, then please add the following repository address (the development version of virtnest is extremely unstable) ```shell helm repo add virtnest-release-ci https://release-ci.daocloud.io/chartrepo/virtnest helm repo update virtnest-release-ci ``` ## Choose a Version that You Want to Install It is recommended to install the latest version. ```shell [root@master ~]# helm search repo virtnest-release/virtnest --versions NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION virtnest-release/virtnest 0.6.0 v0.6.0 A Helm chart for virtnest ``` ## Create a Namespace ```shell kubectl create namespace virtnest-system ``` ## Perform Installation Steps ```shell helm install virtnest virtnest-release/virtnest -n virtnest-system --version 0.6.0 ``` ## Upgrade ### Update the virtnest Helm Repository ```shell helm repo update virtnest-release ``` ### Back up the --set Parameters > Before upgrading the virtnest version, we recommend executing the following command to backup the --set parameters of the previous version ```shell helm get values virtnest -n virtnest-system -o yaml > bak.yaml ``` ### Perform Helm Upgrade ```shell helm upgrade virtnest virtnest-release/virtnest \ -n virtnest-system \ -f ./bak.yaml \ --version 0.6.0 ``` ## Uninstall ```shell helm delete virtnest -n virtnest-system ```